God's Story of Redemption
Coming home is always good…seeing the old Highlands County crew always bring to mind a story…
You know anytime you are wakened in the middle of the night you know nothing good is about to happen…(THE GREAT PILLOW FIGHT STORY)
That is a great story, Don’t you love listening to a great storyteller? My Grandfather is a good storyteller.
All good storytellers know:
· How to draw you in
· Reveal a crisis or dilemma
· Introduce the hero
· The hero saves the day
That is what makes movies like GLADIATOR AND BRAVEHEART so compelling.
Stories RESONATE with us so deeply because we are hard-wired for drama. (No…not like Ewww, uh-un…)
As good as my grandfathers stories are, they pale in comparison to the story that God is weaving in each of our lives…
· Creation
· Fall & Unstrained Evil
· A new start (Noah) and the promise of a hero (Isaiah 61:1 & 65:1)
· Salvation is Here!
· Our turn to change the world.
I need to speak to two groups of people:
1. The ones who know their place in the story… Jesus left most of the world’s problems unresolved. (He changed us so that we could change the world.)
2. The ones who haven’t found their place in the story yet. (From the beginning of time to this very moment God has been in a passionate pursuit of a relationship with YOU!)