The Future's so Bright I Gotta Wear Shades
1 PETER 1: 1-2
I. Introduction
a. Peter’s message
i. It is one of encouragement for suffering saints.
1. Because Jesus suffered for us and entered into His glory, so their suffering will be transformed into glory.
ii. Grace is a key word. Grace marks the whole of the Christian pilgrimage. It begins w/ grace and it is consummated by grace.
1. W/ God’s grace we will be lead to glory.
iii. Suffering, grace and glory are interwoven to create a message of hope.
II. Introducing the Central Figure
a. Apostle: A messenger, one who is sent on behalf of another. A special envoy.
i. Not a letter of self-promotion
b. Jesus Christ
i. Christ.
1. From an OT concept as the Anointed One. The One who would deliver from bondage, as the One who would bring salvation
2. NOT: The philosopher, humanitarian, good example, inspiring historical figure
3. HE IS: the promised deliverer who brings salvation and access to God by His victorious cross, res and exaltation. His death brings remission of sins and res the regeneration to eternal life.
c. Peter brings not a message from Rome but a message from the King of glory.
III. The Recipients: Hated by Rome, Privileged of God
a. Aliens: Key concept for today. (NIV, living as foreigner)
i. Important OT concept
1. Spoke of Jews scattered outside the Holy Land who longed to return to their home when their temporary stay had concluded.
ii. Main thought: Peter is emphasizing that we are temporary residents of the world. Citizens of heaven not permanent residents of the earth.
1. It is not surprising that they would feel strange living among pagan neighbors. No wonder others did not understand them
a. Their culture, custom and speech were foreign.
b. Because Christians are “strangers” they are considered strange. Our standards, values, are diff
i. This brings opportunity for witness and warfare.
iii. Set your mind and priorities on things of home
1. Others should know that we are heading somewhere else, beyond the grave. We have an eternal perspective.
iv. Summary: When we see ou/s as foreigners it is not difficult to see why others would not understand us.
b. Elect according to foreknowledge
i. Peter makes no attempt to explain further.
ii. “Chosen beforehand” by the foreknowledge of God (Ephesians 1:4-5).
iii. What this means
1. Your citizenship is not an accident.
a. Christians are God’s elect not by chance or human design but by God’s sovereign, unconditional choice.
b. This took place in the deep councils of eternity,
2. It is a work wholly of God.
a. Citizenship is rooted in the character of God
b. Not bestowed by any human agency
i. Therefore it cannot be removed, stolen, lost or refused.
3. Nero cannot rescind it, governors cannot revoke it, and Satan cannot steal it.
a. Rejected by Rome but chosen and elect by Almighty God.
c. By Means of the Sanctifying Work of the Holy Spirit.
i. To set apart (for special use)
1. The Father elects in eternity past. We are set apart by the work of the Holy Spirit. (2 Thessalonians 2:13)
2. The Spirit called us, convicted, strengthened to confess.
a. At conversion we were filled w/ God’s Spirit (a down payment) and given everything we need for life and Godliness (2 Peter 1:3)
ii. Summary: Chosen by the Father in eternity past, set apart by the Spirit at the moment of regeneration.
d. For the Purpose of obedience and purity.
i. Do not think election is to some privileged class. Election is unto obedience.
1. One is chosen and set apart for a purpose. To follow Jesus.
ii. Sprinkling of blood is a reference to purification from sin
e. Summary: Notice the Trinity
i. Chosen by the Father, Set apart by the Holy Spirit, and Purified by the Son.
ii. While some may be thinking you strange, others may seek your downfall; the King of all Glory has made certain that your citizenship in His kingdom is absolutely secure.
IV. Conclusion
a. Grace and Peace be yours in the fullest
i. Grace: the free favor of God
ii. Peace: Not the absence of turmoil but security in its midst.
b. While many may despise and reject God has chosen you for His own
i. While the present may look dark, the future is so bright I gotta wear shades.