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Empowered for Witness: The Promise and Purpose of the Holy Spirit
Empowered for Witness: The Promise and Purpose of the Holy Spirit
Bible Passage: Acts 1:1–9
Bible Passage: Acts 1:1–9
Summary: In Acts 1:1-9, Jesus gives His disciples final instructions before His ascension, promising the Holy Spirit and commissioning them to be His witnesses.
Application: This passage reminds Christians today of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives, empowering them to fulfill their mission as witnesses for Christ amidst modern challenges.
Teaching: The sermon teaches that the Holy Spirit is essential for effective witness to the gospel, and emphasizes the call to be active participants in spreading the message of Jesus.
How this passage could point to Christ: This passage connects to the Christological theme of Jesus as the promised Messiah who sends the Spirit to empower His followers, fulfilling the prophecies of the Old Testament concerning the gift of the Spirit.
Big Idea: We are called to be empowered witnesses of Christ through the Holy Spirit, who transforms and equips us for the mission ahead.
Recommended Study: As you prepare your sermon, consider exploring the specific role of the Holy Spirit in Acts using your Logos library. Pay attention to intertextual connections to Old Testament prophecies about the Spirit and the themes of empowerment in the early church. Additionally, review commentaries that address the nature of the baptism of the Holy Spirit and its implications for the believers' witness.
1. Christ's Continuing Commission
1. Christ's Continuing Commission
Acts 1:1-3
You could explain how Jesus began His work through the Gospels and continued it through His disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit. Emphasize that the Holy Spirit is the continuation of Christ's earthly ministry, providing power for believers to carry on His mission. This could encourage congregants to recognize the Spirit's role in their own lives as they are called to continue Jesus's work.
2. Commissioned to Wait
2. Commissioned to Wait
Acts 1:4-5
Perhaps, highlight Jesus’s instruction to wait for the Holy Spirit, illustrating the importance of divine timing and preparation in ministry. Discuss how this waiting period underscores reliance on God's power rather than our own capabilities. Encourage the audience to be patient and seek God's empowerment thr
Imagine a time in your life when you felt lost or alone, like a ship stranded in the open sea. Suddenly, the wind shifts, and a fresh breeze fills your sails. That’s the moment the Holy Spirit comes into our lives, guiding us towards purpose and clarity, just as He did on the Day of Pentecost, filling the followers with courage and direction. The arrival of the Holy Spirit is like that transformative wind – not just a feeling, but an empowering presence that ignites our faith.
ough the Spirit for their personal mission fields.
3. Commissioned for Witness
3. Commissioned for Witness
Acts 1:6-8
You could focus on the disciples' question about restoring the kingdom and Jesus’s redirection towards receiving power from the Holy Spirit to be His witnesses. Discuss the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, enabling believers to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth. Encourage listeners to embrace their identity as witnesses in their daily lives, empowered by the Spirit.
4. Commissioned in Ascension
4. Commissioned in Ascension
Acts 1:9
Maybe, draw the congregation’s attention to Jesus’s ascension, representing His exaltation and the commencement of the church's mission. Emphasize the assurance that while Jesus ascended to the Father, His presence remains through the Holy Spirit, empowering the church to fulfill its divine mission. Inspire the church to act with confidence in the Spirit's abiding presence as they carry out their witness.