Jesus Genealogy (2)
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Opening- Matthew 1:1-17
What led me to preach on this for christmas?
Got to thinking about families and how the holidays always bring out the best in everyone or the worst and the crazy relatives come to visit
We always here about the birth this time of year but what about all the generations that led up to that moment?
Its important that we understand how God orchestrated everything and how he uses all the individuals in there own story as well as the final story.
Its also pretty cool and you will all agree when we get done here that there is a reason that they open up the new testament with the genealogy of Jesus not only does answer alot of questions about who he is but it closes out the Old Testament and shows us how important it really is.
Why did Matthew Include it?
Why did Matthew Include it?
He was a tax collector so documents and records were very important to him
Very common in Jewish Culture to describe a mans life
Lots of these lists found in Genesis
Purity came from your lineage
only way to be included in Gods People
When we walk through the some of the key people we will see that Matthew included women on the list and not just any women but gentiles to boot
Hugely important to a Jew to see that Jesus can be traced back to Abraham
It tells a story to the people reading it at that point in history
not just a bunch of random names but history to them
it would be like talking about our founding fathers or Lewis and Clark
Before we Dive in
Before we Dive in
One of the main things we need to remember is God used alot of Broken People to lead up to Jesus
His pedigree isnt perfect especially to the Jews of the time
As a jew read through this there is alot of people that would have made there skin crawl or they were not proud of at all
Alot of these stories have untied up endings looking for some sort of completions
The genealogy can be divided up into 3 main groups
Human Beings Were born for Greatness
Human Beings lost There Greatness
Human Beings can regain their Greatness
Jewish Origin
Jewish Origin
Going to skip some people because of time and alot of them I can’t actually pronounce there names
Its going to seem like I am focusing on the bad of alot of these people but remember they also did great things as well Im just doing what time will allow me to
Abraham “Father Abraham”
Telling the kings that he was Saras brother
Not Patient
Slept with servant to get a child even though God promised him and Sarah a child
The Good
Willing to sacrifice Isacc when the time came
Mirrors God and Jesus sacrifice
Also connects the dots that Abraham is the source of blessing for all peoples
Tricked Esau into giving him his birthright
He dresses up as Esau and tricks a blind Isacc his father into giving him Esaus blessing
Jacob then has to flee the area
Jacob marries Rachel and Leah 2 sisters the plot thickens more here
Long story but he loved Rachel and not Leah the father got him to marry both for wages
To give Jacob full credit and there is a good ending to his story his brother pursues him and in his moment of dispair he wrestles with God in a dream and wakes with a limp but he also is reconciled through all that
Reconciles with his brother and gets his forgiveness
Jacobs son but from Leah not Rachel so was not one of his favorites
Judah was the one who came up with the idea to sell Joseph
Joseph was the favorite son and the one who out of all this goes to work for Pharoah and at the end is actually put in control of his brothers lives
You would think that Jesus would be a decendant of this brother but God had other plans he likes stories with unperfect people
Needless to say Judah made a bad decision there
There is more to Judahs story and will be tied to our first Woman in the lineage of Jesus
Reminder that this is huge that there is a woman included on the list not a jewish custom at all
Marries Judahs oldest son but he dies
Jewish custom to give the next brother a chance and that doesnt work
Still one more son but for fear that he may also die Judah sends her off but she is still tied to the family
Dresses as a prostitute and tricks Judah into sleeping with her and then becomes pregnant
She gives birth to twin boys Perez and Zarah
The next guy on our list that I want to focus on is in verse 5 Salmon… he was a little fishy
Actually its not Salmon but Rahab the Harlot or loose woman
Suprise another woman Rahab the prostitute also a Gentile Cannanite woman
This is pretty huge because the Israelites hated the Cannanites
Agreed to help some of Joshua spies escape the city of Jericho she lived in before the army attacked in return that her family be spared
Again another beautiful story of someone reconciling before God and being used in the most amazing lineage ever.
Ruth is next on the list and spoiler alert she is another Gentile Woman!!
The story of Ruth is actually quite beautiful one
Ruth was a Moabite woman who chose to accompany her aging mother-in-law, Naomi, to Israel even though she would be a stranger there. Ruth’s devotion to Naomi resulted in her gaining a husband (Boaz) and son (Obed) and becoming an ancestress of King David (Ruth 4:21–22). Ruth’s place in Jesus’ genealogy hints at the universality of Jesus’ mission, as the law forbade Moabites from entering the Lord’s assembly
1, 2, skip a few and we land on David
This is very important just as Abraham was at the beginning. It makes it known that Jesus was the son of David that the people were searching for. He is referred to several times in the New Testament as the Son of David
The Jewish people dreamed of this son of David and waited patiently for him to arrive
We all know the story of David
Becomes great leader
becomes a great king
very faithful to the lord
but breaks 3/10 commandments
And lusting after ones neighbor
I love how matthew adresses it in the lineage
Bethsheba isnt actually wrote out in the genealogy but is referred to as Uriah’s wife
Also a gentile woman.... Uriah the Hittite
Huge dagger to an jewish person reading it
One commentary i listened to about this topic actually put a different spin on it where Bethsheba plays a bigger role
Next we see Solomon
Referred to as one of the wisest men to ever live
Also had a tendenancy to enjoy lifes pleasuers as well
But he also wrote 2 books of the bible
Then we see a whole bunch of names that lead through the exile to Babylon
They messed up enough that God said ok and leaves them alone for a very long time
Things begin to turn around in verse 13 with Zerrubabel he was shown favor and was able to return and begin rebuilding the temple
Follow it on down and you end up at Jesus
lots of great stories in the text but cant talk about them all.
The Three Stages
The Three Stages
The First one being Human Beings were born for Greatness
We are Created in Gods image
God wants us to be great or he would not put so much time and creativity into life
God just wants us to fellowship with him
We see that in the early stories of the bible again and again
We see Gods presence everywhere
The Second is Human Beings Lost there Greatness
Instead of serving God they chose to become slaves of sin
Men and Women used there free will to disobey God and make there own way rather than follow him
The Third thing is Human Beings can Regain their Greatness
God did not leave us in the end
He did not allow us to destroy ourselves
He sent his only son to rescue us from ourselves
All so that we can restored to a place of fellowhip with him in his image!
In his Geneaogy Matthew shows us the royalty of Kingship gained, the tragedy of freedom, the glory of liberty restored and that in the mercy of God is the story of all humanity and of every individual.
The last thing I want to touch is the Genealogy proves that Jesus is for everyone
We see it addressed in the Gospel of Matthew before the birth of Jesus is even discussed he proves some big things and powerful things by writing out the lineage of Jesus
Is proven in the women Matthew chose to include
Like I said earlier this was not customary
We see the barrier between Jew and Gentile fall
We see the barrier between man and woman fall
And the barrier bewtween saint and sinner is removed
Matthew makes it very clear to the whole audience that Barriers are now removed that this Messiah is for everyone
Its so influential that Matthew begins the New Testament with this genealogy and what proves and also sets the stage for it would have been a real eye opener for the people of the time that had waited and waited on the messiah
I mentioned at the beg we see lots of loose endings in the OT but all those are completed with Jesus all the endings are now tied together
We see this genealogy begin with Abraham being called by God to sacrifice his son and God provides the ram to sacrifice and then we see it again at the end God again provides the ultimate sacrifice for all so that we can again be in Fellowship with him
Merry Christmas