Difficult Goodbye: Luke 24:51-52
They worshipped him, and returned to Jerusalem with great joy…
Why? Jesus who they’ve followed for 3 years, who they’ve given up their occupations for has just vanished, what about that would make them joyful?
Maybe you think you know the answer, but I think you don’t. I think you’re going to say, but He’s coming back and you’re right, but you’re wrong.
Your wrong, because the fact that Jesus is coming back, simply isn’t enough to make them be joyful at his leaving.
I want to suggest to us something strange, maybe. And when we see life in this strange way - it will help make sense of the joy of Jesus ascension.
While Jesus was on earth, He was fulfilling all the prophecy of Him in the Old Testament.
It’s not the final , where we’ll later be re-united, rather it’s the beginning of the realization of the amazing plan of God to make a way by faith, to live in an age where we get to invite people from every tribe, tongue, and nation
Joy Beyond The Veil