A Time of Examination

Such a Time as This  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  54:03
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Today as we close out the year, and by extension, our theme ‘Such a Time as This’, we are going to look a variety of different directions: We’ll look
Behind us
Before us
At us
Within us
Lastly - but most importantly - unto Heaven
(Scripture background)

I. A Time to Regard

I think it’s important to recognize the people involved in this passage of Scripture.
It’s spoken first to a Sanctified People
To a Sanctified People
Whenever we examine the OT, one correlation that we can draw is the COI THEN, to the church TODAY.
(The COI are NOT the church, nor can we claim specific promises made unto them). However, for illustrative purposes, we can see the similarities between God’s chosen, sanctified people in the OT - the COI, and God’s chosen, sanctified people in the NT - the church.
That being said, we see that the message that God is giving is unto a Sanctified people.
A people who have been called out.
A people who were blood bought
A people who were miraculously saved
A people who God set aside for a particular purpose
This is who the message was directed to.
As we examine the message, I want you to put yourself in the shoes of one of the COI who were present in that day.
The message was to a Sanctified People
From a Sovereign God
Joshua said: ‘Thus saith THE LORD God of Israel’
Let’s break down this for a moment:
‘Thus saith- Joshua is saying in essence ‘These are HIS Words - not mine’
‘THE’ - Not ‘one of’, but ‘the’ - the one and only
Now, as we will see, it’s not the only one they worshipped, but it’s the only one to whom has Created them, and to whom they will give account to!
‘LORD’ - (def) self-Existent; Eternal (Jehovah)
‘GOD’ - (def) the Supreme God (Eloheem)
‘of Israel’ - their relationship unto Him - He was THEIR GOD
This statement lays down the foundation to which the message would come.
God - THE God - THEIR God - is speaking to them!
This message was from a Sovereign God - but it was through a Fleshly Servant
Through a Fleshly Servant
Know this: God did not descend down from Heaven, stand before the people and proclaim unto the ears of those there the message He wanted them to hear. He sent the message through a proxy.
Other than the 3.5 years that Christ ministered upon the face of the earth, and very rare instances prior to, this is the way that God has chosen to render His message unto mankind - before and since Jesus!
Now, Joshua was an honorable man. But he was just a man - flesh & bones.
Church I am but a man. I don’t claim to be honorable, special or sinless. I am nothing special as far as what this world sees. But like Joshua - I carry a message from Heaven. I submit myself unto the LORD God of Creation and serve as His mouthpiece to deliver the message that He has for this people.
Church, if you know me, I’ve never claimed to be special. Never claimed supernatural wisdom or powers. I’m but flesh - but the message I carry IS special. it IS supernatural - not because of me, but IN SPITE OF ME!
So you’re faced with a decision today - to either reject the message because of the messenger or regard the message BECAUSE OF THE FOUNDATION - THE MESSAGE ITSELF!
This message was from a Sovereign God, to a Sanctified people through a Fleshly Servant.
We see a Time to Regard. Now, let’s look at the Message. He begins with a Time for Reflection

II. A Time for Reflection

This is the ‘looking back’ if you will.
The past is a point of reference
A Point of Reference
Now I want to quote this sign that I saw at one point that says ‘The Past is a place of Reference, not a place of residence.
In other words, we cannot live in our past. - Whether our past is good or bad, it’s not a place where we can reside, it’s only a place from which we can reflect.
(Ill.) There are some who bask in the glory days of old. Maybe the star athlete who had all the girls fawning over them.
Then there are the others who messed up and can’t ever seem to get over it.
Either way, you can only reflect on the past - you cannot reside there and live a healthy life.
Joshua begins with their past.
Of Where they Came From (v2-3)
We see that Joshua speaks to the spiritual heritage to which these people had. Terah & Nachor - Abraham’s daddy & granddaddy worshipped & served false gods. God is reminding them of that.
In other words - God is saying ‘Listen, I GAVE you a Solid, Spiritual heritage’.
Listen, some of you ought to bend the knee and thank God for the solid, Spiritual heritage that you’ve been given!
(Ill.) In here, we have 2nd, 3rd, 4th generation Christians. Listen, that’s a gift from God! What a blessing it is to hear Mrs. Millie speak about her mother and having that Godly influence in her life!
But also, if you’ve been born again - you ought to pause for a moment and reflect on where you came from Spiritually!
(Ill.) Church, do you know where I came from? The same place you did - I was called out of Egypt! I was lost and undone without God, and without hope - then Jesus rescued me! The blood was applied and God brought me out of bondage!
If you’ve been born again, you’d best not forget just where you came from! But not only that, consider What Could have Been!
Of What Could have Been
Where would the COI be had God NOT called Abraham?
Where would the COI be had God called a Canaanite instead?
Where would YOU be if not for Jesus? Have you ever considered that?
(Ill.) There’s a song called ‘Thank God for the Preacher’. As I walk down the sidewalk; Of a sin-stricken city I see the misfortunes of men A man in the gutter; lying there lifeless Clutching a bottle in his hand He was some mother's darling; Maybe some young man's father But now he's a prisoner to sin No hugs in the morning; and no family altar He's gets by the best that he can Thank God for the preacher Who told me of Jesus For I'd be a beggar If not for His grace Lord, help me show others Your love and Your mercy Make my life a witness To others I pray
I hear that song and tears well up in my eyes as I know that without Christ rescuing me, that’s how I would have been!
As we reflect on where we came from, we must consider what Could have been
A Place of Remembrance
So as we Reflect on Where we’ve been, we must Remember what God has Done
of What God has Done
As we go down through the words of Joshua, we find that God describes several things that He’s done for the COI:
He brought them Out of Bondage (v4-7a)
If you’ve been born again, praise God that He’s brought you out of bondage as well!
He Led them Through the Wilderness (v7b)
Even through their disobedience and rebellion, God brought them through! He still provided their necessities for them - food, water, clothing!
Aren’t you glad we have a God that loves us enough to provide for our needs!
He Provided them Victories (v8-10)
Even while in the wilderness, God gave them victories over the Amorites, Moabites, Balaam.
Church, I’m thankful that I can look back and see victories that God has given me! As undeserving as I am!
(Ill.) As I look back on this year, it’s been a difficult year in some respects, but a most blessed year indeed - one of the great victories of answered prayer attempts to out-preach me every Sunday!
He Gave them the Promised Land (v11-13)
God gave them a place to settle this side of Heaven.
(Ill.) I examine what God has done for me in providing the house, I feel as though He did so much like He did for the COI in v13 -
Church, we need to remember what God has done for us! It’s when we forget when we fail to give the Thanksgiving that He deserves!
Joshua gives them a Time of Reflection
A Time to Regard, A Time for Reflection, next - A Time for Recognition

III. A Time for Recognition

Here we’re going to consider just one word… v14 - ‘Now…’
Joshua said ‘This was then… NOW’
What we must do is Recognize our Present Condition
Examining your Present
Each one of us is somewhere on our own path of Spiritual journey. Some are here, others are there - but all of us ‘somewhere’.
Make no mistake - self-reflection is ABSOLUTELY VITAL TO CHRISTIAN GROWTH!
What is Problematic
These are the things that need corrected immediately.
For some, what needs corrected is the path they are on entirely.
Jesus spoke of two paths: Matthew 7:13–14 “Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
Some of you need to get off the broad way & get on the narrow. It’s not hard, it’s narrow. Jesus said it otherwise in: John 14:6 “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”
If you’re on the broad way, that’s a problem - that needs corrected immediately.
This is not a problem for Christians. If you’ve been born again, you may still have plenty of things that need corrected - but this isn’t one of them.
There are things for a Christian that are certainly problematic that you need to address. Some might consist of:
Habitual sin in your life
Neglecting your Spiritual life altogether (Church, prayer, Bible, witnessing)
In essence: Having no time for God
We all need to take some time and examine if there are truly problematic things in our Spiritual life that need addressed.
Examine and identify what’s problematic, then move to what needs perfected
What Needs Perfected
Perfect in the sense of ‘complete’.
2 Timothy 3:17 “That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.”
I don’t care who you are, there’s things in each one of us that needs perfected - that needs refinement. NONE OF US HAVE ARRIVED!
What does your prayer life look like? Could you be spending more time in prayer?
How committed are you to studying your Bible?
Are you telling people about Jesus?
Is your speech edifying to God?
Are you spending too much time on social media?
What in your life needs refinement?
What is Praiseworthy
Lastly, what are some things that you’re excelling at?
(Ill.) Any good coach will tell you that you need to examine your L’s and W’s both - to be encouraged and continue the good things and correct the bad.
I think it’s important to recognize some of the things we’re doing better at and give thanks unto God!
This is not for the purpose of self-edification, but rather encouragement.
We shouldn’t be in the business of patting ourselves on the backs, but rather keep from being discouraged continually focusing on the negative.
We don’t want to get in the mindset of feeling defeated and hopeless.
Examine your present - see what is Praiseworthy
A Time to Regard, A Time for Reflection, Time for Recognition

IV. A Time for Response

(v14b) ’Now… THEREFORE…’
There are three things mentioned by Joshua in this verse after he says ‘Therefore…’
Fear the LORD
Knowing the Terror of the LORD
Knowing the Judgment of the LORD
Knowing you will Answer to the LORD
Fear the LORD!
It’s more than reverence - (def) primitively - to fear; morally - to revere; causatively - to affright, be (make) afraid, dread, (put in) fear
(Ill.) My mom loves Judge Judy. But that’s because she watches her on TV - she might have a different view of her if she were one of the accused she was judging.
Listen, I love the LORD - my God is my Saviour - but He’s also my Judge - and I’ll not be standing before Him in small claims court - I’ll be standing before Him before all the world - and there’s no ‘court of appeals’ to hear my case if I don’t like the outcome!
Serve the LORD
He makes this statement twice - at the beginning and the end, I think for two different purposes:
First for the manner of service:
‘In sincerity and truth’
In other words - not for show; not to be seen; not for pity sake; not just because it’s expected - serve Him because it’s the right thing to do!
The second as a matter of ‘instead of’
Instead of serving the gods of your fathers, serve the LORD
Church remember - this is ‘In RESPONSE’ to what Joshua had just detailed - all the Goodness & Grace that the LORD has shown unto them! He’s worthy to serve!
Consider this for a moment - God is not asking anything of YOU that He isn’t willing to do FOR YOU! Matthew 20:28 “Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.”
We should respond by Serving the LORD
Put Away Others
Again - in Response.
BECAUSE God has:
Been so Good and Gracious
Brought them out of bondage
Led them through the wilderness
Given them victories
Provided them a Land of Promise
Because all of that - they should put away their other dead gods!
By this statement, do you know what we understand by implication? That they had those dead gods right then!
Church, let me ask you - are you harboring any dead gods?
(Ill.) Are you like Rachel & trying to hide them under your skirt? Well that might fool Laban, but it won’t fool God!
KNOW THIS: A gOD IS ANYTHING IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU PUT BEFORE THE LORD YOUR GOD! Anything that is higher on your totem pole!
Because God has been so good to us church, we should be willing to put away any other god.
A Time to Regard, A Time for Reflection, Time for Recognition, A Time for Response

V. A Time for Resolve

To Choose
Joshua said ‘Hey boys, it’s time to choose!’
And I say unto you: It’s time to choose.
We’ve looked at the past, the present - now it’s time to make a choice as to what our future will look like.
You see, I think that each of us, if you were to ask we’d admit things need work in our Christian lives - the thing is, will you choose to the LORD?
Will you choose to:
Fear Him?
Serve Him?
Put away your other gods?
I think many will choose - but here’s the thing - you need not only the resolve to choose, but to commit!
To Commit
Joshua said ‘choose you’, but then he said ‘I have chosen’. Joshua was committed. He’d made his choice and had resolved to carry it through.
Listen church - it’s not easy to live a committed life to Christ in this world - BUT IT’S NEVER BEEN!
It wasn’t for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or Joseph
It wasn’t for Peter, James, Paul or Steven
And it won’t be for you either.
But you can’t just choose - you’ve got to commit yourself to that choice!
It’s a Time for Resolve!


As you examine your own heart and life - what do you see? More importantly, what will you do about it?
Church, has God not been good to you? What will your response to that goodness be?
Will you choose to Fear, Serve & Put Away?
Will you commit yourself to that choice - no matter what?
What will you do?
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