Proverbs 17a (17:1-9)

Welcome to another Sunday School at Harbor Baptist Church.
Last week we finished Proverbs 16. This morning we are going to start chapter 17 and see if we can get through the first nine verses.
But, before we begin, [xxx] would you pray for us?
Let’s again review, could someone please read: Proverbs 17:1-9?
[Switch to Proclaim for Scripture Reading]
Alright, let’s jump into the first few verses.
Proverbs 17:1-5 - Divergent Paths
Vs 1 - Better is a dry piece of bread with quiet, than a full house of feasting with (strife).
Vs 2 - A wise servant will rule over who? (a son who causes shame).
And that same servant will share in the inheritance of his master with whom? (the brothers).
Vs 3 - The refining pot is for what? (silver) and the furnace is for? (gold).
But, God tests what? (the heart).
Vs 4 - An evildoer gives heed to what? (false lips).
A liar listens eagerly to what? (a spiteful tongue).
Vs 5 - He who mocks the poor reproaches (or insults) who? (his Maker).
The one who is glad at calamity will certainly receive what? (just punishment).
Discussion Question: How does God test our hearts? (adversity, pain, the anvil). If we chase after sin and wickedness what will we receive in return? (calamity, just punishment).
Proverbs 17:6-9 - Integrity’s Reward
Vs. 6 - Having children and grandchildren are the crown of who? (elder men).
But, bizarrely, we are told that the glory of children is their who? (their fathers).
Vs. 7 - Excellent speech does not come from who (a fool).
The same is true of lies from a prince.
Vs. 8 - A present (some translations have a bribe here) is precious to the one who does what? (possesses it).
Vs. 9 - The one who covers a transgression seeks after what? (love).
The one who repeats a matter separates who? (friends)
Discussion Question: How is the glory or pride of children their fathers? Or, even their parents? What is the singular defining character trait being talked about here? How do we develop it in our own lives? (integrity).
Next week we will try to work through the middle section of chapter 17.
If there are no questions, [xxx] could you please pray for us?
Thank you everyone.