
Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 1:12:45
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I want to focus on two verses in our readings this morning and follow them up with a question.
Now the boy Samuel continued to grow both in stature and in favor with the Lord and also with man.
and then in Luke 2:52
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Samuel grew, Jesus grew. We read this of the great prophet Samuel, and of Jesus himself. Here at Mission Woods Church we summarize our purpose and intended direction:
Mission Woods Church - A Growing Place.
Growing closer to God,
to one another,
to our community.
So, that’s our mission, that’s our purpose, that’s why we’re here as a church. We gather week to week for worship. We readily admit we’re not a big church, we’re not a flashy church.
There are churches you can go to where you have walk in and immediately see a kiosk with people ready to help you find whatever you’re looking for. Need coffee - there’s a mini cafe complete with a barista, breakfast pastries if you missed breakfast, etc. You might find books for sale. You can sign up for service projects, missions, classes, every thing you can imagine is pre-packaged and ready for your consumption. That’s not us.
Mission Woods Church - A Growing Place
Mission Woods Church - A Growing Place
That is and should be every church’s purpose - to grow.
So, here’s the question:
Are You Growing?
Are You Growing?
Now, clearly looking around this room and the average age in our congregation, few if any of us are growing in the sense of getting taller. In fact many are perhaps lamenting the fact they seem to be getting shorter.
If you’re like me, during the holidays it’s difficult not to grow latitudinally as the key ingredients of so many things seems to be sugar or salt, accompanying large feasts for meals surrounded by friends and family.
Though Luke refers to Jesus stature, it’s sort of a double meaning in that one could also think of the stature he had within the community.
And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.
Jesus grew in wisdom.
I want to invite you to take a moment of self-reflection. Where were you last year? What are some things you’ve learned this year? Are you wiser this year than you were last year? If not, why not?
Going back to our theme here:
Mission Woods Church - a growing place
Mission Woods Church - a growing place
Our first area of growth in our mission here is:
Growing closer to God
Growing closer to God
Think about your faith journey this year. No doubt there have been ups and downs emotionally, you’ve been through a lot this year. Perhaps you’ve had celebrations of birthdays, graduations, retirements, and celebrations of life. In the midst of it all how have you grown closer to God? What have you done this year to grow in your faith?
Bible reading? - Many of you participated in our Bible in 90 Days read through cover to cover this past year. Several completed it in 90 days, and many others pressed on. Perhaps you’re one who has not yet finished - that’s okay! Keep going!
According to a 2016 Lifeway Research study, “1 in 5 Americans said they had read all of the Bible at least once.” That’s 20%. One thing I know about surveys is that people tend to positively self-report.
I personally was so encouraged by the enthusiasm so many of you took on that challenge with me this past year. I was even more encouraged hearing your discoveries, your questions, your connections between biblical stories and characters. Your insights taught me!
I am encouraged by how many of you are involved with Bible Study Fellowship, or regularly learning from taking online courses and listening to audiobooks and podcasts where you can learn more about the Bible and our faith. You’re taking growing in your faith seriously. And then there are the faithful groups that gather regularly in our online and in person Bible studies I have the privilege of hosting.
You also may have forgotten, but you have access to some great devotions and Bible study resources in LOGOS Bible Software that we subscribe to as a church. In saying that I realize I’m behind on sending some of you invites to that. I’ll get on that this week. If you have not, or don’t remember receiving an invitation, please write your name and email on the sheet in the back and we’ll get you set up.
And that’s not where our growth stops.
Growing closer to one another
Growing closer to one another
We are a family. Just like most families we are in relationship with one another, we support one another, encourage one another, pray for one another, and help one another out when we can. Serving one another is one of the ways we grow closer.
You may not realize it: we only have two people on the payroll here at Mission Woods. I’m employed 3/4 time as your pastor, and Rayona as your part-time custodian.
As a Christian and as a pastor I take Jethro’s advice to Moses very seriously where Jethro basically said, “You can’t do it all alone.” I’m so thankful for the many who have stepped up and chosen to serve here within our congregation. We have very capable deacons and elders who serve this church so well. And there are others who make sure things happen in this church, without them many ministries would not be happening.
Natalie leading our elf squad. Our worship team and Lance as our worship elder have really pushed our worship and the online experience as well. Kari who prepares what you see on the screen, Scott our sound man doing so much around the church building. Our PURLS and the multitude of projects they make not for their own use but to give it away!
I could go on to speak of Lisa on piano, and Cheryl filling in as needed. Ruth in the office keeping us connected in so many ways, including bulletins, office communication, putting together our annual reports and so much more.
I think it was Hilary Clinton’s book that brought into the common vernacular the phrase, “It takes a village.” It does. We are the body. It takes all of us together to be the church.
How are you serving? Where are you serving in the name of Christ among us?
As I say that, if there is a ministry we’re not doing you would like to do - let us know. It may be God is calling you and our church to new things!
Growing closer to our community
Growing closer to our community
Our connection with our community continues to grow, not only locally but domestically and internationally. Of course we know the joyful service of our Elf Squad that began as a seasonal thing and has grown into a year round ministry helping stock our local food banks and specifically the often forgotten hygiene section for those in need. Our Deacons also give financially to our food bank, and throughout the year we run comfort drives and gather other items in need.
For the past two years we have given to a ministry in Haiti. We have friends of members of this church that serve in ministries here and around the world. In fact today I want to encourage you to be in prayer for my friend since junior high school, Michael Naccarato who with his wife is currently on the way back to Russia to serve the widows and orphans there.
We have among us a city councilman, a first responder’s chaplain, administrator, nurse, doctor, teacher, writer, engineer, custodian, not to mention as parents, grandparents and great-grandparents. Into each of these community positions we carry our faith.
How are you carrying your faith into the community?
I’ve shared this story before about an elder I knew who went to a session meeting and shared that he had just discovered the man he shared an office with was a Christian after more than 5 years together. Not only was his officemate a Christian, he was presbyterian and an elder in his church too! He thought it was funny, yet standing back I think we can all see how sad this is.
Recently in a dialogue on social media I was reminded of a question we asked in youth group.
If Christianity were illegal would there be enough evidence in your life for a conviction, much less an arrest?
This would be a good question for both men in the previous story to consider.
Are you growing?
Are you growing?
Ask any farmer, or business owner, growth doesn’t happen on accident. It takes planning. How are you planning to grow this coming year?
Are you growing closer to God? What plans are you making for faith growth this coming year?
Are you growing closer to others in our church? What plans are you making to grow closer this coming year?
Are you growing closer to our community? What plans are you making to grow in your impact in our community this coming year?
And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man.
Mission Woods Church - A Growing Place.
Growing closer to God,
to one another,
to our community.
May God bless you, may God bless us as we seek to continue to be a growing place for all. To the Glory of God. Amen.
How have you grown closer to God and in your faith this past year?
What plans do you have to grow closer to God this coming year?
How have you grown closer to others in our fellowship this coming year?
What plans do you have to grow closer to others in our fellowship this year?
How have you grown closer to (served in) our community this past year?
What plans do you have to grow closer to our community this coming year?