Charting the New Year: Finding God's Way to Seek Our Way
New Year's Sermon • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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"The Gym Membership Dilemma"
A man decided that this was the year he was finally going to get in shape. On January 1st, full of excitement and determination, he signed up for a gym membership. The gym was packed with people just like him – eager and ready to conquer their resolutions.
He showed up every day for the first week, feeling proud of himself. But by the second week, his enthusiasm started to dwindle. By the third week, he thought to himself, "You know, I think I may have overdone it. Maybe I need to pace myself."
By February, he had a brand-new workout routine – it involved driving by the gym and waving at it.
Finally, in March, the gym called him and asked, "Hey, we haven't seen you in a while. Are you still planning to come?"
He replied, "Oh absolutely! I’m just letting all the New Year’s crowd clear out first."
Sometimes we start the year with the best intentions, but as time passes, our motivation fades. The same can happen in our spiritual lives. This year, rather than just "waving" at what God is calling us to, let's commit to stepping fully into His way.
Do you ponder much about the New Year? Is the New Year a time you reflect on your life or a time you retool in a whole new direction? Do you find it a time to assess your accomplishments or to see some things that need improvement?
For many the New Year is a time of enthusiasm, encouragement, analysis, and casting vision. Any group from a large corporation, or our very country where our President will give the “State of the Union” address, all will usually hold a gathering to look at the “state of our company, the state of our country, the state of our health, the state of our household or the state of our church” as I am somewhat addressing in our time today.
Unfortunately for some, it can be an attitude of good riddance for past poor choices or simply being victim to bad circumstances.
New Year’s holds many things for many people.
For me you might understand it to be the aging process, but New Year’s decisions for me do not exude the surety I enjoyed in my youth. I assume it is a natural inclination of the aging process to be more conservative in our thinking.
Albert Einstein made this comment:
“The more I learn, the more I realize how much I don’t know.”
Isaac Newton-”To myself, I am a child playing on the beach, while vast oceans of truth lie undiscovered before me.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson: "All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen."
You will discover as you mature just how little you really know.
And, as I have grown in the pastorate, I approach the New Year differently. There were times in my not so distant past that I would preach a text reminding us of the brevity of life, life is a vapor and to focus on the sense of urgency of being industrious because time is at hand.
I might share Ecclesiastes and remind the church there are seasons and there are seasons to plant and get busy doing those things God would have us do as spelled out in His word. And, those things are realities. They are important truths and we should look at those from time to time and be challenged by God’s Word in those areas.
I am still in the introduction because I want to make a point very clear as we platform from that point.
Turn with me in your Bibles this morning to Matthew 13:1-9
1 On the same day Jesus went out of the house and sat by the sea. 2 And great multitudes were gathered together to Him, so that He got into a boat and sat; and the whole multitude stood on the shore.
3 Then He spoke many things to them in parables, saying: “Behold, a sower went out to sow. 4 And as he sowed, some seed fell by the wayside; and the birds came and devoured them. 5 Some fell on stony places, where they did not have much earth; and they immediately sprang up because they had no depth of earth. 6 But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away. 7 And some fell among thorns, and the thorns sprang up and choked them. 8 But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty. 9 He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”
If you listened closely to this parable you will note that the parable has no element of human intervention. Every element of this parable is an influence of nature. Seed, birds, stony places, the sun, thorns, and then good ground.
Who controls nature and creation? Who made heaven and earth and all that is in it?
What am I saying? If God is not in our plans they will not succeed.
Reality has taught me that many times I can be guilty of “doing something” and as I analyzed the aftermath results of those efforts I questioned if God was really in my plans? The question I had to ask is this: Were these my plans and asking God to join me or were they God’s plans and He was asking me to join Him? Was I in the center of God’s will in the decisions I made? Did I have God’s blessings on those things I was either doing or leading others in doing?
Can you relate to those thoughts? Sometimes I believe we can be guilty of being busy for busyness sake and have no regard whether God is at the center of what we are doing. We may know intellectually we are not saved by works theology but yet our hearts act out as if works is what saves us. “We just have to be busy doing something whether it is wrong or not.”
In this series, I pray we can answer these questions for both you and His church here and how God wants to use you in reaching His objectives.
Where are we ?Where have we been? and... where are we going?”
Furthermore, I have found out through time and experience that reality has manifested itself in the life of the church. As God’s called pastor I have led God’s people in what I thought the vision was for His church and realized that it was not a vision given to the church at large. In other words, the church did not buy in or get behind the direction implemented by the pastor. I was guilty of not engaging you in truly seeking God’s will for the church and I did not encourage you to seek God’s will in what part you play in seeing that vision come to fruition.
We must ask God what the vision for His church is and what role He wants me to play in fulfilling that plan.
We must understand something paramount this morning. As it relates to seeking God’s will for His church in 2025 we must understand that I the pastor am not the church. We are the church. Every individual as spelled out in 1 Cor. 12 are a part of the body and play a vital role in the body functioning properly as the church. In other words, God may call me to communicate that vision or cast that vision, but if that vision is of God He will have conferred with you also. God will coral you and reveal to you where you fit in being a part of His vision for Mt. Zion. Why? Because if each one of us that make up His church do not fulfill their role, the vision will not come to past.
Key Idea: Before stepping into the new year, we must first pause and acknowledge that we don’t have all the answers. Seeking God's way begins with trusting Him fully, not relying solely on our plans…and as that ideal is true for our personal lives, it is also true of the church. If God is not in it, it will not succeed.
Furthermore, the wonderful thing about God in our lives and the lives of the church is that God, His GPS (God Planning System) recalculates when we make wrong turns and gets us back on course. Amen?
As we begin this series, Charting the New Year: Finding God's Way to Seek Our Way, I want us to be honest. I was honest.
Ask the congregation, “Are you or have you been making plans without consulting God first?”
Let’s allow this series to cause us all to re-calibrate and allow God’s leadership both in our lives and the lives of the church through prayer, the Scriptures and being engaged in the life of the church.
In that mindset, I want us to begin our new year seeking God’s way and directing our way along the way. Amen.
Turn in your Bibles this morning or look to the screen to these verses I imagine you have memorized.
Proverbs 3:5-6
Proverbs 3:5-6
5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding;
6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.
We know this morning that Proverbs is what is referred to as part of “the wisdom literature” of the Bible. We know that Solomon wrote much of the book of Proverbs along with Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon.
In Chapter 3 of Proverbs, Solomon was writing in his older age under the guidance of the Holy Spirit and He wrote from the backdrop of being the wisest man that has ever lived life here “under the sun.” (or here on earth)
God Himself shared these words with Solomon:
1 Kings 3:12 “12 behold, I have done according to your words; see, I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you.”
In Chapter 3 of Proverbs, Solomon writes emphasizing the value of trusting God’s wisdom over human reasoning. Solomon wrote as a dad writing to is son and he wrote that the best way to follow is following God’s way for our lives.
In fact, with all the wisdom that Solomon had He came about that reality in a very tragic way. Solomon had to literally live his full life chasing every other road in life “under the sun” and making endless mistakes to surmise the conclusion of Ecclesiastes with these words at the end of the book.
Ecclesiastes 12:13 “13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man’s all.”
As I consider those thoughts and realizing that life is a vapor, life is passing quickly, “I want to work smart rather than work hard for the Lord.: I believe I could communicate that in a better manner. “I want to be more surefooted for the Lord.” Do you? I do not want to have mishaps and delays and distractions, but I want my steps and actions sure, forward moving and progressive for the Lord. Amen?
As we approach the New year both individually and corporately, how do we go about that?
Firstly, we apply the first verse of our text. We learn to trust the Lord.
1. Trust the Lord-Surrender our Dependence over to Him
1. Trust the Lord-Surrender our Dependence over to Him
Proverbs 3:5 “5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;”
Our opening verse immediately lends itself to ask the question:
How do I learn to trust someone, any relationship for that matter? But more specifically, we want to learn how we begin to trust God in our future and our decision making and making sure our lives are centered in His will for us, His church and for me.
Oh dearly beloved, trust is built through having a consistent relationship, placing your reliability on one another, and building real intimacy in the relationship.
Let’s answer this question. How do you begin to trust each other?
i. You and I keep our promises-we simply do what we say we will do.
Ill. Left Clay at Dalraida Baptist Church one time.
ii. Show Up in Difficult Times-Our presence and support during challenging times deepen our confidence in each other. yes, those situations at times are very uncomfortable. WE may not what words to say but your presence speaks volumes.
Ill. My dad passed away at Baptist East on March 18, 2020. During that period COVID was so bad that you could not be with your loved ones in the hospital. The hospital contacted me of his passing and was going to allow me to see my dad before he was carried to the funeral home. I was to enter the hospital through the ER to get to see my dad one last time at the room.
Aaron Cantey was at the ER on that day working the shift. As I was approaching the ER entrance, Aaron was screening and vetting people for admittance into the hospital. When he learned that I was there because my dad had just passed away, he simply reached out and hugged me and told me how sorry he was for my loss. You can’t imagine how comforting that was for me. That has impressed upon my mind repeatedly since the day it happened. Aaron made an impact on me.
iii. Act with Integrity-That means our actions align with our words. We act in the best interest of the other party.
iv. Open Communication-Trust grows and deepens through open and transparent discussions.
Taking those four points of part one of this message, how do we apply that in deepening our trust in God?
Reflect on God’s Faithfulness (Remember His Track Record With You. Remember His Track Record with this church.
Psalm 77:11–12 “11 I will remember the works of the Lord; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. 12 I will also meditate on all Your work, And talk of Your deeds.”
Think about how God has worked in your past? Consider those times He rescued you? I was contacted just two days ago from a church member that was so excited about a positive doctor’s report on a matter that had plagued that person for probably the last couple of years.
I am fearful that one of the reasons we have never learned to trust God is that we have never put Him to the test. We remember to reach out to everyone else in our dilemma's rather than the One that controls the universe and controls our very destiny.
This individual that reached out to me acknowledged the hand of God in their situation simply because they had carried the matter to God through the whole journey and wanted to share of God’s work in the person’s life.
2. Spend Time in His Presence (Develop Intimacy)
How do you learn to trust God? Spend time with Him.
-Consistent prayer-speak to Him, but allow Him to speak to you.
-Worship-Worship allows us into the heart of God and allows God to see our hearts.
-Time in His Word-Do you want to trust God? Read of His promises. Learn of His many promises and see then if He keeps His Word?
Do you want God’s presence in your life?
Deuteronomy 31:8 “8 And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. He will be with you, He will not leave you nor forsake you; do not fear nor be dismayed.””
Why does this build trust? Regardless of fears and uncertainties, we know God is with us. He is watching, guiding, and detouring us away from danger. You can step into the unknown knowing God is watching over you.
Do you want God’s Provision in your life? He will meet all our needs.
Philippians 4:19 “19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.”
Dearly beloved, this promise reminds us that God is aware of every single need we have. He is not in the providing wants and He even does that sometimes, but He is about meeting needs. There are some things we want we really do not need and are not good for us. Dearly beloved, He meets the physical, emotional, and most importantly the spiritual needs we have.
God knows the spiritual needs about us and He knows how He wants to meet those needs. And guess what.... He wants to meet spiritual needs through you and me.
God has a plan for His people here at Mt. Zion. And…He wants each of us to seek Him in understanding what is our role in meeting the spiritual needs of our region.
And all of these needs are met in His perfect timing. Amen.
Do you desire God’s Plan for your life? God’s Word says that He works all things to our good.
Romans 8:28 “28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”
Write this down:
When life is muddy God is massaging His mission in us and through us.
May I encourage you to memorize these promises this week. Pray these scriptures regularly. When you are faced with doubt, fall back on these scriptures to gain your strength.
James 4:8 “8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.”
3. Act on Small Steps of Faith (Experience His Provision)
3. Act on Small Steps of Faith (Experience His Provision)
Do you know how our muscles grow? By exercising them. Take small steps in obedience and test His promises. Gain confidence that His promises are true. And… as you become more trusting, give over the bigger ones to Him.
Ask yourself this question. What areas of my life have I not rendered over to the Lord? Where does my faith need strengthening? Where do I need to learn to trust Him more?
Luke 16:10 “10 He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.”
Three examples of what I’m talking about.
A. Daily Devotion and Prayer
-Small step-commit 10 minutes a day to devotion and prayer even if your schedule seems packed.
Why does this matter? Regular time with God deepens your awareness with God and will prepare you to hear clearly when making the bigger decisions when they arise.
B. Tithing and Generosity
-Small Step-If you have never tithed or given anything to the church, begin by giving a small percentage of your income if you are not ready to trust the Lord in the 10%. Give 2-5%-start somewhere or give to someone in need. What this teaches us to trust God with our tithes and offerings and our benevolence and prove Him that He will bless us back in even greater ways.
C. Invite Someone to Church
Invite a friend or coworker to church with you even if it feel intimidating. Once you rise over that hurdle you will begin to talk deeper conversations about Jesus. You will learn that you can evangelize.
4. Surrender Control (Letting Go)
4. Surrender Control (Letting Go)
The act of “leaning not on our own understanding”. What does this mean? Intentionally surrendering your desire to figuring out everything and learn to allow God to solve the issues.
Now, let me submit to you that it can be easier said than done. We all have areas of our lives we want to hold the reins and keep control. There will be a certain area of insecurity that you will have to call on God to help you in your struggle of trust. Help me to trust you Lord. I am weak in this area.
Mark 9:24 “24 Immediately the father of the child cried out and said with tears, “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!””
-story of a man that had a son with a mute spirit.
5. Surround Yourself with Testimonies (Community Encouragement)
5. Surround Yourself with Testimonies (Community Encouragement)
Do you know that when I hear you offer words of encouragement as to how God is working in your life that it strengthens me?Fellowship and the sharing and receiving of testimonies of the goodness of God builds us up and it edifies God. We gain a deeper trust in God as we hear how He is at work in the lives of fellow believers.
Revelation 12:11 “11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.”
As I close, church, may I submit to you that trust is not built over time. Trust is cultivated in God just as we cultivate trust in each other. Trust God by giving Him a chance. Invest into the relationship. Spend some time with Him. Get to know God. Allow Him to work in the little things as your trust and faith deepens you will begin to see Him work in the big things.
As we reflect on trusting God in the small steps—whether in our finances, relationships, or decisions—I want to remind you that the greatest act of trust is surrendering your very soul to Him. All the small steps of faith lead to this one ultimate step: placing your life fully in His hands.
You may trust God with certain areas, but have you trusted Him with your eternity? Have you surrendered your heart to Jesus, trusting in His sacrifice and grace to redeem and lead you?
Today, as we step into a new year, there is no greater resolution, no greater decision, than to trust the Lord not just with your plans, but with your life.
If you haven't yet taken that step—or if you feel distant and need to recommit—this is your invitation. God's arms are open, and He is faithful to receive you. Let’s trust Him fully, starting right now.
*****For Next Week******
Next week we will address these points.
2. Listen for His Voice – Seeking Direction in the Stillness (Spiritual Sensitivity)
2. Listen for His Voice – Seeking Direction in the Stillness (Spiritual Sensitivity)
Text: Isaiah 30:21 – "Your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’"
Key Idea: Often, we don't hear God because we are too busy doing. To find His way, we must be intentional about listening. This may require silence, fasting, or dedicated time in His Word.
Illustration: Elijah heard God's voice not in the wind or earthquake but in a gentle whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12). God often speaks in subtle ways when we slow down.
Challenge: Incorporate spiritual disciplines that help the congregation become attuned to God's direction.
3. Step Forward in Faith – Acting on His Leading (Fruitful Efforts)
3. Step Forward in Faith – Acting on His Leading (Fruitful Efforts)
Text: John 15:4-5 – "Abide in me, and you will bear much fruit."
Key Idea: Once we hear from God, action is required. Faith without works is dead (James 2:17). However, not all action bears fruit. Abiding in Christ ensures that our efforts are Spirit-led and fruitful.
Illustration: A farmer doesn't see immediate results after planting seeds, but consistent cultivation yields a harvest in time.
Challenge: Encourage the church to pursue initiatives, ministries, and personal growth that reflect God’s leading. Emphasize that fruit may not appear immediately, but faithfulness will bring results.
Closing Application:
Closing Application:
Text: Philippians 1:6 – "He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion."
Reflect on the past year’s efforts and acknowledge areas where fruit has been lacking. Remind the congregation that God’s grace sustains both the work and the worker. Call the church to approach the new year with anticipation, trusting that God will complete what He started.