Be Transformed: Renewing Your Mind for Lasting Change
Baby Dedication for Josue Cruz
Baby Dedication for Josue Cruz
Good morning, Church!
Well I gotta tell you that I love being part of the LFB faith community. We are one big family but we are made up of a bunch of little families. And right now, as a family, we have the privilege and the opportunity to celebrate a new life that was added to our number I think back in January. Here we are in December so Josue is coming up on his first birthday pretty soon! And... he is sporting a brand new haircut, His first haircut since January. Its about time I’d say. I have a pretty high haircut standard.
Before I call the Cruz family up I want to just say that scripture reveals that jesus had a real heart for children. In Mark 10 we see Jesus interacting with children as part of his ministry on earth. They were not a nuisance to him, but they were really loved by Him. And the powerful reality that we just celebrated last week is that Jesus chose to come to earth to live the perfect life on our behalf. And he started as a little baby!
We read in scripture how the children would come to him, he would pick them up and pray with them and for them, blessing them. They weren't his biological children, but he purposefully invested in them. What we see is: in the Kingdom of King Jesus, children are important, and we want to follow his lead in valuing the children in our community.
So if I could get Silvestre and Suilma and whoever else in the family wants to come up with Josue so we can do that.
Now, one thing I want to point out about Josue is that he is in his First Thousand Days of life (That is roughly the number of days from conception until he is 2 years old.)
What science tells us is that inside Josue’s brain, there are as many as 1 million new neural connections being formed every second. In fact, 60% of a baby’s energy goes into brain development!
So little Josue’s brain is developing faster now than at any other time in his life. And that is why the First Thousand Days is a crucial window of time that requires special input and nurturing care for young children to lay the foundation for lifelong flourishing.
And Silvestre and Suilma are at the centre of providing this care to Josue. And they need the support of their church family as well. We have an important role to be a supportive environment and community where together we can love and care for these parents, to help enable them to provide Josue with nurturing care that he needs in order to reach his God-given potential.
Mom and Dad, what we call a child dedication is really more about you than Josue. Being born into a family that follows Christ does not automatically make Josue a Christ follower. He will make that decision himself when he gets a little older.
But you have a special role in raising Josue in a way that is glorifying to God and makes faith in God attractive to him.
You both know that the best decision you could ever make in life is to place your trust and hope in Jesus Christ. And we know that you want that for Josue as well.
Today you are making a public declaration that you, by the grace of God and the help of His people, will raise Josue in a way that is glorifying to God and beneficial to him. This means encouraging, teaching, correcting, disciplining, and building Josue up into the faith.
There is a scripture in Deuteronomy 6 about teaching your children about God's law and word. It doesn’t happen by mistake. It is about purposefully investing in Josue spiritually. It is an intentional part of your parenthood. You are to do all you can to support and lead Josue to make the very best decision he could ever make – and that is following Jesus and becoming a lifelong disciple.
Now another reason we do this in public is because all of us gathered here today who consider Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior also have a part in this.
These parents who have committed themselves to God, are also publicly asking to be supported and prayed for and to be held accountable by this community. Together, as this Christian family, we can all be a supportive big family to the Cruz family, so that Josue has the best chance of flourishing into the future.
This is one of many things that is so amazing about Christian community – you don’t do it alone!”
So Silvestre and Suilma, I am going to ask you a few questions and you can respond indicating that you agree to do these things.
God has entrusted you with a magnificent responsibility of guiding your children as they grow. Do you lovingly accept this responsibility?
Scripture tells us that God expects you to teach a child through the example of a godly life. Will you strive to live lives consistent with God’s Word before your children?
Deuteronomy 6:5-7 says, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children.” Parents, will you dedicate yourselves to teaching the ways of Christ to Josue?
Church Family?
Do you commit yourselves to creating a community of love and support around the Cruz family and Josue?
Church family, God does not call parents to walk alone. Will you help these parents keep their commitment to guide Josue as he grows in wisdom and stature, in favor with God and other people?
Church family, will you also provide godly examples for Josue to follow and will you commit to pray for him often?
Let me pray...
Dear Lord, we thank You for this precious gift – this beautiful little boy Josue, who we dedicate to you today. I pray that You surround Josue with good things so that he may grow in Your will and Your ways. I pray for Silvestre and Suilma, and Josue’s entire family, that you would fill them with wisdom so that they may train this little man in the way that he should go, so that even when he is old, he will not depart from it. I pray that all of his extended church family gathered here today would not forget to hold him up to you in prayer and that we would all strive to set a good example for him to follow. I ask it all in the strong name of Jesus....Amen.
We have a certificate for mom and dad to save as a reminder of this day and a small gift from your church family that Mom and Dad can read to Josue.
God bless you guys, we love you.
Well, here we are. Standing at the threshold of a new year. I don’t know about you but for me, 2024 went fast. If you are a senior in High School, it has probably crept along at a snail’s pace! And old gray hairs like me will say to you, “Oh just wait, before you know it , time will fly along faster than you can keep up with. Of course, you won’t believe us. We didn’t believe it either when we were seniors in High School and some old dude said that to us. And yes, wise guy, I CAN remember that far back! But trust me. Time exponentially speeds up as you get older.
At any rate, this is the time of year when many begin to think of new beginnings. “Well” we say, “What better time than the beginning of a new year to make some changes for the better. To shake off old bad habits and replace them with new better habits.”
Little Josue probably doesn’t have a lot of bad habits yet.....He’ll get some.
Those of us who have been around a bit longer definitely have some and it would be good to get rid of em. To replace em with something better.
I was reading this week about why we get so excited to make a fresh start, and why January 1?
Well, I was surprised to learn that there is actually something called the “Fresh Start Effect”
The fresh start effect is a psychological concept that explains why “temporal landmarks” (a turning point in some measure of time), like the beginning of a new year, feel like opportunities to leave old habits behind and start fresh. These moments create a psychological separation between our “past selves” and our “current selves.” Have you ever heard the phrase, “New year, new you?” This reflects the concept.
So, because January is a major change in time; not only is it a new month, but it’s an entire new year. It feels as though January gives us a clean slate. This mental reset can make us more optimistic about our ability to change and more motivated to take action.
Maybe you want to eat healthier, exercise more, or spend less time on social media. These are good goals, but let me ask you, how long do you think the typical New Year resolution lasts?
The Forbes Health/One Poll survey found that the average resolution lasts 3.74 months. The poll also revealed that just 8% of respondents tend to stick with their goals for one month, while 22% last two months, 22% last three months and 13% last four months.
One stat I looked at suggested that New Year resolutions that involve gym memberships, tend to peak in January but taper off by February.
One stat I found most interesting shows that...
3 in 10 Americans made a resolution in 2024. That’s not as many as I would have thought. But here is what surprised me.
Adults ages 18 to 29 make up the biggest group that made at least one resolution at 49%. Of those ages 30 to 49, 31% made a resolution, and just 21% of those 50 and above committed to a resolution.
That seems to indicate that the older you get, the more you realize what a waste of time it is to make resolutions and you just quit doing it.
But why do these new year commitments fall so dismally short of real life change?
One study suggests that most resolutions are relying on sheer will power to start and maintain them. Well that could be the problem.
you see, will power is actually not that powerful. The real power lies in what governs our mind.
Because what occupies our mind largely governs what we do.
This is why Proverbs 4:23 instructs us to ...
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”
The mind contains the ideas out of which our actions flow, and it projects the possible courses of actions available to our will when we decide what to do.
So if that is true and I believe that it is, true change or transformation must begin in your mind or what the Bible refers to as your heart. True transformation involves the renewal of your inner person, thoughts, ideas, desires and intentions.
That kind of deep change, a change in the way we actually think, is way beyond the capability of anyone’s willpower, no matter how strong. Because willpower focuses on behavior modification rather than addressing the underlying condition of the heart.
This is not my brilliant deduction. Scripture actually makes the case for me as we will see in a moment.
So, I submit to you this morning, that the change we need most isn’t external, but internal? Now to any student of scripture, that insight should come as no surprise.
Today, we’re going to explore Romans 12:2, where Paul writes:
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by doubling down on your willpower....
Oops…did I get that wrong? What does it say?
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.
It’s the mind, it is the heart that must be changed so that the will has something better to choose from. Let’s read on.
Then you will be able to test and approve what your will is. Oh wait. I got that wrong too didn’t I. The truth is, my will isn’t even mentioned here, at all.
Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
So if I renew my mind with the things of God, then whenever i exercise my will to make a choice, my will, will only have God’s will to choose from. Get it!
Okay, let me read that again as it is written...
Rom 12:2 ESV - 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed (how)by the renewal of your mind, (for what purpose?) that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
So what we see here is that God doesn’t call us to superficial resolutions. He calls us to transformation—not by our own strength, but through the renewing of our minds. Let’s dive into what this means and how it applies to our lives today.
I. The Call to Be Transformed
I. The Call to Be Transformed
Paul begins with a powerful contrast: Do not conform to the pattern of this world. The world in which we live applies constant pressure on us to fit into its mold—to value success, comfort, and self-interest above all else.
So when we hear, “don’t conform”, the first place we go to is our will. “I will not to conform to the patterns of the world”.
But there is a problem.
But remember what i said about our will? it can only choose a course of action from what is already in our mind.
Most of us have spent our entire lives being influenced and molded according to what? The patterns of this world. So a simple decision to no longer conform to those patterns is a much larger problem than our willpower can handle.
Paul suggestion is that we, Be transformed.
What does it mean to “Be transformed”?
Well the first thing we need to understand is that the being transformed part is primarily the Holy Spirit’s job. But we play a part as well. What is our part? Renewing our mind. There are steps we have to take in order to sort of reprogram our thinking. It is a process of replacement. We go about replacing what is here, in our minds, with something better.
Now we have been talking about ways we can do that for the past 7 months in our Discipleship series.
Folks, I need to be real honest with you here. This transformation will not happen unless you do your part. As we do that, the Holy Spirit steps in and transforms us over time. Transforms us in to what? Christlikeness.
The Meaning of Transformation
The Meaning of Transformation
The Greek word Paul uses here for “transformed” is (metamorefou),“metamorphoo”, where we get the term "metamorphosis." This isn’t a surface change; it’s a complete reformation of our inner being. Think of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. It is that kind of radical change or transformation that takes place that is far beyond willpower. It is God’s power that makes the transformation happen. It’s not just about looking different—it’s about being different.
Biblical Example
Biblical Example
2 Corinthians 3:18 says, “And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory,(there is our part, contemplating the Lord’s glory. As we do that we...) are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
So, if you are in Christ, the veil has been removed so that you can clearly contemplate the glory of God. And as you do, the Holy Spirit transforms you.
But it all begins with, as Paul tells us in Romans 12:2, the renewing of the mind.
Again, what this tells me is that transformation into Christlikeness could be a long game. It could take a fair bit of time considering we are trying to replace just about every pattern we tend to live by. A pattern that the world relentlessly drills into our soul every day, with no days off.
Certainly a task that sheer willpower is not up to.
What we are really talking about here is changing the way we think, about almost everything!
So it will take time.
Now, ...
II. The Role of the Mind in Transformation
II. The Role of the Mind in Transformation
Paul tells us that transformation happens through the renewing of our minds. Why is the mind so crucial? Because, as I mentioned earlier, our thoughts shape our beliefs, and our beliefs guide our actions.
Renewal involves replacing worldly thinking with God’s truth.
Colossians 3:2: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”
I like the way Eugene Peterson puts it in the Message:
“So if you’re serious about living this new resurrection life with Christ, act like it. Pursue the things over which Christ presides. Don’t shuffle along, eyes to the ground, absorbed with the things right in front of you. Look up, and be alert to what is going on around Christ—that’s where the action is. See things from his perspective.”
Philippians 4:8: “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right... think about such things.”
Illustration: Neuroscience of Habit Formation
Illustration: Neuroscience of Habit Formation
Neuroscience tells us that our brains can rewire through consistent practices. We have talked about many of those practices. So, for example, dwelling on God’s Word reshapes our mental and spiritual habits.
So the key here is to commit to small, consistent steps in renewing your mind. Even five minutes a day of Scripture meditation can reshape your thinking. Ask, “What worldly patterns do I need to replace with God’s truth?”
Let me give you a few examples.
The world says, Follow Your Gut (Gut feeling)
The Word of God Says: Lean not on your own understanding but in all ways acknowledge Him and he will direct your path (Proverbs 3:5-6)
I recently read a story about a guy who was preaching at a transitional housing place for ex-cons, and he was talking about this. One of the ex-cons said, “I always follow my gut and it’s always right!”…really? You’re living in a transitional housing facility for ex-cons. Clearly your gut was wrong about some pretty serious stuff in the past!
The world says, “Let out your emotions”
God says: The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? (Jeremiah 17:9)
I think we can all agree that we are living in a time when emotions are ruling the day. Think about your own life.
How many decisions have you made when you’ve been emotional. How did those decisions actually work out?
When we’re emotional we tend to make fear-based decisions, anger-based decisions, bitter decisions, offense-based decisions, broken-hearted decisions, depressed-decisions, anxious-decisions, the list goes on.
The world tells us to let everyone know how you feel! Tell your truth! You see it in our society and especially in social media where people share their most raw emotions without much filter these days.
But our emotions are fallen – they are imperfect and keep us from making Godly, faith-based decisions. Emotions come and go but God is the same yesterday, today and forever!!
The world says “Just a little more and I will be happy.”
I just need a little more money and I can get that thing that will make my life all better.
But God says “You will never be content when you are searching for money.”
Ecclesiastes 5:10 tells us
He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity
If you love money, you will never have enough. How meaningless to think that wealth brings true happiness! The more you have, the more people come to help you spend it. So what good is wealth— except maybe to watch it slip through your fingers!” Whether we want to admit it or not money is fragile and can be lost easily. A dip in the stock market, a bad business decision, whatever its cause may be; wealth can easily be lost. Instead of thinking money will make us happy we should focus our attention and efforts on God who is the giver of happiness.
How about this one?
The world says “Death is the end.”
When we die we are buried in the ground and that’s it. We cease to exist. So do everything you can in this life. Make the most out of it. You only get one.
But God says “Death is only the beginning”.
This life is only temporary. What is important is the coming life. Think about it; in this life we are full of sorrow, grief, and troubles. If that’s all there is then we kind of got a raw deal.
But God promises a life like one we could never imagine. One where there will be no sorrow or tears. One where the streets are lined with gold, not traffic and potholes. One where we will get new bodies and get rid of this body that we have been trying to shed those last 15 pounds. Death in this life is not the end, it’s only the beginning.
There are so many more. The advice and patterns this world sets in our minds are in direct conflict with God. That’s why it is important to focus on Him and read His word so we know what He advises and wants from us as opposed to what the world does. If you get advice from the world, you should always go to the scriptures and see if it lines up with God’s word.
Now make no mistake beloved. Transformation is not a self-help project. It’s the work of God in us.
It cannot be done by Willpower Alone
It cannot be done by Willpower Alone
Philippians 2:13 reminds us: “For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”
Illustration: A Sailboat and the Wind
Illustration: A Sailboat and the Wind
A sailboat can’t move on its own. it has to catch the wind. The sailor’s job is to raise the sails and position the boat, but the wind provides the power. In the same way, we position ourselves through spiritual disciplines, but it’s the Holy Spirit who empowers transformation.
So we need to seriously and honestly ask ourselves: What areas of my life need this deep, inward transformation?
Am I willing to let God’s process take place, even if it’s slow or uncomfortable?
Surrender specific areas of your life to God. Say, “Lord, I trust You to bring about the change I cannot achieve on my own.”
So…two things by way of reminder and I will close.
This Transformation Will Not be Instant
This Transformation Will Not be Instant
Many people think change should happen overnight. Because the society we live in has made us impatient. But true transformation is a process.
Illustration: The Bamboo Tree
Illustration: The Bamboo Tree
The Chinese bamboo tree remains underground for years, developing its roots. Then, in just weeks, it shoots up 90 feet. Spiritual growth often happens below the surface before it becomes visible.
And in this sense it can seem like transformation does happen quickly. Have you ever Thought, “Man, when did THIS happen!? I’ve never been compassionate before and now every time I turn around I am feeling compassion for others. Well it didn’t really happen fast. It was something the Spirit was working inside of you for a while and you are just now seeing the fruit. That is how transformation happens.
The second reminder is this...
You Cannot transform Yourself
You Cannot transform Yourself
Jhn 15:5 NLT - 5 "Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.
Transformation is not about trying harder but about abiding in Christ.
Ask yourself: Am I seeking shortcuts, or am I trusting God’s timing and methods for transformation?
By the way, one of the benefits of a renewed mind is it leads to discernment of God’s will. This affects every area of life—relationships, finances, decisions…for the better.
Illustration: A Lighthouse in the Storm
Illustration: A Lighthouse in the Storm
Think about a lighthouse on a rugged coastline. A lighthouse doesn’t change the storm, but it provides guidance. A transformed life becomes a beacon to others, pointing them to Christ. So not only do you benefit personally, those around you are also affected by your transformation.
So, what evidence of transformation will others see in my life this year? How can my renewed mind shine Christ’s light in my family, in my workplace, or my community?
Here is my call to Action
Here is my call to Action
As we enter into this new year, forget about new year resolutions that are made, using a will that only has worldly thinking to choose from.
Instead, ask yourself, “What worldly patterns of thinking do I need to let go of?” and then commit to taking steps this coming year that will replace that thinking and those patterns with something better.
Then maybe, by next year at this time, if you are tempted to make a New Year Resolution, the ideas and thoughts that your “will” has to choose from will be much better. amen?
So be smart this year. Heed Jesus Words in
Mat 7:24-25 ESV - 24 "Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock.
and be encouraged beloved...
and be encouraged beloved...
Philippians 1:6 assures us: “He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion.” Trust God to finish the work He has started in you.
Let’s pray
Heavenly Father,
We come before You with hearts open and ready to be transformed. We acknowledge that so often, we rely on our own strength and willpower to change, but today we confess that true transformation can only come through Your Spirit. Thank You for the grace that meets us where we are and for the power that doesn’t leave us there but shapes us into the image of Christ.
Lord, we surrender every part of our lives to You—our minds, our hearts, our desires, and our wills. Renew our minds with Your truth so that we can see the world through Your eyes. Align our hearts with Your will, filling us with love, joy, and peace that overflow to those around us. Teach us to desire what You desire, to walk in obedience not out of obligation but out of love for You.
Holy Spirit, we invite You to move within us. Break down the barriers we’ve built, the habits of sin, and the patterns of selfishness that keep us from living fully for You. Create in us clean hearts and renew right spirits within us. Empower us to take the small, faithful steps that lead to lasting growth. When we stumble, remind us of Your grace that lifts us up and keeps us moving forward.
Lord, as we step into this new year, we don’t just want to make resolutions. We want to be transformed. Help us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, and to trust in Your promise that You are completing the good work You’ve started in us.
Father, let the fruit of this transformation be evident in our lives—not for our glory but for Yours. May our renewed minds and changed hearts shine as a witness to the world, drawing others to the hope and joy found in Christ alone.
Thank You, Lord, for Your patience with us, Your faithfulness to us, and the unfailing love that drives every step of this transformation. We trust in You, and we offer this prayer in the mighty and transforming name of Jesus Christ.