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Psalms 19
Trip on the Peleliu
Abraham Lincoln once said: “I can understand how a man could look at earth and be an atheist, but I cannot understand how a man could look at the heavens and say, ‘I don’t believe in God.’ ”
This is what Paul talks about in Romans 1:19-20
One of the many differences between humans and the animal world.
Animals have the tendency to look down for their guidance, food, shelter and their very existence.
We look forward, around, back, and look up!
The Psalmist tells us to look up into the heavens and see God’s mighty hand and majesty so we can see The Revelation Of Creation. – GENERAL REVELATION
Let us remember that all of creation was made for one thing
What is it?
To praise and to glorify God
The OT constantly call for all to praise God, so much so that a Praise Hymnal was included, Psalms
Psalm 148 commands everything to praise him
Psalm 145:10 all You have made will praise You!
God will be praised even if we don’t
Luke 19:40 “the stones will cry out”
As David looked into the skies his heart turned to praising and worshiping God
Vs 19:2 day after day – in the good times we can see the “Son” light
night after night – when life seems its darkest, look up! And see His might!
Just seeing the creation made him want to worship the Creator. By its very essence
“declare” and “proclaim” express a continuous revelation
Nature reflects the majesty of God by being silent 19:3
When we become Christians, Paul tells us that we become a new creation, old things are become new II Cor 5:17
If we as Christians are “silent” as God’s non-verbal creation is silent, would an unbeliever want to worship the God you serve because of the life-style you lead? Does your life portray and display God’s power and majesty?
19:4 “their Voice” what does that mean?
If in vs 3 their voice is silent or is not heard, how can it go to the ends of the world?
In Romans 10:14 Paul uses this passage to show that there is no excuse not to worship God. If one wants to truly worship God, and his heart is inclined to listen, and his soul is ready to accept, God’s message can be heard in nature itself. The “voice”- preachers of the gospel - the excuse of “I did not hear” cannot be used. It describes the widespread preaching of the gospel
New Guinea example of the “Thumb” God
Vs 4b David can see the faithfulness of God
He uses a couple of metaphors - Heavens pitched a tent for the sun – even though his knowledge of how the solar system works was limited, he knew that every day the sun would rise, just as God’s faithfulness is never changing.
A bridegroom and a champion – represents the radiance of the sun itself as it sets is course or its circuit as it moves across the sky – just as it reveals God’s glory, power, & wisdom
You do not have to listen for words because it is evident what the effect of the sun is since “nothing is hidden from its heat”.
He makes a point that this is God’s creation, and that we are to worship the God of creation and not the creation of God as some are inclined to do. We only need to
Look To The Scriptures for His Revelation – SPECIFIC REVELATION
He tells of the fullness and preciousness of God’s Word
Vs 7a It Converts or revives the soul because of its perfection
We need to be revived and only the perfect Word of God can do that
In James 1:18 the writer tells us of the power of the “word of truth”
Vs 7b It makes Wise the Simple because of its Trustworthinessthrough the inspiration of God
II Tim 3:15 if we are simple enough to believe it, it will make us wise unto salvation
The foolishness of God is much wiser than the deepest truth that any man can conceive.
The simplicity of the Gospel has been and always will be a great stumbling block for many.
Vs 8a It rejoices or gives joy to the heart because of its righteousness
Vs 8b It enlightens the eyes because of its radiance. If we truly seek its truths our eyes will be opened so we can see Psalm 119:105 because it is right. It is what the heart needs to find the happiness and peace it craves. Until we restin the love of God we will never truly be at rest Matthew 11:28-30 and until we apply the Word of God to our lives we will not have joy Jeremiah 15:16
Vs 9a It endures forever because it is pure! It offers everlasting life because it is everlasting. John tells us that in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God and the Jesus is the Word. Jesus said that I am the way the truth and the life. No man comes unto the Father except by me. It is because of His purity that we too can have life eternal.
Vs 9b It is righteous because it is truth. It is right in every warning, demand, counsel, and promise. It is not only true or sure, it is Absolute Truth and without error.
Vs 10 It is most desirable because it is better than the sweetest honey or the purest gold.
Vs 11 It is needed for warning and for great reward. It warns of the results of disobedience and the rewards of obedience. Joshua 1:8
Because we can see His Majesty in Creation and Hope and Truth in His Word we can relate to God on a personal basis through confession and prayer. Just like nothing is hidden from the sun’s heat vs 6, and the voice of nature goes to the ends of the earth vs 4, God’s word with all its perfection penetrates and examines the heart and soul of every individual.
We have many hidden faults and errors in judgments and David asks for forgiveness because he wants nothing to stand between him and God. His desire is to be pure and blameless, truly a man after God’s own heart.
To get a clean fresh start spiritually we must be willing to express a sincere desire for forgiveness and long for a renewed relationship with Him. God revealed himself to the Hebrews who called Him “El”. God promised them that a Messiah would come and He did in the form of a baby in a manger who died on a cross and rose on the third day to give all the blessed hope of life eternal. However, the Jews missed Him and denied His deity and power. Before Jesus ascended to the Father, he told us that a Comforter would come and enable us, give us the power that we need to live a life more abundant and free.
We often wonder how the Jews could have consistently denied the power, the grace, the love, the righteousness, the guiding hand of God as He provided for them over and over in their storied history. And then to deny God’s only Son and the freedom and salvation He offers.
But have we not done something similar by denying the power promised just as they have denied the Messiah promised? Jesus died on the cross and rose again for whosoever will believe in Him and grant them life eternal. He tells us to seek out and to look for the promised Enabler, the Holy Spirit. His power and His filling will give us the boldness, the courage, the Fresh Beginning and continuous ability to remain in Him.
It is as if we say “Jesus, I believe in you and your saving grace. I praise you for cleansing me from all unrighteousness. And I worship you for your love and the blessed hope of life everlasting. But I am weak and I need strength to rise above all of my problems.”
And He says, “I have given you my Holy Spirit to abide with you. He helps you to remember things you have been taught when you need them for encouragement in your day by day walk, He even intercedes for you to My Father with groanings when you do not know what to ask for. But you need to be like the disciples and wait for Him, to pray to Him for His filling and be receptive to His leading. He wants to give you the power and the boldness you need but will not force Himself upon you. You must ask for His filling, just as you have asked Me for the forgiveness I have offered you.”
Then and only then will we have the Fresh Perspective to make a difference in our lives, our church, our community, and our world in 2025!
But pehaps you are here today and have not come to know Jesus as your Savior.
Nicodemus – John 3 He came seeking
John 7:30 He came Standing
John 19:38 He came Serving
The new Birth is not optional - You MUST be born again. No gray area.
Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once!
In order to do so, Jesus’ mission was 2 Parts - to “be lifted up” and to “draw all men” to himself John 12:32
The results were 2 Parts – to Pay the penalty of Sin, and to and to give us life, because he lives, we to shall live!
The judgement of man’s sin cold only be quenched by a sinless man
The he became sin for us, he was sinless – he was in the likeness of sin without its poison
Problem of Sin Romans 3:23
2 PARTs - Transgression - For all have sinned
Consequences – come short of the glory of God
What we have earned because of Sin – death - Romans 6:23
No one is righteous – Romans 3:10 & 12
Solution to Sin Romans 5:8&9
2 Parts – Redemption – we are justified by His blood
& Restoration – we are saved from wrath through Him
Response to Sin Romans 10:9
2 Parts – Confession - confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord!
Belief – believe in your heart that God raised Jesus from the dead
This belief that God Raised him from the dead is essential and paramount and ties in carefully with John 3:16 – WE MUST BE BORN AGAIN! And our new birth isn’t found within the Atonement, the sacrifice of Jesus. The Atonement is necessary and vital for without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness, but it is not what save! It is His Resurrection!
Paul clearly states in Romans 5:10 that we are saved by His Life!
2 Parts!
His Death and Blood Justifies us – it deals with the for all have sinned part
His Resurrection and Life saves us – it deals with the short of God’s Glory
In order to have life, we must be BORN AGAIN – it is not an option. It is through this “new birth” that we regain God’s Glory!
Many believe that Jesus was a great teacher, philosopher, example, prophet and agree we should follow his teachings. They even believe that he lived and died.
But unless we believe in the Resurrected Jesus Christ which gives us life, the new birth, we remain dead in our trespasses and sins
Assurance Promise Romans 10:13
2 Parts – Our Call - EVERYONE - call on His Name
His Response – SHALL be saved
Romans 10:9 “if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved”