Behold the Reurrection, Pt 2
From death to life. The resurrection of Lazarus to bring Glory to the Father and the Son was, just like the regenerating work in our lives, solely and altogether a work of God.
Now, let this be taken as a plain statement of our belief as to the Lord’s work in salvation, and taken without any mitigation or dilution. We believe that in every case salvation is of the Lord alone and altogether. Regeneration is a supernatural work. Man must be born again from above—any power short of that from heaven will be ineffectual. The new creation is as much and entirely the work of God as the old creation.
“Can aught beneath a power divine
The stubborn will subdue?
’Tis thine, Eternal Spirit, thine
To form the heart anew.
“To chase the shades of death away,
And bid the sinner live!
A beam of heaven, a vital ray,
’Tis thine alone to give.”
He Wept
But love in Christ towards us most fitly shows itself in tears. When he thinks of what we are, and how we have become subject to death, and how sin has brought us under this bondage, since he loves us, he must weep; nay, he must die; for even his tears cannot suffice to manifest his love. Jesus must pour out his soul, not only unto tears, but unto death, that all may see how deeply he loves us.