Imperfect Humans

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Those of us who have a phone and love to take selfies are familiar with photo filters.
I am not referring to those filters that give you cat or bunny ears.
Rather, I’m referring to those photo filters that smooth out your skin, take away any bumps or moles, give you a baby smooth and radiant face.
Here are two versions of a famous celebrity - George Clooney.
On the right you have photo filter George Clooney and on the left you have the real George Clooney without any photo filters.
The left shows you you the real thing, with grey hair, wrinkles, dark circles under the eyes, uneven skin tone, etc.
The photo filters on the right attempt to hide away all the imperfections - but in the end, they fail because if you see George Clooney in person you will see all the gray, wrinkles, the dark circles, and uneven skin tone.
We like to pretend that these imperfections do not exist - but guess what, we can pretend all we want but they are really there!
This is why I love the Bible - the Bible presents human beings - just as we really are.
The Bible does not present perfect human beings.
In fact, we see many of the Bible characters with all their faults and sinful attitudes.
For example, the Bible does not shy away from telling us the truth about even the greatest men and women in the Bible.
In Acts 15 we read about a very sharp disagreement that Paul and Barnabas had.
Hechos de los Apóstoles 15:36–40 NIV
36 Some time later Paul said to Barnabas, “Let us go back and visit the believers in all the towns where we preached the word of the Lord and see how they are doing.” 37 Barnabas wanted to take John, also called Mark, with them, 38 but Paul did not think it wise to take him, because he had deserted them in Pamphylia and had not continued with them in the work. 39 They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company. Barnabas took Mark and sailed for Cyprus, 40 but Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord.
Paul felt the need to return to all the churches they had started during their first missionary trip.
However, Barnabas, his missionary partner wanted to take John Mark with them.
Paul did not agree because John Mark had abandoned the mission trip.
It does not seem like a huge disagreement - but they could not come to an agreement.
So what was the result?
We see these two men of God, who were used by God to start various churches, be so determined to have their own way, that they strongly disagreed with each other.
The word translated as sharp disagreement does not refer to a slight difference in opinion.
In fact, it refers to a heated argument.
Maybe they started yelling at each other.
Maybe their face turned red when they were arguing with each other.
In the end, they were so upset that they simply could not continue working together and they went in oposite directions.
Just imagine if hermano Jaime wants us to have a prayer service on Wednesday and I say we should have it on Thursday.
We start arguing…and we start yelling at each other because none of us wants to do what the other wants.
…and in the end I slam the door and say - you do whatever you want but I am going to do what I want.
You would probably say - that’s very immature of pastor Abraham to act like that; he should be an example to all of us and not act like that.
But this is precisely what’s going on in this passage.
But what’s so amazing about God, is that despite Paul and Barnabas arguing with each other, God was determined to save people.
…and yes, they went their separate ways but even while the were working separately God was still saving people, God was still working in people’s lives.
God is so powerful that his plans will be carried out…even though we are imperfect, even though we fail, even though we are unworthy.
Let’s pray that God will continue to use us…despite our sin; and most of all that he will deliver us from sin…so that we may serve him without any obstacles.
Our Father, thank you for showing us that even the greatest leaders in the Bible were sinful human beings. This makes us realize that there is no one perfect except the Lord Jesus Christ. Teach us to trust you, that even though we are imperfect human beings you will continue to use us to carry out your mission of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to many people. Deliver us from sin…but most importantly use us despite our many faults, in Jesus Name we pray, Amen.
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