The Lord's Supper: What is it and Why do we do it?
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· 2 viewsWe will discuss the Lord's Supper and its connection to the Passover. We will look at its power to orient us. We will consider the Gospel proclamation in the Lord's Supper and the Lordship of Christ. We will look at our focus on one another and our anticipation of His return.
1 Corinthians 11:23-34
1 Corinthians 11:23-34
Read 23-34
Explain passage
The Lord’s Supper, The Lord’s Table, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Breaking of Bread
The Lord’s Supper, The Lord’s Table, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Breaking of Bread
Where Did It Begin?
Where Did It Begin?
Old Testament Covenant
Passover - meal that:
memorialized -
deliverance from death
freedom from slavery
shaped Israel’s identity and how they viewed themselves
foreshadowed a future deliverance with a better Lamb and Covenant
New Testament Covenant
Jesus institutes “The Lord’s Supper” as He eats Passover with His disciples
He intended for it to be a perpetual observance
What Is It And What Does It Mean To Us?
What Is It And What Does It Mean To Us?
An ordinance, ordained or commanded by the Lord Himself, that serves several purposes. Luke 22:15-20, Matthew 26:26-29, Mark 14:22-25
shaped Israel’s identity and how they saw themselves
foreshadowed a future deliverance with a better Lamb and Covenant
Lord’s Supper
shapes our (Christians) identity and how we see ourselves
We trust in the Lamb and His Covenant
Remembering is powerful
a song, smell, or taste can remind us of a time in our past, change our mood in the present, and focus us toward the future.
The Lord’s Supper connects us with the past, sets our mood in the present, and focuses us toward the future return of and reign with Christ.
Remembering can be life-changing
Pearl Harbor, The Alamo, 9/11, Auburn beating Alabama with 1 second left.
Memory can motivate us to honor the past and do better in the future.
Remember Jesus’s sacrifice for you, your deliverance from eternal death, gift of eternal life, and remember what He commands us to do!
Proclamation of the Gospel
We participate in Gospel benefits (salvation, forgiveness, justification, peace with God, adoption, new birth, indwelling of the Holy Spirit, Knowing God, eternal life, etc…)
We submit to Gospel demands
proclaim His death until He comes
The Lord’s Supper shows His death
We should live the Gospel and share the Gospel
We submit to the Lordship of Jesus Christ
Our lifestyles prove lordship (1 Corinthians 10:21)
Renewing of Our Commitment to One Another
It is a family meal, not one we do alone
We focus on each other and not ourselves
Paul’s prescription of self-examination was to fix Corinthians’ problem, not the focus of the Supper
Not a selfish meal, but selfless meal
Jesus poured out His blood for many, not just for you
Jesus is Lord! The Lord commands that we love one another.
We must think and live as committed to one another
Anticipation of His Return
We look for His return as we participate in the Lord’s Supper!
He has already signed the Covenant in His blood. He will return and bring it to its final conclusion!
We will drink it new with Him in His Father’s Kingdom! (Matthew 26:29)