Salvation In The Mosaic Covenant
Salvation In The Mosaic Covenant • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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“ ‘I am the Lord your God: You shall not make for yourselves idols made by human hands; neither shaped stones nor a stone pillar will you set up for yourselves, nor a stone object will you erect in your land to bow down to it—I myself am the Lord your God.
You will observe my Sabbaths, and you will revere my holy sanctuary; I myself am the Lord.
“ ‘If in my ordinances you conduct yourselves and you keep my commandments and do them,
then I will give the rain to you in its season, and the land will produce its yield, and the trees of the field will produce their fruit.
And the harvest will overtake for you the time of gathering grapes, and the time of gathering grapes will overtake seed time, and you will eat your food to satisfaction, and you will permanently dwell with security on your land, and war will not go through your land.
And I will make peace in your land and you will lie peacefully, and there will not be anyone who will alarm you, and I will destroy ferocious wild beasts from your land.
Then you will pursue your enemies, and they will fall before you in slaughter.
And five from you will pursue a hundred, and a hundred of you will pursue myriads, and your enemy will fall before you by the sword.
And I will look on you, and I will increase you and multiply you, and I will make firm my covenant with you.
And you will eat the old and the very old produce, and you will clear out the old produce for the new.
And I will establish my covenant among you, and my soul will not abhor you.
Then I will walk among you and I will be your God, and you yourselves will be my people.
I myself am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt when you were slaves, and I shattered the bond of your yoke and brought you out with boldness.’ ”
“ ‘But if you do not obey me or observe these my commandments,
but disobey them, and my judgments provoke your soul so that you do not observe all my commandments, so as to turn away from my covenant,
then I myself will deal with you, and I will bring against you distress, both mange and jaundice and infection of your eyes and illness that wastes away your souls. And you will sow your seed in vain, and your enemies will eat it.
And I will set my face against you, and you will fall before the enemies, and the ones who hate you will pursue you, and you will flee even though no one is pursuing you.
And if you still do not obey me, then I will continue to discipline you seven times more for your sins.
And I will break the insolence of your pride, and I will set the heavens for you as iron and your land as bronze.
Then your strength will be in vain, and your land will not give forth its seed, and the fruit tree of your field will not produce its fruit.
Then, if after these things you conduct yourselves in your crooked ways and are not willing to obey me, I will continue to place on you plagues seven more times according to your sins.
And I am sending against you the wild beasts of the land, and they will devour you and destroy your livestock. And I will make you few in number, and your roads will become desolate.
And with respect to these things, if you are not disciplined but continue to come against me, being treacherous,
then I will proceed with you treacherously in wrath, and I will strike you, even I, seven times more for your sins.
Then I will bring on you a sword to execute justice concerning my covenant, and you will flee into your cities, and I will send forth death to you, and you will be given over into the hands of enemies.
During your affliction through a lack of food, at that time ten wives will bake your loaves in one oven, and they will ration your food by measure, and you will eat it, but you will not be filled.
“ ‘But if with respect to these things you do not obey me and continue to act against me treacherously,
then I myself will go forth after you in treacherous wrath, and I will discipline you myself, seven times according to your sins.
Then you will eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters you will eat.
And I will lay your sacred pillars to waste and utterly destroy your handmade wooden images, and I will put your corpses on top of the corpses of your idols, and my soul will be provoked with you.
And I will turn your cities into desolate places and devastate your holy things, and I will not smell of the scent of your offerings.
And I myself will completely devastate your land, and your enemies who live in it will marvel at it.
And I will scatter you into the nations, and my pursuing sword will consume you, and your land will be desolate, and your cities will be deserts.
At that time the land will be content with its Sabbaths, and throughout the days of its desolation. And you yourselves will be in the land of your enemies; during that time the land will observe its Sabbaths, and the land will be content with its Sabbaths.
Throughout all the days of its desolation it will observe its Sabbaths, which it did not observe during your Sabbath years when you inhabited it.
And to those of you who survive, I will bring slavery into their heart in the land of their enemies, and the sound of a leaf being shaken will pursue them; and they will flee just as fleeing from battle, and they will fall when no one is pursuing.
Then brother will disregard brother, just as in battle when no one is running someone down, and you will not be able to stand against your enemies.
And you will perish among the nations, and the land of your enemies will devour you.
And the ones from you who survive will perish because of your sins. They will waste away in the land of their enemies.
And they will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors, because they transgressed and overlooked me and because they behaved treacherously before me.
And I myself proceeded along with them with treacherous wrath, and I will destroy them in the land of their enemies. And their uncircumcised heart will be ashamed, and at that time they will consent to their sins.
And I will remember the covenant with Jacob, and the covenant with Isaac, and the covenant with Abraham I will remember; and I will remember the land.
And the land will have been forsaken by them. Then the land will receive its Sabbaths, when it is desolate because of them, and they themselves will receive justice on account of their transgressions because they disregarded my judgments and they were provoked at my ordinances in their soul.
And not even when they are in the land of their enemies, not even then will I discard them, nor will I be utterly provoked toward them to the extent of utterly destroying them so as to turn away from my covenant with them, for I myself am the Lord their God.
And I will remember their former covenant, when I led them out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, in the presence of the nations to be their God; I myself am the Lord.
“ ‘These are my judgments and my ordinances and the instruction which the Lord gave between him and between the sons of Israel at Mount Sinai by the hand of Moses.’ ”