The Betrayer
The Betrayer
Arrival in Bethany (John 12:1)
Mary’s anointing of Jesus (John 12:2–8; cf. Matt 26:6–13 par.)
Triumphal entry (Matt 21:1–11 par.), surveying the temple (Mark 11:11), return to Bethany (Matt 21:17; Mark 11:11)
Cleansing the temple (21:12–13 par.); cursing the fig tree (21:18–22); miracles and challenge in the temple (21:14–16); return to Bethany (Mark 11:19)
Disciples’ questions regarding the fig tree (Mark 11:20–21); debates with the leaders in the temple (Matt 21:23–22:46 par.); Olivet Discourse after return to Bethany (Matt 24–25)
Little recorded in the gospels—Jesus and disciples apparently remain in Bethany; Judas arranges for his betrayal (26:14–16 par.)
Preparation for Passover (26:17–19 par.); after sundown, Passover meal and Last Supper (26:20–35); Farewell Discourse (John 13–17); Gethsemane (Matt 26:30–46 par.)
After midnight, the betrayal and arrest (26:47–56); Jewish trials—Annas (John 18:13–14), Caiaphas and partial Sanhedrin (Matt 26:57–75 par.), full Sanhedrin (27:1–2); Roman trial—Pilate (27:2–14 par.), Herod Antipas (Luke 23:6–12), Pilate (Matt 27:15–26 par.); crucifixion (9 a.m. to 3 p.m., 27:27–56); burial (27:57–61 par.); tomb sealed with guards (27:62–66)
The plotting
While Annas was deposed in A.D. 15, his prestige and control to the temple still continued in that five of his sons and his son-in-law Caiaphas became high priests after him.