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Wedding sermon

Wendy's Wedding
Introduction: There was... a very unusual military funeral in California...in December of 2013. Sgt. First Class Joseph Gantt...who fought... in both World War II...and the Korean War..,was laid to rrest.Now...he had been captured in Korea...in 1950...and died...the following year. But his body was not returned... for many years... and his death was never confirmed...by the North Koreans.,..His wife, Clara… waited for decades...for her husband... to come back. And…she regularly went to meetings...with government officials... seeking information... about what had happened. Clara even bought a house...and had it professionally landscaped...so all Joseph would have to do...when he came home...was go fishing. Now...she was ninety-four years old...when his remains were finally brought home...for a military funeral with full honors. And it wasn’t the homecoming...she had dreamed of...but...she finally knew his fafateSo...Clara told a reporter...who.… interviewed her...“He told me...that...if anything happened to him...he wanted me to remarry. And I told him... ‘No, no.’ And...here I am...still his wife...and I’m going to remain his wife...until the day...the Lord calls me home.” And...the point is...love—true, godly love—is not temporary... or transient. Love is a commitment...that is meant to last. And it is not based...on everything going right... or always being happy. And love is not an emotional feeling...but rather a choice... of the will. Now...Casual commitments.. do not produce a foundation... for deep and meaningful relationships. And as Christians... we should love Yothers... as God loves us—with an unfailing love...that never ends.
I. The Promise
A. Declaration
At Sunday school
they were teaching how God created everything,
2. The text that we find Here is an Amazing and thit describes the validity of the Jn 3:16
Johnny said, “I don’t feel well, I think I’m having a wife.”
Genesis 1:1 “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”
Matthew 28:19–20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.””
troduction: as we begin this evening... Allow me to tell you a true story… About a
young boy...named David..now David... at 2-years old...had Leukemia… And as a
result...was taken by his mother...Deborah....to Massachusetts General Hospital...in
Boston....to see Dr. John Truman...who specializes in treating children....with
cancer...and various blood diseases. But...Dr. Truman’s prognosis...was devastating: He
said..."He has a 50-50 chance." Now… Can you imagine how hard that would be...as a
parent...to here is such devastating news. And not only that...but think about the
countless clinic visits...the blood tests...the intravenous drugs...the fear and pain...of
watching… And hoping your son gets better...why...the mother's ordeal...can be almost as
bad...as the child’s...because ....she must stand by...unable to bear the pain herself...her
son was going through...but as the young boy… Went through each procedure...he never
cried....and...although his friends in the clinic...had to hurt him...and stick needles...in
him...he hustled in ahead of his mother... Each time...with a smile… sure of the
welcome...he always got from the clinic staff. Now ...When David was three...he had to
have a spinal tap--a painful procedure...at any age.
I. By Faith Abraham Sought for God’s Direction v.8
as going through...but as the young boy… Went through each procedure...he never
cried....and...although his friends in the clinic...had to hurt him...and stick needles...in
him...he hustled in ahead of his mother... Each time...with a smile… sure of the
welcome...he always got from the clinic staff. Now ...When David was three...he had to
have a spinal tap--a painful procedure...at any age.
I. By Faith Abraham Sought for God’s Direction v.8
*In fact
Tina and I lived in Africa
2) she had to have a spinal tap
-Because of contracting typhoid fever
-and my
1) how painful that was
2) to my dear wife
1) here this little boy was
2) at 3 years old
-Getting a spinal tap
1) It was explained to him that,
2) because he was sick,
-Dr. Truman
1) had to do something
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