Untitled Sermon (2)
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We never know when God is testing us in some ordinary experience of life.
Warren W. Wiersbe
If our faith is not in the present tense it will never be able to stand the test of the days in which we live.
In times of severe testing, our first question must not be, “How can I get out of this?” but “What can I get out of this?”
Warren W. Wiersbe
God’s purpose in testing is to confirm our faith, the evil one’s purpose in testing is to weaken it.
Craig Keener
The purpose of the trials is to punish the majority of the nation because of its sin and simultaneously to purify the righteous remnant by testing their faith (cf. 14:14, 16, 18, 20, 22–23).
G. K. Beale
Faith is such a vital matter to the children of God that it must needs be put to the test, first in order to prove that it is genuine, and second to purge and strengthen it.
Philip Mauro; D. Edmond Hiebert
If God is calling and empowering you to do something for him (3:16–17), you can expect to be tested (compare comment on 6:13), and you can expect testing commensurate with the seriousness of your call.
Craig Keener
It is a solemn and frightening thing, in this world of sin and flesh and devils, to realize that about eighty or ninety percent of the people whom God is testing will flunk the test!6
A. W. Tozer