# 2 A New You 4 The New Year - How To Renew The Mind

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Introduction: A young man named Jake grew up believing he was incapable of achieving anything. For years, he lived in the shadows of doubt, feeling lost and directionless. One day, he heard a sermon about John 3:16, emphasizing that God loves us regardless of our past. Jake realized that if God could love him, perhaps he could love himself. This changed his mindset completely; he began to pursue his passions and ultimately became a mentor for young boys in his community, demonstrating that a change of heart can reshape one’s destiny.
Consider a woman named Sarah who felt stuck in her job and life. After reading Proverbs 3:5-6 about trusting in the Lord, she decided to shift her perspective. Instead of feeling trapped, she began to see her workplace as a mission field where she could share love and kindness. Her attitude transformed not only her own experiences but also the culture of her workplace, leading her colleagues to a deeper understanding of faith and purpose. Sarah learned that a change in mindset can lead to a change in circumstances.
If you want to change your mind today then I encourage you to stay with me, follow along in your Bible, and take notes on todays message. How can we transform our minds? Follow these five steps:

1. Transformation Begins in the Mind Romans 12:2

2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
The verse tells us that we need to “be transformed by the renewing of our mind.” The Greek word “transformed” is “metamorphoo” (met-am-ro-fo’-o). The word means to change, transfigure, or transform. It is what we see in the process of a caterpillar becoming a beautiful butterfly, or a tadpole becoming a bullfrog. They are transformed.
Our minds need a transformation and that happens when we renew them. Now, think of your mind like a hard drive. Over the years, thousands of files are recorded onto the drive. However, unlike a hard drive your mind never gets fully filled, but the mind does create life patterns. Your thought life will create daily life patterns. When it comes to an actual hard drive we can trash files that we don’t use, and we can also do a total reboot and start with a clean hard drive. Now, when it come to the mind some of you need to trash certain files, and others of you need a total transformation of your mind, and this happens through the process of renewing the mind.
Let’s look at it another way. How many of you remember vinyl records? Well, you know that at times a scratch on a record, ruined the record because every time the needle got to the scratch point it only repeated the same line in the song over-and-over again. Quite annoying to say the least. You had to lightly bump the needle for the song to continue. No one like doing that. You see, there are a lot of people living at the scratch point repeating the same behavior repeatedly. Sometimes a bump in life moves us also, but when we replay the record, we reach the scratch point again and we are back repeating the cycle.
How can we keep our hard drive healthy? How do we protect the record of our mind from getting a scratch? Here are a few suggestions:
· Make sure that Jesus Christ is your Savior and Lord.
· Start each day with Scripture—whether it’s a verse, a chapter, or a devotional book. Just maybe you will decide to read through the Bible in 2025.
· Hold on to the promises you find in the Bible.
· Memorize God’s Word – Quote Psalm 119:11.
· Reject junk thoughts and lies your mind begins to think.
· Quickly replace lies with truth.
Here the great thing about spending time in God’s Word. It helps you to prove (literally test) what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God is for your life. Scripture becomes the litmus test for all things.
Scripture tells us, “Walk in the light and we will not stumble in the darkness” (John 11:9). What a great and wonderful promise. As we go through this new year lets walk in the light of God’s Word.
Dr. John F. MacArthur wrote. “The outward transformation is effected by an inner change in the mind, and the Spirit’s means of transforming our minds is the Word.[1]

2. Think Like Christ - Philippians 2:5

Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.
Who present today would like to think like Jesus Christ? I want to illustrate for you what God is seeking to accomplish in our minds by this gift I received from Evangelist Joe Veal (YouTurn Ministries) this past Christmas. It is a carving of a giraffe. Allow me to read what is on this card to you:
An Illustration of Sanctification
Years ago, I led a woodcarver to the Lord in Malawi, Africa. I was so impressed by his talent of carving giraffes out of African teakwood that I asked him, “Isaac, how do you carve a giraffe?” He replied, “I take a piece of wood and cut off everything that’s not a giraffe.” This is a beautiful picture of sanctification. The Lord holds a Christian in His hand and removes everything that doesn’t look like Jesus.”
Isn’t that exactly what God wants to do in our minds? He wants to remove anything that is not Christ like. For this to happen we must surrender to the Holy Spirit, the great carver of our minds.
How can this happen?
· Pray daily, asking God to align your thoughts with his thoughts.
· Read through the Gospels and study the life of Christ. Look for his mindset—how He showed compassion, trusted the Father, and forgave his enemies.
· Walk in humility, selflessness, and prioritizing the needs of others.
· Be quick to confess any thoughts that don’t align with Scripture.
Before we move on, I want to share with you what one man wrote about the word “mind” used here in Philippians 2:5. He said, “mind refers to attitude and perspective. It’s not just about thinking like Jesus but also acting and behaving in accordance with his character.”
To think like Jesus Christ is to display the character of Jesus Christ in our lives. This really needs to take place in our homes first, and then move out into our community and work place.

3. Guard Your Thought Life - Proverbs 4:23

Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
Jesus said that everything about life flows from the heart (Matthew 15:17-19). And the Apostle Paul penned that we must bring every thought into captivity. We read in 2 Corinthians 10:5,
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,
This verse doesn’t say “some thoughts” – it says, “every thought.” You see we cannot pick and choose what thought we allow our minds to focus in on. We can’t have pet thoughts that we approve if they are unhealthy thoughts. No, we need to bring them into captivity unto the obedience of Christ.
Imagine building a fortress around a priceless treasure. Your thoughts are that treasure. If you let the wrong ideas in—bitterness, resentment, doubt, or fear—they can take over. Protect your treasure. Fortify your mind.
How do we bring our thought life into captivity? At finds.Life.Church.com I found the following insight about taking thoughts captive. Here are four steps we can all take:
Step 1: Think about what you think about.
Our thoughts are the catalysts that set our courses. This is where positivity or negativity and good or poor choices come from. The easiest thing to do is to let the mind run rampant, but we have to recognize that not every thought is true.
Step 2: Once you’ve thought about your thought, capture it!
2 Corinthians 10:5 says we have the power to capture our thoughts and make them obey Jesus.
Step 3: Test your thought.
The test? The P48 Standard (Philippians 4:8). Is it true, pure, noble, right, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy? If not, what is the truth?
Step 4: Decide what to do with the thought.
Is it true? Keep it! Is it a lie? Throw it out!
Our thoughts are powerful. They’re the motivation behind every action. Make it a priority today to evaluate your thoughts. Say goodbye to destructive lies. I promise, it will be a game changer! You can take captive every thought.
Keep Taking Your Thoughts Captive
Living a life where every thought is captive requires dedication. By understanding the concept of taking thoughts captive, recognizing the spiritual battle for our minds, using the power of God’s Word, and remembering our identity in Christ, we can bring our thoughts into obedience to Christ.
This journey isn’t easy, but it’s possible with the help of the Holy Spirit. We cannot live the Christian life apart from the Holy Spirit (Romans 8). This is why we are reminded in Ephesians 5:18b,
But be filled with the Holy Spirit.
By taking our thoughts captive, we can experience freedom from unhealthy thoughts and behaviors and cultivate a thought life that honors God. Remember, you’re not alone in this battle. God is always with you, guiding and empowering you to live a life that is pleasing to Him. So, let’s strive to take every thought captive and live in the freedom and truth that God offers.[2]
The wonderful Bible teacher, Dr. Charles Stanley wrote, "Your mind is the control tower of your life. What you think determines what you say and do. That’s why renewing your mind with Scripture is so important."

4. Replace Lies with Truth - John 8:32

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
What sets people free? God’s Truth sets people FREE!
Think of a computer virus corrupting a system. If lies are the virus, God’s Word is the antivirus software that removes the infection and restores function.
Many of you know that my social media was hacked this past week. A bad player “hacker” got into one of my accounts and sent out misinformation – it was a lie. I had to correct it by changing all my passwords. It is a tedious process. Especially when you can’t remember the passwords your used to create the site.
How do we replace lies with God’s truth?Well, many years ago, my wife, Debbie passed out a small card entitled: Freedom in Christ. On one side the card asked: Who am I? And then listed the following truth: I am accepted… I am secure… I am significant. On the backside of the card, it said: My Identity, and it has two columns:
Satan’s Lies - You are a sinner because you sometimes sin.
God’s Truth - You are a saint (one declared righteous by God) who sometimes sins.
Satan’s Lies - You get your identity from what people say about you.
God’s Truth - You get your identity from what God has done for you.
Satan’s Lies - Your behavior tells you what to believe about yourself.
God’s Truth - Your belief about yourself determines your behavior.
There are some of you who need to expel the lies of Satan and replace them with God’s truth. So, as we walk through our day, we should seek to…
· Identify one recurring negative thought in our life. Write it down and find a verse that speaks truth against it.
For instance, replace "I’ll never change." with 2 Corinthians 5:17: "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!"
Here is another one – “I just don’t feel like I loved.” Replace that wrong thought with 1 John 3:1, “Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God! Therefore the world does not know us, because it did not know Him” or with Jeremiah 31:3, “The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying: “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.”
Dr. David Jeremiah said, "When your mind is renewed by God’s truth, it transforms your whole perspective and enables you to see life through His eyes."

5. Trust the Process of Renewal – Isaiah 55:8-9

8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. 9 “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.
It has been said that Transformation is like a garden. You plant seeds of truth, but it takes time for them to grow. Be patient. You must water them with prayer, Bible reading, faith, and obedience, trusting God for the harvest.
Here is a good practice…
· Don’t rush the process. Celebrate small victories in your thought life.
· Share your journey of renewal with others. Accountability partners or small groups can encourage growth. When we start up our small groups you get plugged in. Great growth can occur in a small group gathering.
· Seek to instill healthy thoughts in your mind. Remind yourself often that you are a child of God. That you are the son or daughter of the King.
· Live in the light of your identity in Jesus Christ.
Conclusion: The challenge for all of us in the New year is to allow Jesus Christ to renew our mind (Romans 12:2).
Let us step into the New Year with a commitment to renew our minds daily. Don’t just clear the clutter; fill your thoughts with God's truth. Transformation doesn’t happen overnight, but every step of faith is a step closer to the abundant life Christ promised (John 10:10).
Pray this week for God to cleanse your mind, align your thoughts with His, and give you the strength to live out His truth daily.
My prayer for all of us is that this year be one of victory, joy, and peace as you walk in renewed thinking. So, leave today thinking differently! Amen.
[1]John F. MacArthur, Romans, 2 vols. MNTC [2]Finds.lifechurch.com
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