Biblical Distinctions

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*Why you can be confident that the Bible is the Word of God?
2 Timothy 2:15 - 15 [Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, [rightly dividing the word of truth].
(1 Timothy 5: 17).
Woe be unto the lazy and slothful workman who will be ashamed before Christ for his failure to "give himself wholly" to the study of the Word
(1 Timothy 4:16).
………rightly dividing the Word of Truth--the word "rightly dividing" literally means "to rightly cut, to cut straight." 2 Tim 2:15
The Golden Rule of Bible Interpretation
When the PLAIN SENSE of Scripture makes COMMON SENSE, SEEK NO OTHER SENSE. Therefore, take EVERY WORD at its PRIMARY, ORDINARY, USUAL, LITERAL meaning, UNLESS the facts of the IMMEDIATE CONTEXT, studied in the light of RELATED PASSAGES, and axiomatic [Self-Evident, Unquestionable] and fundamental truths, indicate CLEARLY otherwise.
Insert name here:
God, in revealing His Word, neither intends nor permits the reader to be confused.
STUDY--Although the idea of "study" is certainly conveyed by this verse, this particular word actually means
"to be diligent, make every effort, exert yourself, and give your utmost effort."
The word is used in Ephesians 4:3--
"endeavoring (making every effort)to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
It is used in Hebrews 4: 11--We are to be diligent and to make every effort to enter into God's rest
…….to show thyself approved unto God--we are to make every effort to present ourselves before God as approved workmen [a hard worker]!
When we stand before the judgment seat of Christ we want to hear Him say, "Well done My good and faithful student! You have learned from Me. You have correctly handled and faithfully taught My Word of truth." We want God's approval, not only for how we live our life, but for how we study His Word.
……..a workman that needeth not to be ashamed--
Bible study is hard work and yet very rewarding. There are precious gems to be found, but finding them involves laborious work and great effort. Digging is not easy.
Spurgeon said, "There are some precious jewels which may be discovered even by the wayfaring man, but the mass of the gold is hidden in the bowels of the earth; and he who would be rich in these treasures, must dig into Scripture. Thou must go down into its depths, and thou must rummage there until thou gettest at last at the treasure."
May we be among those who "labour (toil to the point of weariness and exhaustion) in the Word and doctrine"
(1 Timothy 5: 17).
Woe be unto the lazy and slothful workmanwho will be ashamed before Christ for his failure to "give himself wholly" to the study of the Word
(1 Timothy 4:16).
………rightly dividing the Word of Truth--the word "rightly dividing" literally means "to rightly cut, to cut straight." 2 Tim 2:15
The Bible is a collection of 66 (39 in the OT & 27 in the NT) written over 1600 YEARS by 40 different authors (from all walks of life) in 3 DIFFERENT different languages (Hebrew; Chaldean; Greek) on _ different continents (Africa, Asia, and Europe) yet WITHOUT CONTRADICTION when properly understood, which attests to its divine origin and authority.
The fact that the Bible is in fact a series of books, and that each one has to stand on its own with the test being scripture validating scripture.
Ø What are some verses that make this claim?
2 Timothy 3
14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16 [All Scripture is given by inspiration of God], and is [profitable for doctrine], for [reproof], for [correction], for [instruction in righteousness], 17 that the man [ἄνθρωπος, - anthropos: 1. generically, a human being, male or female of God] [may be complete], [thoroughly equipped] for every good work.
Verbally means: Every word
Plenary means: All of it, completely
θεόπνευστος, Theophneustos -ον (< θεός, πνέω), inspired by God, came from the mouth of God [breathed -pneutos]
The Bible (like no other ‘holy book’) has staked its claim of divine inspiration on the line by predicting hundreds of specific prophecies that have exactly been fulfilled as God promised, again supporting its divine origin and authority.
· How does this compare to other religions?
1. Islam Koran 0
2. Buddhism Pali 0
3. Hinduism Vedas 0
4. Confucianism Si Shu/Wu Jing 0
5. Taoism Tao-te-ching 0
6. Mormonism Book of Mormon 0
7. Sikhism Adi Granth 0
There were over 100 prophecies fulfilled in Jesus Christ's first coming!
· Jesus Christs’ Birth-line was predicted!
Ø Seed of the women – Genesis 3:15 [this may hint at or indicate the virgin birth]
Ø Seed of Shem – Genesis 9:26-27
Ø Seed of Abraham – Genesis 12:1-3
Ø Seed of Isaac – Genesis 21:12
Ø Seed of Jacob [Israel] Genesis 28:13-14
Ø Seed of Judah – Genesis 49:10
Ø Seed of Jesse – Isaiah 11:1-2
Ø Seed of David 2 Samuel 7:12-13
Ø Seed of Solomon 1 Chronicles 22:10
· Jesus Christ Predicted Birthplace!
· Jesus Christs’ predicted Virgin birth!
Ø Isaiah 7:14
Ø Matthew 1:23-25
· Jesus Christs’ predicted betrayal for 30 pieces of silver by a friend!
Ø Zachariah 11:13
Ø Matthew 27:3
· Jesus Christs’ predicted crucifixion and words on the cross!
Ø Psalm 22:16
Ø Matthew 27:35
Ø Psalm 22:1
Ø Matthew 27:46
Pick up Lesson 1 on video at 15:47 to finish!
· How many prophesies were fulfilled in Christ’s 1stcoming?
· What were some of them? Jesus Christ’s predicted …
· Note: All these prophesies were fulfilled using language in a normal, plain, literal way – not with some hidden, allegorical meaning.
· Note: All of these prophesies were fulfilled in specific detail hundreds of years after their prediction.
· What does this indicate? _ as only God can predict the future with this kind of amazing accuracy and detail!
3. Its _.
The Bible is unique in its _ to be the very Word of God (over 4,000x), in its _ (1000s of manuscripts and translations), in its _ (salvation by grace vs. works), and in its description of its _ (exposing their vices as well as their virtues).
4. _.
The archaeological spade is a friend and not a foe in repeatedly verifying biblical accounts regarding the historicity of biblical people groups (like the Hittites), ancient biblical cities (like Jericho), and ancient biblical characters (like Abraham).
5. The _.
Jesus Christ believed EVERY part of God’s Word would be fulfilled. (Mt. 5:18)
Jesus Christ believed the Bible was the product of the _ using true human prophets. (Mark 12:36)
Jesus Christ believed that the Scriptures could be _ and that you are a _ of your ignorance of them. (Mark 22:29)
Approximately _ of the words of Jesus Christ in the New Testament are quotes from the Old Testament which reveal His belief in the Bible’s truthfulness and fulfillment.
Jesus Christ believed in the _ authorship of all the Pentateuch (Gen. – Deut.) as attested in Matt. 19:3, 22:24; Mark 1:44, 7:10, 10:3; Lk. 2:22, 24:27, 24:44) and that Isaiah wrote all of Isaiah.
Jesus Christ believed in the literal OT accounts of ...
… Adam and Eve and the divine origin of marriage (Matt.19:3-4)
… Noah and the world-wide Flood (Matt.24:37-38)
… Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Matt.22:32)
… The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Matt.10:15)
… Moses and the burning bush (Mark 12:26)
… Moses and the 10 Commandments (John 7:19)
… King David (Matt.12:3)
… Queen of Sheba & King Solomon (Matt.12:42)
… Jonah swallowed by a great fish (Matt.12:39-41)


A. 2 TIMOTHY 2:15
1. The activity needed for you to communicate accurately God’s Word is first of all to _ the Word of God.
2. The accountability of your studying/teaching is seen by the need to “present yourself _.”
3. The aim of your studying/teaching involves seeking to be “a worker who _.”
4. The accuracy of your studying/teaching is emphasized by the phrase _.
5. The authority for your teaching involves communication of the _.
B. 2 TIMOTHY 2:7
1. The human side of correctly understanding the Scriptures necessitates that you carefully _ it.
2. The divine side of correct biblical interpretation requires that “the _ gives you _ in all these things.”
* How does the teaching ministry of the Holy Spirit play an important role in all this?
* How does prayer factor into biblical interpretation?
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