Baptism of Jesus

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Baptism: the door home

Coming home in freezing rain. Relieved to get home. Didn’t feel like home till i got a hug from my sisters and a hug from my mom. followed by a slap
Baptism lets us in. But its the filling of the Spirit that shows us we are home. It is the product of the life with God that is the evidence for being baptised.
We are in the season of Epiphany — the revelation of Jesus as Messiah amongst the Gentiles along with the people of Israel.
At Jesus’ baptism — there is a voice that is heard saying, “You are my son, whom i love, with you I am well pleased.”
The Baptism of John, the Baptism of Jesus, and the Baptism we have all received — all say something very important. They are a means of grace, and they are a gift to us in our calling to be kingdom people. Lets take a look.

John’s Baptism

Who was John what did he come to do.
Prophet, fulfilment of Prophecy
Bishop Robert Barron points out that John was a priest. A protesting priest who rejected Herod’s attempt to look like the Messiah.
An alternate temple in the wilderness. Purification not through sacrifices but through repentance, new birth and in the Lamb God — the New Temple based
In Luke — John does not identify Jesus as the lamb, but he does recognise that Jesus is infinitely greater than him.
And that his baptism is great having to do with Purification and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
Those baptised by Jesus will be brought home and those who reject Jesus will be destroyed.
Judgement in the Bible has less to do with God’s judging us. And more to do with our judging God. It is our judgement that determines

Jesus’ Baptism

Graduation ceremonies are optional. They are symbolic performances to show that you have earned your diploma. Baptism is more than a ceremony. The act for baptism marks us and it marks Jesus. As we will see later Jesus also marks baptism itself.
Baptism was used by John in a unique way. In a way of welcoming new converts to the Jewish faith. John was basically saying to the Jews: you have strayed. Turn around. Come home. Be cleansed and live out your calling as God’s people.
Why then was Jesus baptised?
In Matthew its about fulfilling all uprightness. John resists baptising Jesus — but Jesus insists that it is necessary to fulfil an upright life.
The author of Hebrews describes Jesus as is the pioneer and perfecter of our faith (12:2).
Jesus not only provides the means of relationship with Father, he shows how we are to live it out. Baptism is the door way back home.
In Luke — there is no mention of fulfilling righteousness. But there is something marvellous: Jesus was with the people being baptised. He was baptised too.
Jesus threw his lot in with us. He so identified with us that he underwent a rite of repentance that he alone personally did not need. He was baptised to show solidarity with people desiring to live for God.
In the process he changed the nature of Baptism from simply a rite of purification and transformed it into a means of our throwing our lot in with Jesus. Now i

Christian Baptism

Grafting - wounded vine. Bared branch. Bound together by the Spirit-filled church. To be kingdom people
BCP p. 550 Sacrament of Baptism — outward sign immersion by water. Inward grace: Death to sin, new birth into righteousness. Born a child of grace. What is required: repentance.
The moment we begin asking who is worthy of a sacrament is the moment we have missed the boat. Sacraments are medicine to us. We are never worthy of them, but we are in need of the healing and assurance that they provide.
Baptism is not getting done. It is about getting begun.
We are to continually ask for more of the Spirit to grow in the character of Jesus. We are to pray for more of the HS to be given the gifts; the means to do the work of the Kingdom.
Water baptism is the door to a life filled with the Spirit. Jesus provides this and a spirit-filled life brings glory to our Father.
We’re through the door. Are we asking for more?

Baptism and Revelation

For john Baptism was about a return to a calling to live as God’s people.
For Jesus Baptism was about identifying with the lost — those who were spiritually poor. They knew they needed help.
Because of Jesus’s baptism, our baptism is about throwing our lot in with Jesus. Its about throwing open the door to say, “I’m home — come give me a hug.”
Being baptized in the name (nature) of the Trinity is about commiting to asking for God to help us be more like Christ, and better equipped to perfom his will.
We have crossed the threshold at baptism. Are we asking for more of the Spirit to honour our father?
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