Understanding the power of your testimony

Keys to the Kingdom  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:21:04
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Welcome to 2025… this is my 1st opportunity to share this year
Trudeau has resigned and Canada now has the opportunity to experience the fullness of God’s Blessings once again.
I’ve stated many times God has given me many visions,
but God very seldom tells me when these visions are going to come to pass
Sometimes they relate to one another, but sometimes they exist on their own
One such vision, God was very clear, ....that revival was coming to Canada, after Trudeau’s reign came to an end.
Its taken almost 10 years, and we’re not through it yet
But it’s time as God people we get ready for What God is about to do through each one of us
Revival would begin and end with restoration
Canada was once a Christian Nation
I don’t beleive You can’t say that anymore.
But we will be able to say it again if we are willing to do what Holy Spirt asks us to do.
and as we start a new series Investigating the Keys to the Kingdom, let’s remember the word God gave me for 2025
Statement for 2025 2025 will be a year of divine expansion and restoration. God is enlarging our territory and calling us to step into greater levels of influence for His glory.
It will be a season of harvest, as seeds sown in faith will bear abundant fruit.
Restoration will touch lives, families, and communities as God’s love mends what is broken and strengthens what remains.
His faithfulness will shine brightly, guiding us into uncharted territories with boldness and hope.
How do we do this?
I don’t know about you but the last 10 years for me have been a dark time
I personally went from a person who was hardly ever sick, to getting sick regularly.
Crime is at unheard of levels,
I didn’t tell many people this, by my vehicle was broken into last year.
I can’t remember anybody ever stealing anything from me before.
I have felt a darkness overshadow me that I could not explain. a heaviness, but not a good heaviness
I understood it to be spiritual, but couldn’t get a grasp of it. or shake it.
On Monday morning as I was praying, for the first time in almost 10 years I felt it shift
The darkness started to withdrawl
I felt lead to open youtube, only to see Trudeu telling Canadians he was resigning.
It took that for me to realize the Spiritual power a leader has over a nation.
Its our turn now.
that’s all I’ll say about that for now!



Tommy and Sarah: The Power of Sharing Their Story

It was Testimony Day at Kingdom Kids Church, and the room was buzzing with excitement. Pastor Emily stood at the front, holding a microphone.
“Who wants to share something amazing that God has done for them?” she asked, her warm smile inviting everyone to participate.
Tommy and Sarah sat side by side on the floor. Sarah tugged on Tommy’s sleeve. “You should go, Tommy! Tell them about what happened at soccer camp!”
Tommy shook his head quickly. “No way, Sarah. It’s not that big of a deal. And what if I mess up?”
Sarah rolled her eyes. “Tommy, it is a big deal! Remember how scared you were about being the smallest kid on the team? And then you prayed, and God helped you score that goal. Everyone was cheering for you!”
Tommy fidgeted with the laces on his sneakers. “Yeah, but what if nobody cares?”
Pastor Emily’s voice broke through their conversation. “Remember, kids, your testimony is like a key. When you share what God has done, it opens doors for other people to trust Him too!”
Tommy looked at Sarah. “Do you think it would really help someone?”
Sarah nodded. “Of course! What if there’s someone else here who feels small and needs to know God can help them too?”
Taking a deep breath, Tommy stood up and walked to the front. His heart raced, but he felt a little braver when Pastor Emily crouched down to hand him the microphone.
“Hi,” Tommy began, his voice a little shaky. “Um, so... at soccer camp, I was really nervous because I was the smallest kid on the team. But I prayed and asked God to help me not feel scared. And then... well, He helped me score a goal! I don’t think I could’ve done it without Him.”
Pastor Emily beamed. “That’s wonderful, Tommy! God gives us courage when we ask Him, and your story reminds us of that.”
As Tommy sat back down, a little boy named Noah leaned over to him. “Hey, I get scared a lot too. Do you think God would help me like He helped you?”
Tommy grinned. “Yeah, I think He would. Just ask Him.”
Sarah gave Tommy a big thumbs-up. “See? Your story made a difference!”
Tommy smiled, feeling a little taller than he had before. Sharing his story wasn’t so scary after all—and it felt amazing to know that God could use even his story to help someone else.
Scripture: Revelation 12:11
Revelation 12:11 NASB95
11 “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.

I. The Blood of the Lamb: The Foundation of Victory

The blood of the Lamb represents Jesus Christ’s ultimate sacrifice for humanity’s redemption.
Rooted in biblical symbolism, it fulfills Old Testament foreshadowing like the Passover lamb,
whose blood spared Israel from judgment, and the sacrificial system that atoned for sin.

Jesus’ blood

cleanses us from sin,
establishes a new covenant of grace,
reconciles us to God (1 John 1:7; Matthew 26:28).
It secures victory over sin, death, and satan (Revelation 12:11)
grants believers freedom, forgiveness, and access to God (Ephesians 1:7).
Eternally celebrated in heaven (Revelation 5:9),
the blood of the Lamb empowers Christians to live in victory, cleansed and redeemed by His sacrifice.
Christ’s sacrifice is the foundation of our testimonies,
as His death and resurrection provide the redemption and transformation that shape our stories.
Through the power of His blood, we overcome sin, satan, and life’s challenges,
making our testimonies a declaration of victory and the continuing impact of the cross.

II. The Word of Our Testimony: Declaring God’s Faithfulness

Testimonies reveal how His love redeems, heals, and empowers us to live victoriously,
pointing others to the gospel and inviting them to experience His grace.
By sharing our stories, we glorify God, express gratitude, and demonstrate the ongoing power of His sacrifice to transform lives.
Jesus’ death and resurrection provide the power behind our stories.
Testimony is not just about our experience but rahter about His work in our lives.
HIS Story “History”
Illustration: Share a testimony of someone whose life was transformed by Christ’s sacrifice.
Psalm 107:2 NASB95
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the adversary
When was the last time you told someone about something God has done in your life?
The Church is where we practice, but the world is where we carry it out!
Discuss the power of speaking out:
What is the Power of Testimony?

a. Encourages others

Hebrews 10:24–25 NASB95
24 and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.

b. Defeats the lies of the enemy

John 8:44 vs. our testimony of truth).
John 8:44 NASB95
44 “You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

c. It can not be refuted

Its your story, you know it better than anyone else
you know more about it than anyone
Practical Application:
Encourage the congregation to reflect on a time God worked in their lives.
Highlight how sharing their story can impact someone else’s faith journey.
instead of talking about the weather, tell someone about something you’ve recently experienced

III. Testimonies Strengthen Faith and Foster Community

Acts 4:33 NASB95
33 And with great power the apostles were giving testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and abundant grace was upon them all.
Testimonies are a catalyst for spiritual growth and unity.
They remind us of God’s unchanging nature
Hebrews 13:8 NASB95
8 Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
They create a culture of gratitude and expectancy.
to illustrate allow me to share the testimony of Corrie ten Boom,
a Dutch Christian who survived the horrors of a Nazi concentration camp during World War II.
After the war, she shared her story of forgiveness and God’s faithfulness through her book
The Hiding Place and worldwide speaking engagements.
One notable breakthrough came when she encountered one of the former guards from the concentration camp at a church service.
When he asked for her forgiveness,
Corrie initially struggled but prayed for God’s strength.
By sharing her testimony and extending forgiveness, she experienced and demonstrated the power of Christ’s love,
leading many to find hope and healing through her story.
Her testimony continues to inspire people to forgive and trust in God’s sovereignty even in the darkest times.

IV. Overcoming the Enemy Through Testimony

Revelation 12:11 NASB95
11 “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.
Testimonies are spiritual weapons because they actively advance God’s kingdom and disrupt the enemy’s plans.
When believers share their stories, they create ripple effects that extend beyond the immediate audience,
opening doors for the Holy Spirit to convict, heal, and transform lives.
Testimonies shift atmospheres by declaring God’s power in the present, building a culture of faith and expectation.
They also act as reminders of God’s covenant promises, making His works known to future generations and strengthening the global body of Christ.
In spiritual warfare, testimonies are not just personal victories—they are declarations that God’s purposes will prevail, inviting others to participate in His ongoing redemptive work.
They remind us of God’s victories, past and present.
Testimonies shut down fear, doubt, and discouragement.
In Just a little bit I’m going to open up the mic for any of you who would like to come an share their testimony

Conclusion: Our Testimony Is a Key to the Kingdom

How do you share your testimony?

1. Pray for Guidance

Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you in what to share and how to present your story in a way that glorifies God and encourages others.
Its not just what you say, but also when you say it, I love seeing how God’s timing is alway perfect

2. Keep It Simple and Focused

Stick to the key points:
Before: What was your life like before encountering Christ?
How: How did you come to know Him or experience His power?
After: What has changed since?
Avoid unnecessary details; focus on the aspects that highlight God’s work in your life.

3. Be Authentic and Honest

Speak from the heart and avoid exaggeration.
Authenticity makes your testimony relatable and impactful.
Don’t celebrate the works of the enemy, but stat them simply to display the power of God

4. Keep It Short

Aim for 3-5 minutes unless the setting allows for a longer version.
Be mindful of your audience’s time and attention.

5. Use Specific Examples

Share real moments or events that illustrate God’s intervention or transformation in your life.
These details make your story tangible and memorable.

6. Include Scripture

Reference a Bible verse that ties into your testimony, showing how God’s Word has impacted your journey.

7. Highlight God’s Work, Not Your Struggles

Keep the focus on God’s faithfulness and power rather than dwelling on your past mistakes or difficulties.

8. End with Hope and Encouragement

Invite your listeners to trust God or take their next step of faith.
Let your story point them toward Christ.

9. Write it out

take your time, allow Holy Spirit to remind you of what was going on
it ok to edit and rework it as Holy Spirit leads you
Make 3 versions.
How would you tell a Child this story
How would you tell an pre-believer this story
How would you tell a fellow Christian this story
Call to Action:
Allow people to come up and share their testimony with us
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