Phil 3 - True or False

Philippians - Above the Circumstances • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 46:17
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· 7 viewsJoy and unity among believers blossom from a collective commitment to the truth of hte gospel.
What does it mean to “live your truth”?
While we may disagree about your truth, my truth and the truth. It is essential that neither “my truth” or “your truth” is contrary to “the truth”
I googled “What it means to live your truth” and the first hit was a quote from 17th century essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson. So maybe “live your truth” is not just a millennials thing.
"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."- Ralph Waldo Emerson
I believe that the link to Emerson was largely driven by his emphasis on self reliance. Emerson lived in a world where societal influence silenced most individuality.
But what if the truth is not defined by self or society, but by someone greater than any individual or any collective society? What if truth is defined by what relates to all people in all places who speak all languages and all time.
Today’s text describes values that were important to some people (v.2) and values that used to be important (but no longer) for the author of these verses.
This chapter begins with a call to pursue joy, and the first verse of chapter 4 states that these people are Paul’s joy.
One problem I see as I talk with people who have different values than mine is that the extent that any one person’s preferences or identity become more important than another’s is the same extent that shared joy becomes impossible.
If you consider your truth to be more important than my preferences, the difference between our values is what robs us of shared joy.
But if God’s truth is more important than either yours or my preferences, then we can experience a shared joy even if our current understanding of each of our situations is incomplete.
TRANSITION: Shared joy is rooted in a common righteousness, and righteousness is not defined by either you, me, Paul, or the “dogs” of v.2.
Rejoice in Truth (Philippians 3:1-6)
Rejoice in Truth (Philippians 3:1-6)
The shared joy of 3:1 avoids the evil of false teachers (3:2)
The shared joy of 3:1 avoids the evil of false teachers (3:2)
The phrase those who mutilate the flesh indicates that the people Paul has in mind are the same ones he warned against in Galatians.
Paul has his eyes on those who overplay the importance of physical circumcision, and by extension those who overemphasize compliance to the Davidic, Mosaic, and Abrahamic covenants.
By looking back to these historic covenants these “dogs” are ignoring what God did as He ripped the veil of the Temple from top to bottom when Christ was crucified for sin. Since Christ had fully earned access to God for sinners, to remain obstinate that adherence to these covenants grants access to God, undermines the sufficiency of what Christ did for us. This is why Paul uses the negative terms of dogs and mutilate.
The shared joy of 3:1 avoids false confidence in fleshly accolades (3:4-6)
The shared joy of 3:1 avoids false confidence in fleshly accolades (3:4-6)
I appreciate when all the accomplishments of Seniors and Homecoming court, and winter court are read. They indicate the varied experiences that students consider when selecting Homecoming and Winter Court honorees. These are the same accolades that find their way onto many of the applications that these same students are mailing to desired colleges.
But shared joy is not based upon personal accomplishments. For Paul’s readers to experience the joy of 3:1 it really doesn’t matter what their resume for Jew of the Year looks like.
The goal of this passage is to pursue joy by living in the TRUTH, not the false expectations of the dogs, not the past personal accolades of any individual.
TRANSITION: Shared joy rejoices in Truth by worship within the Spirit of God and to the glory of Christ Jesus. This truth also calls us to…
Reject False Goals (Philippians 3:7-14)
Reject False Goals (Philippians 3:7-14)
Resume building is rubbish (vv.7-8a)
Resume building is rubbish (vv.7-8a)
There is not a single one of you who has ever asked me what my GPA was in school.
There is not a single one of you who has ever asked what chair occupied in band.
There is not a single one of you who has ever asked if I lettered in choir, band, sports or forensics.
There is not a singe one of you who has ever asked if I have been published.
Gaining Christ is undeniable greater than gaining reputation (vv.8b-11)
Gaining Christ is undeniable greater than gaining reputation (vv.8b-11)
What is 100x more important to you (and to our shared joy and unity) is the fact that I am deepening in my knowledge of our shared Savior. You are not impressed with my knowledge of religious writings, you want to know that I have a vibrant, real, transforming relationship with our Savior.
Paul, and I, and each of us who wants to share unity and joy have found that an imputed Righteousness of Christ through faith is immeasurably more important than any “righteousness” defined by my own ability to obey rules.
The goal of where I am headed is more important than where I am (vv.12-14)
The goal of where I am headed is more important than where I am (vv.12-14)
Don’t overplay where I am. Most of the current obsession with pronouns is fully rooted in “based upon my experiences and my understanding of my present, I wish to be seen as…
The more mature view is realizing that I am not what I was, but by God’s grace I also am not what I will be. I have the humility to admit that my current experience doesn’t limit what I may yet become.
I remember when I graduated from High School. At the time I considered that a huge accomplishment. I have since learned that 90% of a High School diploma is just showing up.
3. I realize that the desire of parents and educators is that you have the skills to take the next step. I realize that most cards and décor celebrate “Graduation”—what you have finished, While the folder printed by the school probably says “Commencement” because their goal is on what you are beginning to do.
TRANSITION: The next verse brings up the issue of maturity. If a novice may not realize how naïve he or she really is when asserting individuality, the one who is mature realizes the wisdom of playing his or her part within a community.
Resolve to Stand Together (Philippians 3:15-4:1)
Resolve to Stand Together (Philippians 3:15-4:1)
Trust God to work in others (vv.15-16)
Trust God to work in others (vv.15-16)
If you disagree with me, not that big of a deal: I trust that if I am wrong God will fix me. If you are wrong, God will change you. Don’t neglect progress you’ve made.
If the goals of others (the dogs of v.2) will be revealed that their false goals will lead them away from the true goal of knowing Christ more fully.
I have used the expression that if you give a fool enough rope, eventually he will hang himself.
3. V.2 was just a short warning, Paul then spent vv.3-17 focused on the noble choices that contribute to a shared joy.
Selfish pursuits will implode (vv.18-19)
Selfish pursuits will implode (vv.18-19)
People overly obsessed with here and now will come up empty.
A future reality shapes our current perspective (vv.20-4:1)
A future reality shapes our current perspective (vv.20-4:1)
An eternal and other-worldy citizenship defines who we are more than our current understanding. (v.20)
Since our current understanding is held with an open hand, Jesus is transforming us to be more like Him. (v.21)
Because the Lord is transforming us, we can joyfully stand firm together [brothers and beloved are both plural, which is a marked contrast to the first person singular pronouns of Paul’s former accomplishments]. (4:1)
Because the Lord is transforming us, we can joyfully stand firm together [brothers and beloved are both plural, which is a marked contrast to the first person singular pronouns of Paul’s former accomplishments]. (4:1)
I started this message by asking what it means to “Live my truth”. That is a phrase that absolutely requires individuality. But, in contrast to individual expression, Paul calls us to the joy that comes from participating in a shared community where each is united by pursuit of the truth of the Gospel. How do we do this?
Light to my path
Light to my path
Evaluate the truths you hold
Evaluate the truths you hold
Is personal expression or shared pursuit of Christ more important to you?
Lamp for my Steps
Lamp for my Steps
Remember the source of true confidence.
Remember the source of true confidence.
Our confidence comes each time we choose the John 3:30 affirmation
30 He must increase, but I must decrease.”
Chase righteousness, not rubbish.
Chase righteousness, not rubbish.
If I am decreasing, I can honestly say, “I don’t care if they remember me, only Jesus.”
When presented an option, choose Heavenly citizenship over earthly things
When presented an option, choose Heavenly citizenship over earthly things
Belonging to God’s kingdom is more important than the college you root for.
Belonging to God’s kingdom is more important than being American, Canadian or Mexican.
Promoting the Gospel is more important than your win-loss record
Promoting the Gospel is more important than dying with the most toys.