2025 Luke 2 Jesus Growing Up
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Luke 2:39-52
Luke 2:39-52
We are looking into 2025 and we desire progress this year. We desire to get reset, and to go wholeheartedly after the Lord.
Let’s look at Christ in His younger years here in the text. What do we see? We see Jesus, as a Child, growing up and being or becoming filled with wisdom and grace.
“Yeah, but He is God the Son… that was easy for Him.”
On the contrary… He was truly God and truly man… and had to learn as a man. He experienced the pains of learning, it seems. It took time. It seems to have taken effort.
Christians are Christ followers, Christ imitators. We desire to be like Him. We look to Him as Savior, as Lord, and as our model and example.
What do we see here?Jesus grew.
As much as we would like to see more, hear more, and experience more of the young life of Jesus… This is all we have until His baptism by John the Baptist.
He grew. He became strong in spirit. He became filled with wisdom, and the favor of God was upon Him.
Jesus grew physically, mentally, and intellectually.
While we never give the physical growth a second thought, we may all have wondered about the rest...
That Jesus grew and became filled with strength, wisdom, and so forth. It seems that He placed Himself under humanity in this way… That He Himself would have to learn to read and write, to study, and to grow in understanding, touching His human side… He learned a trade, carpentry.
Do not miss this: Jesus was also truly human.
Jesus knew the human experience and He knows the human experience very well. He knows how difficult life can be. He understands the challenges of this world, and the effort it takes to navigate through it.
Jesus had to fast and pray as well. Jesus had to seek the Father and be led by the Spirit while He was on planet earth.
Verse 41-43 - The family is going to Jerusalem for the Feast of Passover. They do this every year. Adult Jewish males and their families were expected to do this every year, for these festivals.
Jesus is 12 years old here and this will be His last year going to the Feast before He will be recognized as an adult, or as a man, at the age of 13.
They are on the way back and the family assumes that Jesus is with the relatives somewhere. They traveled together in large caravans. This is normal and common.
They went a day’s journey (20 miles or so), and no Jesus. So they turned around and returned to Jerusalem… to find Jesus.
Could you imagine the panic. “God… I lost your Son...”
And for 3 days they looked for Him… and then they found Him… in the temple… sitting in the midst of the teachers, the doctors/PHd’s of theology and Scripture… and Jesus was blowing their minds… as a 12 year old Child.
He was both listening to them and asking them questions… And Mary and Joseph could see that the teachers were astonished.
Luke, most likely interviewed Mary to get these details...
Mary makes it to Jesus first, and Joseph may be praying for Jesus as Mama Bear approaches Jesus: “Son… why have you done this to us? Why have you treated us like this? We have been searching for you with great distress, with much anxiety/fear...”
And Jesus answers and says, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business, that I must be in My Father’s House?”
And what happened next… was somewhat miraculous...
I mean… If I gave this answer to mom and dad after wondering away from them, and they were freaked out after these 3 days… And my answer was… “Why were you looking, you should have known I would be in the temple...”
I believe that I would have died in that temple that day. My behind would be over my shoulders… and every time somebody would mention the word Passover… I would have PTSD...
God did something miraculous in their hearts in this moment, and I do not believe for a moment that Jesus was disrespectful or dishonorable...
No, the way He said this… and the way the Spirit applied it to their hearts softened them… even though they did not understand the statement.
They knew He was special. They had not forgotten their journey and story 12 years earlier… He looked like a normal Child. He didn’t have a halo that followed Him… He was a human being who grew holistically.
But while they both were furious/indignant about the whole thing… Mary pondered these things in here heart. She thought about all of these things deeply, and meditated on them.
And Jesus went back home with them, submitted Himself to His earthly parents… and continued to grow… until we see Him again with John the Baptist.
What can we take away from Jesus here?
Jesus grew Physically, Spiritually, and Mentally. Jesus grew holistically in His humanity. And we to should give attention to every area of our lives just as Jesus did.
Physically -
Mentally -
Spiritually -