What is the Gospel? • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Intro and Prayer
Intro and Prayer
Questions to Answer
Questions to Answer
How would you explain the gospel in 3-5 sentences?
How would you explain the gospel in 3-5 sentences?
Who are you? Reflect on how you first answered it and see if it’s changed.
Who are you? Reflect on how you first answered it and see if it’s changed.
Who is Jesus? What has He done for you? Why did He do it? Why is knowing Jesus so important?
Who is Jesus? What has He done for you? Why did He do it? Why is knowing Jesus so important?
What is real faith? Do you want to place your faith and make a commitment to Jesus Christ? Why or why not? If you already are a follower of Jesus, what is something God has been putting on your heart during this retreat?
What is real faith? Do you want to place your faith and make a commitment to Jesus Christ? Why or why not? If you already are a follower of Jesus, what is something God has been putting on your heart during this retreat?
What is your next step? Pray and genuinely ask God for what your next step should be. Tell a friend, leader, or teacher.
What is your next step? Pray and genuinely ask God for what your next step should be. Tell a friend, leader, or teacher.
Final Thoughts
Final Thoughts
You were created with purpose, meaning, and with love. You are not an accident, you are wonderfully and beautifully made. You are made in the image of God. Unfortunately, sin has made you feel broken, worthless, hopeless, anxious, and ultimately has distorted God’s original design.
Because of Sin, you are separated from God, you feel that separation. But the good news is that Jesus Christ has restored your separation and you saved you from death, from hell. He has redeemed you.
This Jesus is amazing. He is God, not just a good man, He proved that with countless miracles and raising from the dead and being perfect even though He was also fully man, and experienced the life that we go through. Jesus was perfect and lived a life, sharing the good news.
Jesus would die for you, because He loves you and wants you to be restored to God. He wants you to put your faith and trust in Him. That He is fully God, fully man, sinless, and would pay the price for your sin ultimately sacrificing His life. However, because He is God, He raised 3 days later, defeating sin and death.
In order to receive this salvation though, you must put your faith in Him. And not just acknowledgement, but a life-long commitment. There will be rough seasons and you will still make mistakes, but would you continue to be with Jesus, to become like Him, and to do what He did. Because as you follow Jesus, you are recovering and pursuing the way God designed you because Jesus is the perfect image of the invisible God.
For many of us Christians, we need this reminder and we need to hold on to the gospel everyday. Remind yourself of these truths so you can continue to love Him through serving and obedience and worship. Remind yourself of why you were created, remind yourself of who Jesus is, and remind yourself to live a life of faith. We were created to know Jesus and make Him known.