The Heart of Worship: Encountering God in Spirit and Truth

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Good morning, Church!
Before we get into the subject matter today I have something I want to share with you that I think is important. Something that has become a very deep conviction for me. Some of this You have heard me say before and there is a good chance you will keep hearing me say it.
I have been doing this for a long time and what I have had to come to grips with is that ministry as I have always known it, isn’t working.
In the tradition I have been trained in, conversion is very important, but my observation is that for the most part, conversion is as far as things go for far too many people.
It is a rare thing to actually see lives transformed. I know that those of us who are born again can honestly say that we are some different than we were before salvation. But only some different. Surface level different. The stuff that is deep inside is still pretty much the same. if we are being honest. The reason I know that people are not really being transformed is because from time to time we have revivals where people “rededicate themselves to Christ”, and I see people do this frequently. I myself have done this many times in my Christian life.
As a pastor, watching someone “rededicate their life to Christ”, I really never have anything I could do to help these people. All I could really say to them was, “Okay. Mean it this time”…or something silly like that.
The truth is, revivals don’t solve the problem. Conferences don’t solve the problem either. If you study the lives of anyone commonly recognized as a great saint, you clearly see that the transformation they experienced almost never happened to them in a meeting.
Over the years as a Pastor, I have spent a lot of time and energy trying to get people to come to church. But when I look at Jesus, He was often trying to get away from people. Weird thing that.
But the people He taught were experiencing real transformation. And when we study the four Gospels, we see that Jesus came preaching that the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. That was Jesus Gospel. And if we preach any other Gospel, we got it wrong.
As I stand before you this morning, Here is how I define the Gospel. It’s just two words. Trust Jesus. Trust Him for everything, not just what happens when I die. And I see trusting Jesus and becoming His apprentice (Disciple) as the very same thing. I like the word apprentice because it means I am with jesus, learning to do what he did, as I am empowered by the Holy Spirit. When you look at the first disciples, that’s exactly what they were doing. They watched Jesus and listened to Him, and then He would say to them, “now you do it”
Every day I ask myself, “Do I trust Jesus? Do I trust Him with this church.” Not some latest guru in church growth strategies. Do I trust Him?
If you have been with us for a while, you will know that we have been focused on what it means to be a disciple, or an apprentice of Jesus Christ. Some have asked me when this series will end and my answer is, maybe when Jesus comes back. When I started this series, I honestly though it would last 6 or 8 weeks and then we would move on. But the more I dig into this I realize there is nothing to move on to! This IS the whole enchilada.
The church, Pastors and Elders in particular need to redefine success. Over the years, hanging around with other pastors, all I ever heard used as metrics for success was attendance numbers, Buildings, bank accounts and baptisms.
One theologian said,
“We need to stop counting Christians and start weighing them. We weigh them by focusing on the most important kind of growth - love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, kindness and so on - the fruit in keeping with the gospel and the kingdom.”
I am of the conviction that We've accepted a narrow gospel for so long that people don't believe real life transformation is possible anymore. The whole concept of spiritual formation begins with the question, What's possible? People will live up to or down to their beliefs.
Current church life is just a reflection of what we believe is possible.
We need to ask, what is possible when a human life enters the kingdom of God with Jesus as their teacher? Can we experience what his apprentices experienced 2,000 years ago? Nothing in the Scriptures says we can't. We need to overcome our unbelief.
So I will continue to build my sermons around spiritual formation. I am committed to it in my own walk. I can’t ask it of you if I am not willing to pursue it.
One of our men last night prayed, “I want there to be more”. I want to experience more of You Lord.”
The “more” is a result of apprenticeship to Jesus and the practice of doing what He did and what he would do if He were in our shoes. And we have to know this. Apprenticeship and engaging in these practices we have been talking about is a partnership between us and the Holy Spirit. We cannot do it under our own steam and willpower. We need the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. And God has promised if we take the step, He will meet us there.
Jesus as savior is the easy part for us. He paid the price. He did the Work. He suffered on our behalf so that sin could be taken out of the way. Now with sin out of the way, we have a path to realize Jesus as Lord.
Do you understand the difference between Jesus as Lord, and Jesus as Savior? I am not trying to insult you or be a wise guy with that question. It is a serious question.
I think most of us get and really like the Savior part because it is a free gift. But the Lord part starts interfering with the day to day because Jesus as Lord requires that we trust Him in every area of our lives and do what He has called us to do instead of what we often want to do. Realizing Jesus as Lord requires something from us. Obedience to everything He commanded. In order to learn everything He commanded, we must become His apprentice. That requires that we spend time with Him
God wants our whole life. He wants to be in all of your living. And he wants to transform every aspect of your life. Okay....rant over.
Today, we are going to explore a topic that is central to our relationship with God: WORSHIP.
Jesus’ teaching on this in John 4:23-24 reveals a profound truth about the kind of worship God desires.
John 4:23-24 ESV - 23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. 24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth."
Specifically, I want to unpack what it means to worship God "in spirit and truth." Jesus’ teaching on this in John 4:23-24 reveals a profound truth about the kind of worship God desires.

I. What Is Worship?

Before diving into the meaning of worshiping in spirit and truth, we must first ask: what is worship? Often, we think of worship as the music we sing in church, but it is so much more than that.
Worship is: the act of ascribing worth to God—acknowledging His greatness, majesty, and holiness. And true worship should encompass our entire lives and attitudes toward Him.
Romans 12:1 gives us a foundational understanding of worship:
Rom 12:1 ESV - 1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.
I like the way the NLT puts it.
Rom 12:1 NLT - 1 And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice--the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.
Worship is not limited to an event or ritual. It is the offering of our whole selves—our hearts, minds, and actions—as a response to God’s mercy and love toward us.
A. The Mercies of God
Paul begins by saying, "in view of God’s mercy." This phrase reminds us that worship is always a response to God’s grace and goodness. God’s mercy includes His forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the hope of eternal life. Because of these mercies, our natural response should be to worship Him with our entire lives.
B. Offering Our Bodies
Paul calls us to "offer your bodies as a living sacrifice." In the Old Testament, sacrifices were presented to God as acts of worship. But these were dead sacrifices. In contrast, Paul calls us to be living sacrifices—fully alive, continuously dedicating ourselves to God’s purposes. Our whole being, including our actions, thoughts, and desires, should all be consecrated to Him.
C. Holy and Pleasing to God
Paul says our worship must be holy. That does not mean perfect. It means—set apart from sin and dedicated to righteousness. Living a life that is pleasing to God means aligning our conduct with His will. This requires daily submission, humility, and a desire to reflect God’s holiness in everything we do, and even the thoughts and intents of our hearts.
D. True and Proper Worship
The phrase "true and proper worship" (or "spiritual worship" in some translations) emphasizes that worship is not merely external acts, but a heartfelt response to God. It involves offering our entire selves—our time, talents, and obedience—as a continuous act of devotion.
In summary, Romans 12:1 teaches that worship is comprehensive, involving the whole person in response to God’s mercies. It is a living, active, and sacrificial offering that glorifies Him.

II. Worshiping in Spirit

When Jesus spoke to the Samaritan woman at the well, He declared that true worshipers must worship in spirit. What does this mean?
Worshiping from the Heart
Worshiping in spirit begins with the inner being. It is not about external rituals or appearances but about engaging our hearts sincerely with God. Psalm 145:18 says, "The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth." Worship that is merely outward or mechanical is not true worship. God desires authentic connection. Worship in spirit calls for genuine devotion, free from hypocrisy or empty rituals.
Empowered by the Holy Spirit
True worship in spirit is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Scripture teaches that the Spirit of God indwells believers, guiding and enabling us to glorify God authentically. Romans 8:15 teaches,
Rom 8:15 ESV - 15 For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, "Abba! Father!"
The Spirit stirs our hearts with love, gratitude, and reverence, enabling us to worship beyond human effort.
The Spirit also enables us to understand the things of God and to glorify Him rightly. As Jesus said in John 3:6, "Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit." True worship comes from a heart regenerated by the Spirit.
Engaging the Whole Self
Spirit-filled worship involves our emotions, affections, and deepest desires. It is about loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength (Mark 12:30). This kind of worship is passionate, vibrant, and alive and it is marked by a deep awareness of God's presence and a heartfelt response to His goodness.
A Life of Spiritual Renewal
And I want to add one more thing about worshiping in Spirit. Worshiping in spirit is not confined to a moment, but is a continual transformation. As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 3:18, "And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit." This ongoing renewal keeps our worship dynamic and authentic.
So we are to Worship in Spirit an d Jesus adds that God is looking for those who...

III. Worshiping in Truth

Worshiping in truth means grounding our worship in the reality of who God is and what He has revealed to us about Himself and His Kingdom. This truth is revealed through the Word of God and the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus made it very clear in John 14:6 when He said, "Jesus answered, 'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'" Worshiping in truth requires knowing and aligning with the nature and the will of God. This involves...
Knowing God’s Word
The Bible is our ultimate source of truth. One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." Worshiping in truth involves anchoring our faith and actions in Scripture, allowing God’s Word to shape our beliefs, values, and expressions of worship.
It takes a fair bit of courage and trust to live this way. A lamp gives just enough light to take one more step....
Jesus declared in John 17:17, "Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth." True worshipers must know and align their hearts with the truth of Scripture. Our worship is rooted in the knowledge of God’s character, His promises, and His works. So we need to know His Word to worship rightly. We also need to...
Worship with Understanding
In 1 Corinthians 14:15, Paul writes, "I will sing with my spirit, but I will also sing with my understanding."
Worshiping in truth requires engaging our minds (remember? Renewing your mind), understanding who God is, and responding with appropriate reverence and awe. Simply memorizing scripture and regurgitating it without having spent time meditating on what it actually means will result in little transformation, and worship that is anything but.
We also need to worship with...
Authenticity and Integrity
Worshiping in truth requires integrity—being honest before God and living in alignment with His truth. It is not about outward displays of piety but about a heart that seeks to honor God in spirit and action. True worshipers resist hypocrisy and embrace authenticity, reflecting God’s truth in their daily lives. And confessing to Him and (sometimes to each other Jas 5:16 ESV - 16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. ) where we struggle, asking for help and wisdom.
So, worshipping in truth involves knowing and understanding God’s Word, it involves authenticity and integrity, and finally, worshipping in Truth is...
Christ-Centered Worship
Jesus Himself is "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). Worshiping in truth means focusing on Christ—His person, the Kingdom He preached, His work on the cross, and His resurrection. True worship exalts the truth of the gospel.
Apprenticeship to Christ
Worshiping in truth also means living as apprentices of Christ, continually learning from His teachings and modeling our lives after His example. Jesus said in Matthew 11:29, "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Discipleship itself is a form of worship, as we submit our lives to the lordship of Christ, growing in obedience and intimacy with Him.
The bottom line is that for disciples of Jesus Christ...

IV. Worship Should be a Way of Life

Worshiping in spirit and truth is not confined to a Sunday service. It should permeate every aspect of our lives. How would that look practically speaking? Well our Romans 121 passage tells us that we are to
Offer Our Bodies as Living Sacrifices
In fact, it says this is our true and proper worship. This means using our time, talents, and resources for God’s glory. Every action becomes an act of worship when it is done for Him and with him in mind. We are to ...
Honor God with Our Bodies
In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds us, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies." Every decision we make about how we live, speak, and act can be an expression of worship.
In order for worship to be a way of life for us requires ...
Living with Integrity
Worship in truth means living a life consistent with God’s Word. Integrity, honesty, and obedience are marks of a life that honors God. True worshipers walk in the light of God’s truth.
It also means
Communing with God Daily
True worship is relational. Psalm 145:18 reminds us that the Lord is near to those who call on Him. Worship involves daily communion with God through prayer, praise, and reflection on His Word. The practices. See, we just can’t get away from it.

V. God Seeks True Worshipers

John 4:23 tells us that "the Father seeks" true worshipers. This is an incredible truth—God actively desires a relationship with us! Worshiping in spirit and truth is not about meeting a standard to earn His favor; it is a response to His grace and love.
A Personal Invitation
The Samaritan woman at the well experienced transformation when she encountered Jesus. Her life changed as she recognized Him as the Messiah. In the same way, worship is a personal encounter with the living God that transforms us.
Worship as a Response to God’s Love
1 John 4:19 reminds us, "We love because he first loved us." True worship flows from gratitude and love for God’s unending grace.


So let me close by providing one statement that sums up everything I just said. You might want to write this down.
Worshiping God in spirit and truth is not about rituals or locations; it is about the heart and mind united in adoration of the living God. It is worship empowered by the Spirit, rooted in truth, and expressed in every facet of our lives.
So let’s examine our hearts today beloved. Are we worshiping in spirit—with sincerity, and passion, and the help of the Holy Spirit? Are we worshiping in truth—grounded in God’s Word and centered on Christ?
If we will offer our lives as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God, that will take us a long way in fulfilling our calling as true worshipers that the Father is seeking.
May we glorify Him in all that we do, for He alone is worthy. Amen?
Let’s pray
We thank You for the truth revealed in Your Word and the guidance of Your Holy Spirit. You have shown us what it means to worship in spirit and in truth, and we desire to honor You with all that we are. Help us, Lord, to offer our lives as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to You. May our hearts be filled with sincere love and devotion as we walk in obedience to Your truth.
Teach us to center our worship on Christ, our Savior and King, and to follow Him as true disciples. Renew us daily through Your Spirit, transforming us into the image of Your Son. Let our worship be authentic, flowing from hearts filled with gratitude for Your mercy and grace.
As we leave this place today, may our lives reflect Your glory and truth. Lead us to glorify You in all we do, that others may see Your light and be drawn to Your love. We offer this prayer in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.
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