Holding On to the Faith in the Face of Adversity

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Greeting and prayer
Good morning church!
My wife Maybelle and I
are so delighted
to be here
with you
this morning!
And I am so grateful
for the opportunity
to preach God’s word
to you
this morning.
Before we start
Let’s pray.
What I find amazing
is that
I have also
been preaching through the Book of Philippians.
And the very last chapter
I preached
was chapter 2.
So when Pastor Jeff
assigned me
Philippians chapter 3
I knew
that this was God’s providence.
So let’s open our Bibles
and keep them open
because I’m going to go
through each
and every verse.
Read Philippians 3:8-16
Philippians 3:8–11 “Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith— that I may know him and the power of his resurrection, and may share his sufferings, becoming like him in his death, that by any means possible I may attain the resurrection from the dead.”
Philippians 3:12–16 “Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Let those of us who are mature think this way, and if in anything you think otherwise, God will reveal that also to you. Only let us hold true to what we have attained.”
Can you believe
that we’re already
in the second week
of the New Year?
Time goes so fast!
Are you following through
on you New Year’s Resolutions?
Speaking of resolutions
every New Year
it’s common practice
to make
New Year’s Resolutions.
And we do this
the New Year
is a time
of new beginnings.
Of moving forward.
But what if
I told you
that God’s Word for us
this morning
is to hold on.
Now you might be thinking,
hold on?
it’s the New Year!
I don’t want
to hold on!
I want to move forward!
I have goals
I want to accomplish!
I don’t have time
to hold on
to the past!
you may not feel it
but there is
a sweeping tide
ready to pull you down
from Christ.
And to prove this
I want to share a recent survey
from Pew Research
that in the past 23 years
there has been
a 15% drop
in people identifying as Christian.
And at the same time
as no religion
has dramatically increased
every year.
But perhaps
what’s far more telling
are the surveys
on the younger generations.
The percentage of Gen Z
our current late teens to mid 20s
who identify as atheist
is double
all other
US adults.
What’s even more shocking
is that
of people aged 40 or older
raised Christian
66% of Gen Z
who were active
in church
during high school
leave church
I hope now
you see
this raging tide
and endless sea
of increasing secularism
in our country
So what is causing people to fall away
and drown
in the sea of apostasy?
and what do we do?
What we need to do
is to trust
in the one
who has the power
to split the seas
Jesus Christ.
And we need
to hold on
to the faith
that has been given to us
from our Lord Jesus Christ
to the Apostles
all the way to us
to overcome
and remain
to Him.
So that’s why
our title today
is Holding On to The Faith in the Face of Adversity.

Because this is our main point:

If you don’t hold on to these essential aspects
of the faith
taught by Paul
in Philippians 3
you will be torn away
from Christ
by a sweeping tide
of worldly pressure
and false teaching.
So let’s begin
with the first aspect
of the faith
to hold on to.

1. Hold on to the true source of joy (v.1a)

Let’s begin
in v.1
where it says,
Finally, my brothers, rejoice
To begin
the end of this letter
Paul returns
to a very familiar theme
in Philippians:

Joy is one of the major themes of Philippians.

In fact
before chapter 3
the word joy
or rejoice
has already appeared
9 times.
And now
in chapter 3
he commands us again
to rejoice.
Why not
say something new
Why repeat
this doctrine of joy
for a 10th time?
And the answer is
is often
a forgotten part
of the Christian walk.
By repeating it 10 times
Paul wants to remind us
of the importance
of rejoicing
as part
of the Christian walk!
Here’s another reason
Paul is repeating
the theme of joy.
Paul is in prison.
The Philippians
are being persecuted
back in chapter 1 verse 28.
And Epaphroditus
their beloved messenger
almost died
at the end of chapter 2!
When you are going
through trials
it is hard
to rejoice.
And not only
is it hard
to rejoice
in trials
we forget
to even
in the first place!
One of the reasons
is so forgotten
in the Christian walk
is because
is often seen
as an emotion.
That I will only rejoice
I feel
But rejoicing
is not
a feeling!
is something
you do
of how you feel!
That’s why
God has to command it!
Now each
of those
10 times
Paul is giving us
a different
of joy.
Paul talks about praying with joy
in chapter 1 verse 4.
Rejoicing while suffering in prison
in chapter 1 verse 18.
Rejoicing because he knows
that God will use
all these trials in Paul’s life
for good
in chapter 1 verse 19.
And then for the first time
in chapter 2 verse 18
he commands
the Philippians to rejoice
with him
because Jesus
has used his sacrificial labor
and pain
for the good of the Philippians.
But the problem
still remains.
If I don’t feel
like rejoicing.
How am I supposed
to do it?
You can tell me all these scenarios
of when
to rejoice
but if I don’t know
to find joy
I can’t do it!
But thankfully
what’s unique
about rejoicing
in chapter 3
is that it tells you

where to find joy.

And you find it
in the phrase
in the Lord.’
in the Lord’.
Paul is saying
the true source
of joy
is found
in the Lord.
And I say
of joy
because listen
to this
there are many
of joy.
They’re everywhere.
Fake bags
Fake watches
Fake sneakers.
In 2021
a fake
Mona Lisa
was sold
for $3.4 million dollars.
And the fake
was so good
that some experts
even wonder
if the “original
in the Louvre in Paris
is even real!
But what’s scarier
than a fake $3.4 million Mona Lisa
are the fake
sources of joy today.
And if you want to find them
go listen
to the most popular songs
of the day.
sexual immorality
pride in achievement.
But even things
that are more innocent
job security
or family;
All of the above
cannot bring
the satisfaction
and fulfillment
they promise.
Before I knew Christ
I grew up
in a single parent household.
My mom worked
her butt off
as a caregiver
to provide
for me
with no father.
But because
she had to work so hard
I was often home alone
and I became depressed.
So I tried to find joy
in everything.
you name it!
If you want to know
why I can be so nerdy
about random things
it’s because
before Christ
I was so desperate
to find joy.
And none of those things
are bad
in themselves
but they could not
the emptiness
in my soul
nor provide
the satisfaction
I was craving for.
Jeremiah 2:13 (ESV)
for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me, the fountain of living waters, and hewed out cisterns for themselves, broken cisterns that can hold no water.
While Israel
found joy
in the false gods of Babylon
they are replaced
with the false gods
the false sources
of joy
in sexual immorality
and wealth
when only
can truly satisfy.
Don’t fall
for these counterfeit
sources of joy
Hold on
to the true source of joy:
the Lord Jesus Christ.
Matthew 13:44 ESV
“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.
Here’s how
to hold on to the true source of joy
that you find
the Lord Jesus Christ
and his kingdom
as the treasure
above all treasures!
And when you do
you will have joy
so powerful
that no
and no trial
can ever stop!
Rejoice in The Lord!
Hold on to the true source of joy.

2. Hold on to true worship (v.1b-6)

Now if there is true worship

there is also false worship.

And that
is what Paul
is going to
in the rest
of v.1,
To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.’
What Paul
is about to write
is for
the Philippians’
Because back in Philippians 1:28
Paul mentioned
the opponents
of the Philippians
were making them
In addition
many years
Paul wrote
he wrote
and in it
he wrote against
the false worship
taking place there.
So to
the Philippians
from this false worship
he warns them
it’s too late.
So what is
this false worship?
you must understand
was teaching
this false worship
and they were called
the Judaizers.
And the Judaizers
to be Christians
and taught
to be saved
that believing in Jesus
is important
but so is
the Old Covenant.
And this was clearly seen
in their view
of circumcision.
That in order
to be saved
you must believe in Jesus
be circumcised.
was so important
to the Jews
because God
used it
to mark
who are his people
and who are not.
But for the unbelieving Jew
they took it
as a symbol of pride.
I’m circumcised
you’re not
I’m better
than you.
To put it simply
the false worship,
the Judaizers
taught was
is by faith
plus works.
And that
kind of worship
is deadly.
Look at v.2
Look out for the dogs, look out for the evildoers, look out for those who mutilate the flesh.’
Paul repeatedly says
look out.
Look out
look out
look out.
And this is because
false worship
is deceptive.
It’s hard
to detect.
It blends in
like a wolf
in sheep’s clothing.
If someone said
‘you need to be circumcised
to be saved
and that’s it
you can spot
from a mile away
that’s false.
But if instead
they add,
‘you must believe in Jesus
now it gets
a lot more confusing.
When someone poisons a drink
they make sure
the poison
as much as possible
is flavorless
so that you don’t spit it out
and that it goes down smoothly
and undetected.
And that’s why Paul says
look out.
And he calls
these false worshippers
and those who mutilate the flesh
or the mutilation
in other translations
for short.
of these descriptions
are ironic.
not like
the cute pets
that we have in America
is referring more
to street dogs.
Rabid scavengers
When I was in the Philippines
my mom’s province
people do have pet dogs
but there are also
a lot of street dogs
just roaming around
And the Jews
called the Gentiles
street dogs
because they were outside
the faith.
And Paul
is calling these Jews
the street dogs
because they
are actually
the faith.
He calls them evildoers
because they claim
to be doing God’s work
but what they are doing
is in reality evil
because they are actually
bringing people
to hell
with them.
And the last thing
he calls them
is the mutilation.
And mutilation
or cutting oneself
is a practice done by pagans.
When Elijah
the prophets of Baal
to a duel
of who has the real God
the prophets of Baal
cut themselves
was the practice
of pagans.
So by calling them the mutilation
Paul is calling the Judaizers
Because this
is what they truly are
street dogs.
that’s false worship.

But what about true worship?

Let’s breakdown
For we are the circumcision,
By calling Christians
the circumcision
he’s describing them
as the one’s
with true worship.
Romans 2:29 ESV
But a Jew is one inwardly, and circumcision is a matter of the heart, by the Spirit, not by the letter. His praise is not from man but from God.
What Paul is saying here
is that being a true Jew
is a spiritual matter.
And that is done
by a circumcision
of the heart
by the Holy Spirit.
by following the letter
which means following
the Old Covenant.
True worship
is spiritual.
But there’s more
as Paul describes
true worship
as trinitarian.
It says
‘who worship by the Spirit of God and glory in Christ Jesus’
Look at the three words
which is the Holy Spirit
which is the Father
and Christ Jesus
who is the Son.
Or simply
True worship
is Christian.
And finally
Paul teaches
that true worship
is by faith alone.
‘and put no confidence in the flesh—
The flesh
refers to good works.
The Judaizers
put their confidence
their faith
in the work of circumcision.
But Paul says
put no faith
in good works.
Romans 3:28 ESV
For we hold that one is justified by faith apart from works of the law.
Paul says being made right with God
is by faith
from works of the law.
Or in other words
by faith alone.
And faith alone
is the only
kind of worship
God will accept.
Hebrews 11:6 ESV
And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.
Drawing near to God
refers to worship
and the author of Hebrews says
that only faith
will please God.
Because true worship
is by faith alone
in Christ alone.
Now that you know
what is false worship
and what is true worship.
There’s one more thing
you must understand.
And that is

false worship is tempting.

Look at v.4-6
though I myself have reason for confidence in the flesh also.
If anyone else thinks he has reason for confidence in the flesh,
I have more:
circumcised on the eighth day,
of the people of Isreal, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews;
as to the law, a Pharisee;
as to zeal, a persecutor of the church; as to righteousness under the law, blameless.’
is Paul’s personal list
of good works.
All of these
good works
are impressive
to Jews.
They were so impressive
that not even the Judaizers
likely had these
And when Paul
was under
false worship
this list
is what
he would have taken to God
on judgement day
and say
here God
is my resume of good works
of why I deserve
to go to heaven’.
Because this
is what Paul
took pride in.
The danger
of false worship
that threatens
to pull you away
is that it promotes
Walking around the mall
with my wife
I was suddenly
by two
well-dressed people
inviting us
to a bible study.
And I thought wow
how brave they are
to invite people to church in public!
But as I started asking
what they believe
I asked
how do you go to heaven?
And they said
you must believe in Jesus
but also
the passover.
And then I knew
was false worship.
But what amazes me
is that
as they fail
to get my wife and I
they go on to the next person
right in front of me
and then that person
falls for the bait
and joins their study.
They are called
the World Mission Society Church
and they are the fastest growing cult
Why are they
the fastest growing cult?
Because faith plus works
promotes pride.
It feels good
to the flesh
to earn your own salvation.
But just because
you’re not tempted
by other works based religions
in your own personal life.
I know many Christians
who take pride
in their baptism
their church attendance
their Bible translation
or even
what theology
or preacher
they listen to
and then treat others
who don’t
have the same theology
or listen to the same preachers
as lesser
than they.
Beware church
and make sure
in your own life
that you are not
without realizing it
putting confidence
in the flesh.
Becoming legalistic.
Don’t fall
for false worship church.
Hold on to true worship.

3. Hold on to your relationship with Jesus (v.7-11)

And the reason why
is because

a true relationship with Jesus is far better than anything in existence.

Look at v.7-8
But whatever gain I had, I counted as loss for the sake of Christ.
Indeed, I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.
For his sake I have suffered the loss of all things and count them as rubbish, in order that I may gain Christ’.
In these verses
Paul uses a picture
of a business report.
Gains and losses.
He calls
the things
he used
to view
as gains
are now
Last year
Red Lobster
had a powerful menu option
to bring customers in the door.
Unlimited shrimp
for $20.
And it worked!
They were bringing in
loads of customers
because $20
for unlimited shrimp
is a crazy deal.
That was a gain.
later that year
Red Lobster
because they lost
millions of dollars
because of the unlimited shrimp deal.
That’s a loss!
The unlimited shrimp deal
that used
to be a gain
for Red Lobster
is now
causing them
And Paul is saying
that ‘all those things
I used to take pride in
that I believed
made me closer with God
actually made me farther away
from Him!
In fact not just my previous good works
but anything
that could make me take pride
in myself
make me
farther away
from God.’
And that’s why
Paul calls good works
that you take pride in
or trash.
Isaiah 64:6 NKJV
But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags;
To God
all our good deeds
are nothing
but filthy rags!
what’s far better
is a relationship with Jesus.
The word
to know
doesn’t mean
intellectual awareness.
The demons
Jesus is Lord.
But they are not saved.
means to have an intimate relationship
with Jesus
as Lord
and redeemed.
And that sweetness
of having a relationship
with Jesus
is so good
to Paul
that all he wanted
was more of it!
That ‘he might gain Christ!
But a lot of people
to have a relationship with Jesus!
So how do we know
who is real
and who is fake?
Paul describes

a true relationship with Jesus is someone who has been made right with Him.

Look at v.9
and be found in Him, not having righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which comes through faith in Christ, the righteousness from God that depends on faith-
This doctrine
of being made right with God
also known
as justification
is a theme
taught earlier.
You are not justified
by faith plus works
like the Judaizers
were teaching
you are saved
by faith alone.
Look at
2 Corinthians 5:21
2 Corinthians 5:21 ESV
For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
you put your faith
in Christ
in his death
on the cross
he became sin
even though
he was sinless