All Things Belong To You

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Theme: For all things belong to you
Implication: You are not lacking anything (of true worth) in Jesus Christ
Application: Recognize our foolishness. Recognize our belongings. Recognize our owner
As a kid… many of us dreamed of conquering the world.
Grow up and have it all
House, Car, Land, Boat
Some want to build an Empire, Some want to build a family
If only… you could have it all.
In fact, thats how we measure as a society the successfulness of one’s life! What belongs to them.
By how wise they are, how healthy they are, the things they possess
But the Word of God is the great humbler
What good are your possessions when you are dead?
What good is your worldly success, when you die in vain
What good is your life? Apart from the one true living God
1 Corinthians 3:21 “21 So then let no one boast in men. For all things belong to you,”
Paul says to the Christians in Corinth… all things belong to you
To understand this phrase, I want us to recognize 3 things this morning
Our foolishness
Our belongings
Our owner

1. Recognize Our Foolishness

The epitome of foolishness is doing something in vain.
Say, you do that thing for 10 years 20 years… yet it avails nothing. Foolishness.
Say you devote your existence to the mathematical implication of Pi, well… whether you succeed or fail it’s foolishness. You say, how is it foolish? And you’re right in a sense! To humans it’s incredibly important. But things which are important to man are not always important to God.
How foolish are we?
To answer it, is to attempt an impossible task. Can any of us understand how ONE white lie… crushes our Lord’s heart! Can any of us understand how damaging a prideful statement can make? Can any of us know the weight of OUR SIN LAID upon the shoulders of our Lord and the BITTERNESS of the undiluted wrath of God He drank upon the cross?
How foolish are we?
We make non-eternal matters into the greatest achievements of our life! We preach morals and principles that are founded in a google search rather than our own Bibles. We LOVE and are infatuated with a sensual experience of worship because our entire LIFE is sensual. We sin and we mock God. We honor self, and praise other men. We claim Christ but represent Chaos!
How foolish are we?
Foolish enough that the wisest men, across the globe and across mellinia, are worthless in the eyes of God.
I enjoy Philosophy. Dofstiesky, Socrates, Hume. They may teach us valuable principles about the fabric of life, but there’s only one wisdom that is infallible & unchangeable. A wisdom not from this world. A wisdom God revealed through His son Jesus Christ. A wisdom spoken by the apostles and Paul, and other inspired writers. A wisdom that stands the test of time, withstands scrutiny and skeptics, that is powerful, life-saving, undoubtedly true.
Let no man deceive himself… Isaiah 5:21 “21 Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes And clever in their own sight!”
The only way to become truly wise… is to become a fool in the eyes of the world
Forsake humanism & philosophy… reject it all, humble yourself, subject yourself to Christ, and be molded into a mature man who eats the solid food of the Word
Mark 8:35 “35 “For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake and the gospel’s will save it.”

2. Recognize Our Belongings

A belonging is something we have/own.
When you went to school you would pack a book-bag with all our belongings. Textbooks, notebooks, pencils and a lunchbox. Pack of gum or a phone charger. It’s common for us to say, these things belong to me, and in part they do… for a time. I no longer have my old book-bag. Those pencils… gone. Those textbooks… given back to the school. I’m lucky if I still have a single notebook left from elementary or middle school. In other words, they don’t last.
We say I own my home. Do you? No taxes no fees no nothing? What happens when a storm wipes it clean is it still yours or now not so much?
The point I’m driving at is this. What are your true belongings?
As a person without Christ you own not a single ounce of dirt. Your life is vain and void of purpose. You live just to die and never to be seen or thought of again. Your riches will fade and be given to someone else. Your watch, your car, your hair, your flesh it’ll ALL be buried and erased. What good is your life? What is there that you truly own? In the final, analysis… it be nothing
The most important things in life aren’t things at all.
Let no one boast in men. For all things belong to you.
Let’s rise and walk length and width of the land land and see all the things we possess.
All Ministers are yours:
Paul, Apollos or Cephas… they are yours
There is Paul… teaches clear, sound doctrine… go hear him
There is Apollos… an eloquent man, mighty in the scriptures (Acts 18:24)… go hear him
There is Peter… plain, blunt & honest… go hear him
All are yours! Their talents, their teachings, they are yours… but do not be deceived.
It is not them to be revered, but Christ. We do not despite one and praise the other.
God’s ministers are our ministers
The detail of Luke, the passion from John, they are yours!
YES, you have a minister. If you attend here then it be me, or elsewhere, someone else. But I am yours! I give my life to you, I study I prepare I LONG for you to hear the GOD who strengthens me and gives words for me to speak through the Scriptures!
I am your servant! I serve the Church, I serve YOU! I am yours!!!
God has many ministers. They may work in different capacities… but see to it that they belong to you inasmuch as they help MOLD your life in Christ.
The World is yours:
This world… is yours… … what, does that mean?
Throughout the scope of history, men and women have owned a number of things… yet their bodies decay and life moves on
The world may call ‘the world’ theirs… but the world is yours.
How? … The world only exists for you.
Imagine no Christians upon the earth… no one righteous in the eyes of God. What hope is there, what purpose?
WE are the salt of the earth, we preserve it.
Everything in it is yours!
Enjoy the snow if it comes, enjoy the flowers when they bloom, enjoy the relationships you made and the beauty of God’s earth!
For it is YOURS in Christ! TRULY yours!
The world should not be viewed as a means unto death, but a means unto life
God has given us this world to glory in Him until our final day!
Life is yours:
What a blessing it is, to have life.
To have the means of knowing and praising our God
To be able to save souls and grow the kingdom!
If you live each day just to please yourself!
You were created to please GOD and give your LIFE to Him!
Philippians 1:21 “21 For to me, to live is Christ”
If you are without Christ, you aren’t living, you’re just existing for a time and gone the next
Jesus came to give the world abundant life! — John 10:10.
Life isn’t a curse, it’s a blessing. It belongs… to the Believer.
Death is yours:
The world views death as a terrible thing
Indeed it can be terrible as it relates to the hurt we feel when someone dies
But it’s not something to fear!
Death dominates the landscape of mankind… because of sin
But Death… is our servant!! It is our slave!
It brings us to the feet of our savior on high where we shall live forever
Paul says I die daily!
Every day we die to self and live for Christ!
What is death but separation.
Separation from our sin to Christ
Separation from this world to Heaven
Things Present… To Come are yours:
Wealth… or lack of it
Adversity & hardship
Happy moments… they are yours.
What we have, serves us in our effort to serve God
And the days to come are ours, because we’ve been made alive in Christ.
I don’t know the future, but I know who holds tomorrow. I am His, and He is mine
Those things to come… death, rasied, judgement… they are ours too.
Romans 8:32 “32 He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?”
1 Timothy 6:17 “17 Instruct those who are rich in this present world not to be conceited or to fix their hope on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly supplies us with all things to enjoy.”
Romans 8:38–39 “38 For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

3. Recognize Our Owner

If you’ve ever watched the Kentucky Derby, or a race of any sorts… the focus is on the horse and the rider. The horse wins the race, the rider hoists up the trophy… it’s incredible to see. But the owner of the horse is often overlooked. When you watch nascar, you know the car, the number, and the driver… but only a true fan knows the owner. My favorite Jeff Gordon was under Hendrick motorsports… I was a fan back then… dad knows.
As Christians, we need to recognize our owner.
We don’t belong to men. I don’t belong to Paul, Apollos. You don’t belong to me nor I to you. We all belong to CHRIST for those who are in Him.
Not to Luther, Calvin, Wesley, Campbell but to Christ!
He saw us… as sinners
He bought us… to redeem
He keeps us… in His love
Do you know, that you belong to Christ? And Christ belongs to God?
Therefore you, are a child of God. MORE than an image-bearer of God, but an image-bearer of His perfect Son!
We love our owner as He first loved us! He treats our filth like a diamond because we’ve been made clean by the blood of Christ. He sees us as righteous and makes us holy unto Him. We are His and He is mine. Our master our saviour KNOWS our name and cherishes His own. His own, will live on past this life with Him for eternity and forever praise His name in the heavenly courts.
You belong to Christ! And if Christ be in heaven, there you shall be. ‘For I go to prepare a place for you’ and He has for the faithful.
All things may belong to us, but we are not the MASTER… we are the slave! We are the one who works and serves and loves our master! We have All in Christ! therefore its CHRIST who receives the glory not me!
We are not of this world
We are extracted out of its wisdom
We are hovering above, all things belonging to us, because CHRIST… has overcome the world!
Are you Christs?
Are your conversations carnal… action worldly… lives being lives for yourself… then you are not Christ’s
Look to him, He is the only means of salvation… and IN Him you’ll see… all things are yours.
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