Starting Point • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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· 2 viewsThe teaching focus will center on the assurance that God cares for our needs, reinforcing the importance of faith over worry. It will encourage a perspective change to actively pursue a posture of worship, understanding it as an antidote to anxiety, thus growing in intimacy with God.
From Worry to Worship: Embracing God's Care
From Worry to Worship: Embracing God's Care
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:25–30
Bible Passage: Matthew 6:25–30
Summary: In this passage, Jesus challenges the mindset of worry that many face, emphasizing that anxiety is unnecessary when we recognize God's omnipotence and love. He uses nature—birds and flowers—as examples of God's extravagant provision, inviting us to see that God is deeply involved in every aspect of creation, assuring us that our needs and concerns are also on His heart.
Application: This sermon encourages believers who are burdened with anxiety to shift their focus from their worries to the goodness and faithfulness of God. It highlights practical steps for fostering trust in God's provision, leading to a more peaceful and purposeful Christian life, especially in times of uncertainty.
Teaching: The teaching focus will center on the assurance that God cares for our needs, reinforcing the importance of faith over worry. It will encourage a perspective change to actively pursue a posture of worship, understanding it as an antidote to anxiety, thus growing in intimacy with God.
How this passage could point to Christ: This passage foreshadows the ultimate care of God seen in Christ, who fulfills all needs through His life, death, and resurrection. Just as God provides for creation, through Jesus, we see God’s ultimate provision: eternal life. It brings to light that our worries find resolution in the sufficiency of Christ.
Big Idea: Embracing God's divine provision transforms our worries into worship, fostering a deeper relationship with Him and ensuring that our lives reflect His kingdom purposes.
Recommended Study: As you prepare your message, consider examining the Greek terms used for 'worry' and 'value' in Matthew 6:25-30 to uncover deeper meanings that may resonate with your audience. Also, explore how this passage fits into the broader Sermon on the Mount in Logos, which could provide context for how Jesus constructs an understanding of the kingdom of God amid earthly concerns. Investigate commentaries that tackle the cultural implications of worry in the ancient world compared to modern-day experiences.
1. Prioritize God's Perspective
1. Prioritize God's Perspective
Matthew 6:25-26
Perhaps, by focusing on our value to God, as demonstrated through His care for the birds, we can begin to release our anxieties, realizing how precious we are in God's sight. These verses invite us to trust that our needs are noticed by God, urging us towards a more worshipful and trusting lifestyle in response to His evident care.
2. Ponder His Provision
2. Ponder His Provision
Matthew 6:27-28
You could reflect on how worrying adds nothing of value to our lives, as Jesus illustrates with the futility of altering our lifespan. This invites us to consider the lilies and how God adorns them, encouraging us to see how God's abundant provision even for the smallest parts of creation demonstrates His ability to meet our needs.
3. Proclaim His Promises
3. Proclaim His Promises
Matthew 6:29-30
Maybe, through contemplating the splendor of creation that surpasses even Solomon's glory, we can gain confidence in God's ability to care for us, His treasured creation. These verses suggest strengthening our faith in God's promises, reminding us that His care is unrivaled and extends to every aspect of our lives, transforming our worries into moments of worship.
Theme: From Worry to Worship
Goal: The congregation will be able to turn worries into worship.
Motivation: When we turn our worries into worship, we will experience God's providence.
Shalom Brother and Sister. Today, we are going to explore how to transform our worries into worship—a powerful shift that can bring peace and align us more closely with God's purpose for our lives.
Last week, we learned four important things to focus on this year:
Always give thanks for God's mercy and grace, which endure forever.
Be willing to experience God's truth in your life.
Become a testimony for others.
Meditate on His Word day and night.
Introduction: I know that for many of us, this can feel very difficult—maybe even impossible. But this is the truth the Bible teaches us. Especially as we step into this new year, you may still have unanswered prayers or problems, and you hope this year will bring better growth.
Let me remind you: God Himself has a great plan for your life, and His plans never fail. He has a growing plan for you this year.
But maybe you are asking yourself, "Why are my problems still here? Why does it feel like I am not growing?" Perhaps it is financial struggles, ongoing family conflicts, or even spiritual stagnation. These challenges often leave us questioning God’s plan, but they also give us the opportunity to reflect on His faithfulness and trust in His timing. Or maybe you think you are growing, but actually, you are heading in a direction that goes against God’s will. This is a warning for us all: let’s make sure we realize this before it is too late.
At GSJA Calvary Family, we are committed to our vision of becoming a missionary and impactful church, where every member is equipped to live out their faith with confidence and purpose. Our mission is to disciple each one of you to become more like Christ and to build a positively impactful community.
When we talk about growth, we must understand where it starts, where it ends, and the milestones in between. Without understanding these things, we cannot be sure we are truly growing. And this is a big issue for many Christians today.
So today, let’s focus on the truth found in Matthew 6:25-30. This passage is part of Jesus' teaching in Matthew 5-7, which are fundamental lessons for being His followers. These chapters teach us who we are in Christ and how to live as His disciples.
Matthew 6:25-34 specifically talks about anxiety. This topic is deeply relevant to our congregation today as we face modern challenges such as economic uncertainty, family struggles, and the pressures of daily life. These worries often weigh heavily on our hearts, but Jesus’ teaching here provides a path to peace and trust in God. Before this, Jesus teaches about our identity as the salt and light of the world and how we handle giving and wealth. Today, we will focus on verses 25-30, and next week, we’ll continue with the rest. Don’t miss next week so you can receive the full blessing of God's truth!
Three Important Lessons on Turning Worry to Worship:
1. Prioritize God's Perspective (Matthew 6:25-26): Jesus teaches that our life is more than food, and our body is more than clothing. He reminds us of our value in God’s eyes by pointing to the birds of the air. Birds don’t plant or store food, but God still provides for them. If God cares for the birds, how much more will He care for us, His children?
Jesus says we are salt and light—not something we will become, but something we already are. We are also called the temple of the Holy Spirit, which means wherever we go, we carry God’s presence with us.
This aligns with our church's core value of being led by the Holy Spirit. As the salt and light, we are called to bring blessings and reflect God's presence in every area of life.
This is why I often remind you that our presence must bring blessings and reflect God's presence. For example, we have seen how Yusuf and Hendra have shared God’s love on the football field by mentoring young players and in schools through organizing Bible discussions among students. These efforts have become a source of inspiration and testimony of God’s grace working through them. Jesica has started small group Bible studies in her workplace, helping and mentoring others to work as if serving Jesus. These actions have become powerful testimonies of God’s grace in their lives. Your business is not just a way to make money—it’s an opportunity to bless others. Your job is not just about earning a salary—it’s a way to serve Jesus, bless your company, your boss, and even your customers.
As students, your achievements are a way to bless your parents, teachers, and those around you. Yes, it’s hard to believe this sometimes when we look at our background, family, or current situation. But remember, God can accelerate your life, just as He sustains the birds.
As logical steps to have food is first to sow, reap, and gather. But the birds don't go through the process and yet God sustains their lives. God can also accelerate our lives as we live according to His calling.
2. Ponder His Provision (Matthew 6:27-28): Jesus asks, "Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?" Worrying doesn’t add value to our lives. It’s like trying to hold onto the wind—it doesn’t work.
Instead, Jesus points us to the lilies of the field. They don’t work or weave, but God still clothes them with beauty. In Indonesia, many of us face financial challenges. For instance, some families struggle to pay for their children’s education or provide daily necessities, especially in uncertain economic times. These challenges give us opportunities to witness God’s provision and faithfulness as we trust in Him, even though they often cause worry and stress.
As a church, we’ve seen God’s provision. Despite challenges, He has sustained our building renovation and outreach efforts. When we trust Him and live in His truth, we will see His glory revealed in our lives.
This connects with our core value of excellence. When we trust in God's provision and align ourselves with His purpose, we can excel in family life, ministry, and generosity.
3. Understand His Promises (Matthew 6:29-30): Jesus compares the beauty of creation to Solomon’s glory, emphasizing how much more He values us. But He also rebukes us, saying, "You of little faith!"
This is a reminder for us to grow our faith. Romans 10:17 says, "Faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the Word of God." Faith isn’t something we get overnight—it grows as we build a lifestyle of meditating on His Word day and night. Practical ways to do this include setting aside quiet time each day for reading Scripture, journaling your reflections on God’s promises, or participating in group discussions where you can share and learn with others.
This reflects our focus as a church: Living in the Word. Meditating on God’s Word daily helps us to grow spiritually, and it equips us to face life’s challenges with confidence and peace.
Conclusion: Brothers and sisters, remember this truth: the life God gives us is more than just food and clothing. It has a purpose.
Prioritize His perspective: Know your value as salt, light, and His temple.
Ponder His provision: Trust Him to meet your needs as He provides for the birds and lilies.
Understand His promises: Grow your faith by meditating on His Word day and night.
When we align our hearts with God and turn worry into worship, we experience His providence and fulfill our purpose as His children.
Let us walk in faith and live out the vision of GSJA Calvary Family: to be a missionary and impactful church. By prioritizing God’s perspective, trusting in His provision, and standing firm on His promises, we align our lives with this vision. These steps not only strengthen our faith but also empower us to bring blessings to others. By embodying the values of being led by the Holy Spirit, living in the Word, and excelling in generosity and ministry, we actively contribute to building a positively impactful community. Let’s take actionable steps—whether through outreach, service, or daily reflections on Scripture—to glorify Christ in everything we do. May we truly embody the core values of being led by the Holy Spirit, living in the Word, and excelling in generosity and ministry.
Tema: Dari Kekhawatiran Menjadi Penyembahan
Tujuan: Jemaat mampu mengubah kekhawatiran menjadi penyembahan.
Motivasi: Ketika kita mengubah kekhawatiran menjadi penyembahan, kita akan mengalami pemeliharaan Allah.
Shalom, saudara-saudara yang terkasih,
Hari ini, kita akan belajar bagaimana mengubah kekhawatiran kita menjadi penyembahan—sebuah perubahan yang kuat yang dapat membawa damai dan menyelaraskan kita lebih dekat dengan tujuan Tuhan dalam hidup kita.
Minggu lalu, kita belajar empat hal penting untuk fokus tahun ini:
Selalu mengucap syukur atas kasih dan anugerah Tuhan yang kekal.
Bersedia mengalami kebenaran Tuhan dalam hidup Anda.
Menjadi kesaksian bagi orang lain.
Merenungkan Firman-Nya siang dan malam.
Pendahuluan: Saya tahu bagi banyak dari kita, ini bisa terasa sangat sulit—bahkan mungkin mustahil. Namun ini adalah kebenaran yang diajarkan Alkitab. Terlebih lagi saat kita memasuki tahun yang baru, mungkin Anda masih memiliki doa-doa yang belum terjawab atau masalah yang sedang dihadapi, dan Anda berharap tahun ini akan membawa pertumbuhan yang lebih baik.
Izinkan saya mengingatkan Anda: Allah sendiri memiliki rencana besar untuk hidup Anda, dan rencana-Nya tidak pernah gagal. Dia memiliki rencana pertumbuhan untuk Anda tahun ini.
Namun mungkin Anda bertanya kepada diri sendiri, "Mengapa masalah saya masih ada? Mengapa rasanya saya tidak bertumbuh?" Mungkin itu adalah masalah keuangan, konflik keluarga yang berkelanjutan, atau bahkan stagnasi rohani. Tantangan ini sering membuat kita mempertanyakan rencana Tuhan, tetapi tantangan ini juga memberi kita kesempatan untuk merenungkan kesetiaan-Nya dan percaya pada waktu-Nya. Atau mungkin Anda berpikir Anda sedang bertumbuh, tetapi sebenarnya Anda menuju arah yang berlawanan dengan kehendak Tuhan. Ini adalah peringatan bagi kita semua: mari kita pastikan kita menyadarinya sebelum terlambat.
Di GSJA Calvary Family, kami berkomitmen pada visi kami untuk menjadi gereja yang misioner dan berdampak, di mana setiap anggota diperlengkapi untuk menjalani iman mereka dengan keyakinan dan tujuan. Misi kami adalah untuk memuridkan setiap orang agar semakin serupa dengan Kristus dan membangun komunitas yang berdampak positif.
Ketika kita berbicara tentang pertumbuhan, kita harus memahami dari mana pertumbuhan itu dimulai, di mana akhirnya, dan tonggak-tonggak di antaranya. Tanpa memahami hal-hal ini, kita tidak dapat memastikan bahwa kita benar-benar bertumbuh. Dan ini adalah masalah besar bagi banyak orang Kristen saat ini.
Jadi hari ini, mari kita fokus pada kebenaran yang ditemukan dalam Matius 6:25-30 (TB). Bagian ini adalah bagian dari pengajaran Yesus dalam Matius 5-7, yang merupakan pelajaran fundamental tentang menjadi pengikut-Nya. Bagian ini mengajarkan siapa kita di dalam Kristus dan bagaimana hidup sebagai murid-Nya.
Matius 6:25-34 secara khusus berbicara tentang kekhawatiran. Topik ini sangat relevan bagi jemaat kita hari ini karena kita menghadapi tantangan modern seperti ketidakpastian ekonomi, masalah keluarga, dan tekanan hidup sehari-hari. Kekhawatiran ini sering membebani hati kita, tetapi ajaran Yesus di sini memberikan jalan menuju damai dan kepercayaan kepada Tuhan. Sebelumnya, Yesus mengajarkan tentang identitas kita sebagai garam dan terang dunia serta bagaimana kita menangani memberi dan kekayaan. Hari ini, kita akan fokus pada ayat 25-30, dan minggu depan kita akan melanjutkan sisanya. Jangan lewatkan minggu depan agar Anda bisa menerima berkat penuh dari kebenaran Firman Tuhan!
Tiga Pelajaran Penting untuk Mengubah Kekhawatiran Menjadi Penyembahan:
Mengutamakan Perspektif Tuhan (Matius 6:25-26, TB): "Karena itu Aku berkata kepadamu: Janganlah kamu khawatir akan hidupmu, apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, dan janganlah khawatir pula akan tubuhmu, apa yang hendak kamu pakai. Bukankah hidup itu lebih penting dari pada makanan dan tubuh itu lebih penting dari pada pakaian? Pandanglah burung-burung di langit, yang tidak menabur dan tidak menuai dan tidak mengumpulkan bekal dalam lumbung, namun diberi makan oleh Bapamu yang di sorga. Bukankah kamu jauh melebihi burung-burung itu?"
Yesus mengajarkan bahwa hidup kita lebih dari makanan, dan tubuh kita lebih dari pakaian. Dia mengingatkan kita akan nilai kita di mata Tuhan dengan menunjuk kepada burung-burung di udara. Burung tidak menanam atau menyimpan makanan, tetapi Tuhan tetap menyediakan untuk mereka. Jika Tuhan peduli pada burung, apalagi kepada kita, anak-anak-Nya?
Yesus mengatakan kita adalah garam dan terang—bukan sesuatu yang akan kita capai, tetapi sesuatu yang sudah kita miliki. Kita juga disebut bait Roh Kudus, yang berarti di mana pun kita pergi, kita membawa hadirat Tuhan bersama kita.
Ini selaras dengan nilai inti gereja kita: dipimpin oleh Roh Kudus. Sebagai garam dan terang, kita dipanggil untuk membawa berkat dan mencerminkan hadirat Tuhan di setiap area kehidupan.
Itulah sebabnya saya sering mengingatkan Anda bahwa kehadiran kita harus membawa berkat dan mencerminkan hadirat Tuhan. Misalnya, kita telah melihat bagaimana Yusuf dan Hendra berbagi kasih Tuhan di lapangan sepak bola dengan membimbing para pemain muda dan di sekolah dengan mengorganisasi diskusi Alkitab di antara siswa. Jesica telah memulai kelompok studi Alkitab kecil di tempat kerjanya, membantu dan membimbing orang lain untuk bekerja seolah-olah melayani Yesus. Ini menjadi kesaksian yang kuat tentang kasih karunia Tuhan dalam hidup mereka.
Sebagai pelajar, pencapaian Anda adalah cara untuk memberkati orang tua, guru, dan orang-orang di sekitar Anda. Ya, terkadang sulit untuk percaya hal ini saat kita melihat latar belakang, keluarga, atau kondisi kita saat ini. Tetapi ingatlah, Tuhan dapat mempercepat hidup Anda, seperti Dia menopang burung-burung.
Renungkan Pemeliharaan-Nya (Matius 6:27-28, TB): "Siapakah di antara kamu yang karena kekhawatirannya dapat menambahkan sehasta saja pada jalan hidupnya? Dan mengapa kamu khawatir akan pakaian? Perhatikanlah bunga bakung di ladang, yang tumbuh tanpa bekerja dan tanpa memintal."
Yesus bertanya, "Siapakah di antara kamu yang karena kekhawatirannya dapat menambahkan sehasta saja pada jalan hidupnya?" Kekhawatiran tidak menambahkan nilai apa pun dalam hidup kita. Kekhawatiran seperti mencoba memegang angin—tidak akan berhasil.
Sebaliknya, Yesus menunjukkan kepada kita bunga bakung di ladang. Mereka tidak bekerja atau memintal, tetapi Tuhan tetap menghiasi mereka dengan keindahan. Di Indonesia, banyak dari kita menghadapi tantangan finansial. Misalnya, beberapa keluarga berjuang untuk membayar biaya pendidikan anak-anak mereka atau menyediakan kebutuhan sehari-hari, terutama di masa ekonomi yang tidak pasti ini. Namun tantangan ini memberi kita kesempatan untuk menyaksikan pemeliharaan dan kesetiaan Tuhan saat kita percaya kepada-Nya.
Pahami Janji-Nya (Matius 6:29-30, TB): "Namun Aku berkata kepadamu: Salomo dalam segala kemegahannya pun tidak berpakaian seindah salah satu dari bunga itu. Jadi jika demikian Allah mendandani rumput di ladang, yang hari ini ada dan besok dibuang ke dalam api, tidakkah Ia akan terlebih lagi mendandani kamu, hai orang yang kurang percaya?"
Janji Tuhan menunjukkan bahwa Dia sangat menghargai kita lebih dari ciptaan-Nya. Kita diajak untuk percaya dan bertumbuh dalam iman, dengan merenungkan Firman Tuhan setiap hari.
Kesimpulan: Saudara-saudara, ingatlah kebenaran ini: hidup yang Tuhan berikan kepada kita lebih dari sekadar makanan dan pakaian. Hidup kita memiliki tujuan.
Utamakan perspektif-Nya: Ketahui nilai Anda sebagai garam, terang, dan bait Roh Kudus.
Renungkan pemeliharaan-Nya: Percayalah bahwa Tuhan akan memenuhi kebutuhan Anda seperti Dia memelihara burung dan bunga bakung.
Pahami janji-Nya: Bertumbuhlah dalam iman dengan merenungkan Firman-Nya siang dan malam.
Mari kita berjalan dalam iman dan menjalankan visi GSJA Calvary Family untuk menjadi gereja yang misioner dan berdampak.