Protecting the Kingdom
The Character and Content of Kingdom Citizens • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Open: The NWS has been issuing warning for several days about the current winter storm. Why did the NWS issue the warnings? Because a winter weather event was approaching and they wanted those in the path to make preparations for safety.
Open: The NWS has been issuing warning for several days about the current winter storm. Why did the NWS issue the warnings? Because a winter weather event was approaching and they wanted those in the path to make preparations for safety.
Transition: At the end of the SOTM Jesus also issues a warning. His warning is spiritual rather than physical and it is most critical as He warns against false teachers. We can ask the same question: WHY did Jesus give this warning? Answer: So that we can make preparations for our spiritual well-being and that of others.
READ the Text: Matthew 7:15-20
KC’s are responsible for knowing the warning (Matt 7:15)
KC’s are responsible for knowing the warning (Matt 7:15)
Explanation: The context of Jesus’ warning is important to note. He had just taught about the broad gate and the narrow gate. (These 2 gates were the topic of the previous SOTM message on Nov. 14th) Jesus emphasized the reality that there are only two choices in this life. Most people will take the broad gate and will wind up being eternally separated from God in a place of utter destruction. There are those, however, who receive God’s gracious gift of salvation through faith in the finished work of Christ and enter eternal life through the narrow gate.
It is at this critical decision point at which Jesus gives His warning against false teachers. These are the ones who obstruct the narrow gate and maliciously influence others to go through the broad gate.
Illustrate: character in a cartoon who tries to “throw off” the police and lead them on a wild goose chase so the hero can accomplish the mission.
Argument: Life isn’t a cartoon or a movie and this is serious business. Those of us who are IN Christ and, as a result, are KC’s have the responsibility to guard against false teachers who are actively influencing others away from the life-changing message of the Gospel.
Application: Know you are involved in Spiritual Warfare. Develop your spiritual awareness and guard against false teachers. First step is to realize what a False teacher is and then then how to combat them.
KC’s are responsible for recognizing false teachers (Matt 7:16-20)
KC’s are responsible for recognizing false teachers (Matt 7:16-20)
Explanation: Jesus gives the warning because false teachers disguise themselves as upstanding members of the faith community. Jesus declares their true nature is that of ravenous wolves, even though their outward appearance is that of other sheep.
Example: John MacArthur has an even more distressing take on this when states, “False prophets do not deceive the flock by impersonating sheep but by impersonating the shepherd, who wears sheep’s clothing in the form of his wool garments [so the sheep will accept him] . . . satan’s man goes under the guise of God’s man, claiming to teach the truth in order to deceive, mislead, and if possible, destroy God’s people.” (The MacArthur NT Commentary, Vol 1, page 465)
Argument: If it was easy, Jesus wouldn’t have given us a warning. False teachers do not announce their intent to mislead and deceive. The do not issue disclaimers such as: “what I am about to teach you is a lie from the pit of hell.” Instead, they disguise their teaching with biblical phrasing and spiritual messaging so as to fool the gullible and mislead the weak.
The Apostle Paul gives a similar warning to the leaders at Ephesus in the Book of Acts which we need to hear.
Acts 20:28–30 (KJV 1900)
28Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.
29For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock.
30Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.
Along with the warning Jesus gives His followers the means to root out False Teachers. He tells us to examine their fruits, which in the context of FT’s means their content and character. The False teachers will reveal themselves as such in these two main areas.
Before looking at the content of their teaching or their lack of Christian character, a general principle needs to be set forth. How does one identify that which is false?
The US Treasury’s training method for their counterfeit agents is revealing. They train their agents with the use of genuine bills. The idea is to train the agents to know the genuine currency so well that it will be obvious when they encounter fake bills.
There is an endless variety and much creativity amongst false teachers. In like manner, the believer’s best defense against false teaching is to genuinely know the Word. (2 Timothy 2:15)
Discernment for Christians is critical! Most believers are biblically weak so they will accept almost anything uncritically that comes from the platform
Knowing the content of their teaching. A false teacher will not label his teaching as false, but examining his content against the Word will be his undoing. They WILL NOT match up.
Examples: Joel Osteen and Andy Stanley
Smiley puts a positive spin on everything and talks about having your best life now. His refusal to teach biblical truth on Hell even when confronted by an secular broadcaster (Larry King) to a national audience puts Osteen in the FT category
Andy Stanley has publically taught that the Church needs to “unhitch from the OT” and has undermined biblical authority when he describes the Bible as Ancient Near East documents without stressing the unique nature of those writings due to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. Gutting the Bible of its authority leads the way for Northpoint to embrace homosexuality instead of opposing it.
Application: Much of what FT’s teach will be in line with the Word. After all, it takes time for fruit to become ripe. But eventually, the truth will come out for those with ears to hear and eyes to see.
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
Sadly, not everyone heeded the storm warnings. There were several snow-related wrecks in the county on Friday evening into Saturday morning as some just wanted to be out in it believing that they would be okay.
Even worse, there are many who will not heed the warning Jesus gives regarding FT’s. Hopefully, you are listening carefully to Jesus and want to honor Him with your life as a Kingdom Citizen. Here are some action steps for for you:
Praise God if you are part of a bible believing church that honors Christ. Praise God, but don’t take it for granted. Remain vigilant in protecting the flock so that our children and grand children can enjoy the continued blessing of conservative Christianity.
Confront error when and if it occurs in your Church family. Jesus is speaking to all KC’s - not just the shepherds. You should not blindly accept unbiblical teaching. If there is no change / no repentance then leave and find a faithful fellowship that honors God
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,
Care enough to challenge those you are in relationship with that are under false teaching, This is more difficult, but necessary. If you care about their spiritual well-being you will make the attempt.