Joy of Serving Jesus

Adventures in Acts  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  47:28
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Acts 9:32-43


Acts is full of excitement
Sometimes we feel like Christian life should be this constant high energy pursuit to change the world
That’s just exhausting
Luke is showing us how Gospel spread not what daily life of believer is like
In midst of the excitement & amazing are glimpses of life
Things like daily fellowship of believers, support of one another, dedication to prayer
Today’s passage is one of the miracle passages but it also shows us impact of quiet, daily life for Christ
Reminds us of the great joy in serving Christ
It can be a very encouraging passage
Miraculous work of God, power to save
Also shows that God does use our service for Him in wonderful way
No matter what that service is, when it’s done for Him, it brings fruit
Galatians 6:9 NKJV
9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.
It can be a very challenging passage too
Certainly is for me
How am I using my life to serve Jesus?
Our modern, western way of life can be very isolating normally
Covid lockdowns etc. have increased that
In midst of all of all of this how can my life be used to reach others for Christ – both for salvation and for growing
3 benefits/blessings that come from serving Christ:
Christ is exalted; lives are changed; hearts are expanded

Christ is Exalted

Acts 9:32-34

Carry the Gospel with You

Acts 9:32

To tell people about Jesus (evangelise)

Luke brings us back to Pete for a bit
Building transition & expansion of Gospel
Leading us to missionary journeys of Paul
We’re not in Jerusalem but travelling with Peter through regions outside of Jer.
Pete takes mission very seriously/personally
Not needed as much in Jer – James is Pastor
More freedom to spread Gospel
I love these example in early church
People find Jesus in Jer but take Him with them wherever they go
Pete’s life is changing & ministry changes with it
Carry the Gospel with you wherever you go
Be ‘on mission’
When was the last time you genuinely shared the Gospel with someone?
Not just said something Bibley
But spoke the word of Salvation in part or whole

To teach the people of Jesus (disciple)

Pete’s travels aren’t exclusively evangelistic
When I say that we need to be evangelistic & share Gospel I don’t mean that’s the only thing that matters
Acts 9:32, 36 – Pete is visiting disciples
Pete is also teaching God’s people
Perhaps he’s following ministry of Philip
Establishing, instructing, encouraging
Service of Christ summed up in 1 great phrase: make disciples
Lead people to Christ then help them grow in Christ
This is the great theme of Acts
Clearly that is a team effort

Serve People for God’s Glory

Acts 9:34, 40

God is at work

Why is this section of miracles here?
We already know Pete been given unique divine power – seen it before
We know Paul is about to begin
It does form an important transition purpose
More than that
Perhaps it’s a reminder that just because God is beginning a work somewhere else doesn’t mean He’s stopped working here
Not just that God is at work through Peter
Also seeing that God is still at work in Peter
Just like Peter is being used to grow others God is still growing Peter
God’s power & work are not limited
God may be doing wonderful work in people around you but that doesn’t mean He’s not still working in & through you

Give God all the glory

There are some subtle words here which echo loudly
Acts 9:34 – Jesus the Christ heals you
Pattern of Pete to give God all glory for miracles he performs
Pete & Apostles are never trying to gain notoriety from Jesus
Acts 9:40 – put them out
Before he raises from the dead he clears the room
If you could do that wouldn’t you want people to see? Not Pete
Doesn’t want any part of what he does to distract from glory of Christ
Pete’s miraculous work is never about him
Always makes sures Jesus is glorified
Whole bunch of people trying to build their brand off of Jesus today
It can be simpler than that too
Maybe I want people to see my service for God and think I’m a good Christian
Maybe to praise me for my talent, humility or selflessness
If we’re truly going to serve Christ we need to be prepared to serve Him in an empty room
Real joy of serving Christ is when I know that I’m far enough out of the way so Jesus is clearly seen

Lives are Changed

Acts 9:35-42

The Lost are Found

Acts 9:35

People turn to the Lord

Our service is for Jesus but it’s about people
We know church isn’t a building but it’s also not programs
Both of those things are helpful
In both places many people are saved
Say, of course Peter did miracle
Jesus did many more miracles but He left behind small number of disciples
Miracle help but they don’t save
True miracle is work of God in hearts through ministry of His people
1st & greatest reason for service is so people will get saved
Not so we can have big church, fame, influence, power
Serve Christ so people will turn to the Lord
Means Gospel must be spoken
Doesn’t mean only ministry useful to God is preaching
You serve Christ and people will get saved
There is no greater joy than helping someone find salvation

Futures are changed

Joy that isn’t temporary
Fills your heart with joy
People find true life, eternal life
By power of God that life changed leads to more lives changed
Families are changed, new legacies are created
Songs of joy fill the air in heaven

The Saints are Strengthened

Acts 9:36-42

Your service makes a difference

Circumstances around her death & burial are unusual
Wouldn’t normally keep body in upper room
Perhaps it was done in expression of hope & faith
Knew Peter was near
Even in this time with mighty power of Apostles, to raise someone from dead would be very unusual
When she died the church in Joppa felt a deep loss
Tabitha wasn’t a preacher, evangelist, etc.
She made clothes
That ministry touched lives
Her life made a mark, very personal mark
Doesn’t matter how you serve
Doesn’t matter what gifts, talents, abilities you use for Jesus
When you reach into people’s lives with love of Christ, it makes a difference
You don’t have to change the world to leave your mark on this world
You change the world when you leave a mark on people’s lives

Pursue hospitality

This type of practical love has a name: hospitality
Rom. 12:13 distributing to the needs of the saints, [pursue] given to hospitality.
Hospitality is an essential part of Christian character
It’s practical expression of love of God
Tangible, outward display of godly character
Hospitality literally means love of strangers
Not just about showing love to others but Bible also tells us to show hospitality to believers (1 Pet. 4:9)
We might describe hospitality as loving strangers into family
Hospitality industry is about serving people but that’s not same as biblical hospitality
Biblical hospitality is both actions & affection
It’s meeting people’s needs with love
E.g. Play on 1 Cor. 13
Though I feed the hungry, clothe the cold & house the poor and do not have love it is empty
Biblical hospitality has a greater purpose than just meeting a temporal need
It’s meeting temporal needs out of genuine love for those in need
Hospitality is to open your home and your heart to the needs of others
“Hardly anything is more characteristic of Christian love than hospitality. Through the ministry of hospitality we share the things we value most: family, home, financial resources, food, privacy, and time. In other words, we share our lives.” – Alexander Strauch
Dining table and lounge rooms can be powerful places of ministry
Joy of serving Jesus is found in lives that are changed
Serving Jesus fills with joy because Christ is exalted; lives are changed and…

Hearts are Expanded

Acts 9:43

God’s Love Grows in You

This verse partly works as a map marker for where Peter is as we enter Acts 10 - seems to be more than that
In another example of hospitality Simon the tanner hosts Peter
Tanners work with dead animals
This made them unclean & disrespected part of Jewish society
Peter was no Jewish elitist but the longer we travel with Peter the more open we see his heart become
Love of God was expanding his heart for people of all types, positions & ethnicities
Jesus began teaching this when he would eat with the outcasts of society
More you serve God the more you begin to see the world as He does

God’s Love Flows from You

This doesn’t just change how we see people but it changes how we act towards people
Main point of this detail may not be because Simon is a tanner/outcast
It does act as transition to Peter’s next stage of growth – gentiles
As you use your life to serve God He will transform the way you live in this world
Absolutely true that the Gospel genuinely brings reconciliation between people
It really doesn’t matter how you serve God
Maybe you feed people, teach people, make clothes, pray with them, etc.
However God has made you to serve
In serving God will open your opportunities and expand you heart in love


There is nothing in this life that fills with joy like serving Jesus
It’s rarely easy & it’s certainly costly (time, emotions, money, etc.)
Blessings that result can’t be compared
Live your life so Jesus is exalted
Share your faith with unbelievers & strengthen the faith of believers
Serve so that people see Jesus
Give of yourself so that lives are changed
Open your heart and open your home
Your acts of service can make a difference
You will find as you serve in love that your capacity to love will expand
Pursue to live a life that marks the lives of others
Doesn’t mean has to be remarkable just loving
Consider the joy that God has given you through your service to Him
Thank God for that & give Him praise
How will you serve Christ this week?
In your family?
In your community/neighbourhood?
In your workplace?
In this church? This body, these brothers & sisters of yours need your service
2 Cor 9:6 But this I say: He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.
Rom. 15:13 Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
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