Characteristics of a Godly Leader

The God of Deliverance  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented
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The scriptures are full of principles regarding leadership. We can look at everyone from Abraham to Joshua to Elijah we can look at events from their lives and have a better understanding of how we ought to serve God. Before we read this passage of scripture, I want to ask the question, do you want to be a leader for the Lord? What are you doing right now to lead for His sake?
Read Exodus 2:11-22
While Moses has not yet taken over as the leader of the people of Israel, he already exhibits characteristics of a leader. This morning, I want to look at things that a Godly leader will do. First, as we look at verse 11, where we learn that a Godly leader will

Share the burdens of God’s people

The story of Moses advances about 36 years to Moses as a 40 year old man. Acts 7:13 tells us
Acts 7:13 ESV
And on the second visit Joseph made himself known to his brothers, and Joseph’s family became known to Pharaoh.
Moses has likely seen the abuse that his Hebrew brothers are facing or at least has heard of it. So he goes out to witness it and sees firsthand the sort of abuse that they are taking. We are told that he looks on their burdens. This Hebrew word is strictly used in the book of Exodus and describes the forced labor that was placed on the people of Israel.
Because Moses has a great love for his people, he sees the burden of the people and it has an effect on him. The scriptures are filled with examples of people being burdened by inequality. Boaz sees the burden of Ruth and redeems her. Jesus views Jerusalem and weeps over it in Luke 19. And many other examples.
But just being burdened is not to truly be burdened. To be truly burdened is not just to think about those who are under distress but to also do something about it. In this case, Moses waits until no one is watching and kills the Egyptian slave master when no one was looking.
The same ought to be said for us. When we see an issue, it is vital that we take action and do something about it. However, this is where the issue lies with Moses. He takes action but does not do so in the right way. The answer to this issue was not going to be solved with the murder of this one man.
This leads us next to the fact that a godly leader will

Follow God’s leading

It is in verse 12 where we see a mistake made by Moses. To murder the Egyptian was not a part of the leading of God. Rather than following through with what God had planned out, Moses takes matters into his own hands and sins.
We have a tendency to do this in many various areas of life where we see an issue and react in a knee jerk or emotional way rather than praying through what needs to be done. Later in this story, we will see the proximity that Moses has with God and how that guides his steps. Yes, Moses shows signs of a leader in these verses but he also guides us to understand how not to lead. The case of the murdered slave-master is an example of that.
In moving down to verse 13 thru 15, we see next that a godly leader

Is not always well received

Moses believes that he got away with the disposal of the Egyptian and continues to be around the Hebrews when he sees to fighting. He attempts to confront them and bring peace between the two but they reject him because word has gotten around regarding his interaction the day prior. This helps us to better understand the previous point of the importance of following God’s leading.
Now, Moses is rejected by his brothers because they don’t understand the burden that he now feels for them. Beyond just their rejection, Pharoah hears of what happened and turns on Moses, who essentially was his adopted grandson. Moses was just trying to do the right thing and is rejected by the two groups of people who he should have belonged to.
In the world today, there will be many who will have no understanding of your commitment to God. They will be baffled by the love that you have for reading the bible. They won’t understand the desire to go to church and sing all of those old songs. The Christian faith is but foolishness to the world.
Even to those who should understand, they may not receive our desires to see God high and lifted up. They may be spiritually immature and not fully understand the kingdom. But, is this a reason for us to be discouraged? Hardly. In verses 16 and 17 we see that a leader will

Keep acting on their convictions

Clearly Moses feels for those who cannot defend themselves. In the case of the daughters of the priest of Midian, Moses saves these young ladies. He had no specific reason why this was something that he needed to do. Yet, he did sit idly by and allow these ladies to be walked on.
Paul writes in Galatians 6:9
Galatians 6:9 ESV
And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.
It can be tiresome to continue to do what you think is right only to be rejected. There might be many of you who interact in the workplace and are laughed at when you work in an ethical way. Or maybe you're the one student in school who refuses to cheat on a test and are laughed at by your peers. Keep leaning on the conviction to do things God’s way.
From here, the priest of Midian calls on Moses who eventually marries his daughter, Zipporah. They have a child which leads us to the final point. A godly leader will

Keep the right perspective

The name Gershom is translated to mean “foreigner”. Moses remembers that the people of God belong in the land that has been promised to them. It is far too easy for us to forget that Kingdom in the midst of this world that we’re living in. When we consider the land that God has promised us in heaven, everything else seems to fall into place.
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