Doctrine of Angels and Demons
Knowing God's Truth Series • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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Doctrine of Angels and Demons (Knowing God by Jon Nielson)
Doctrine of Angels and Demons (Knowing God by Jon Nielson)
What might lead some people to be obsessed with the invisible spiritual realm?
To what problems could such an obsession lead?
Why might some people almost never consider the spiritual realm and the existence of angels, demons, and Satan?
What problems occur because of their denial?
The Spiritual world is real.
Read Ephesians 6:10–13 - We would not be warned to prepare ourselves against the “wiles of the devil” and the “rulers of the darkness of this age” if they didn’t exist. God does not want us to be ignorant nor unprepared, therefore we shall put on the whole armor of God in order to withstand Satan and his demons this day and every evil day to come.
The Spiritual world is powerful
Why is this important? We so easily pass off the spiritual realm as not existing. We don’t see it readily nor are we affected by it often so it is a bit like our imagination. However if God is real and we believe that He has power then we need to put our belief in the spiritual realm as well. To do otherwise would be not be to our advantage.
Christians need to understand the spiritual world.
Why should we seek to understand the spiritual world in a Biblical way? So that we are not unaware of what the Bible has to say about and we can apply right doctrine to it so that we can also discern what is and what isn’t part of the spiritual world.
Jesus is king!
“While it is good to understand and take seriously the power of Satan and his forces in this world, we should always remember that the Savior we follow has already conquered and will finally have eternal victory over sin, death, Satan, and all of his followers.” Jon Nielson pg. 216-217
God and the Spiritual Realm
God and the Spiritual Realm
God is absolutely unique and distinct from the rest of the spiritual realm.
How is God unique and distinct? He is uncreated.
God is absolutely sovereign over the spiritual realm.
What makes this statement wrong? We live in a world constantly in war between good and evil.
God’s people have nothing eternally to fear from the spiritual realm.
Why do we have no need to fear? While sin and death still have a hold over this world our lives our no longer tied to this world because as believers we have already accepted the victory of Jesus and ultimately nothing else can touch us. Only the Demons should tremble with fear.
Angels are created beings.
Angels are eternal, non-mortal beings.
Angels are servants of God.
Angels dwell in heaven with God.
The Purpose of Angles
The Purpose of Angles
Five key ways that Angels serve and act:
Carrying out God’s purposes
The Christian Response to Angels
The Christian Response to Angels
We should worship and thank God because of angels.
We should see angels as our fellow servants.
We should look forward to sharing heaven with angels.
Read Daniel 10:4-14.
How does Daniel respond to meeting the Angel?
How does the angel respond to Daniel’s fear?
How should we rightly appreciate and respect angels?
Satan and His Demons (stop video at 14:54)
Satan and His Demons (stop video at 14:54)
Demons are spiritual beings created by God.
Demons are fallen, evil, and in the service of Satan.
Demons are under the judgment of God and bent on destruction.
Read James 2:18-19
What does James teach us about what the demons believe and fear?
Why should we respect the power of demonic beings?
Why must we not trembel at demons or be paralyzed by fear of them?
Satan’s Origin
Luke 10:18 “And He said to them, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.”
Satan’s purpose:
Deception (John 8:44)
Accusation (Revelation 12:10)
Attack (1 Tim. 4:1-2)
Satan’s Destiny
Rev. 20:7-10.
The Purpose of Demons
The Purpose of Demons
Way Satan and his Demons act:
Various Attacks
The Christian Response to Demons
The Christian Response to Demons
We should acknowledge the struggle.
We should beware of demons’ deception.
We should remember Jesus’ power.
We should take comfort in the promise of the final judgment.
Read 1 John 4:1-6.
How should believers evaluate the influence of demonic deception on earth, according to these verses?