How to Seek Revival
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How to Seek Revival_CRCC 20250119
Psalms 85
1. Revival Patterns
According to a sidebar in Christian History Magazine, spiritual awakenings, whether in biblical or church history, manifest patterns that are similar, often strikingly so. Usually the following elements are seen:
1. Awakenings are usually preceded by a time of spiritual depression, apathy and gross sin, in which a majority of nominal Christians are hardly different from the members of secular society, and the churches seem to be asleep.
2. An individual or small group of God’s people becomes conscious of their sins and backslidden condition, and vows to forsake all that is displeasing to God.
3. As some Christians begin to yearn for a manifestation of God’s power, a leader or leaders arise with prophetic insights into the causes and remedies of the problems, and a new awareness of the holy and pure character of the Lord is present.
4. The awakening of Christians occurs: many understand and take part in a higher spiritual life.
5. An awakening may be God’s means of preparing and strengthening His people for future challenges or trials.* 1 * * “Patterns of Spiritual Renewal,” Christian History Magazine, Issue 23, p. 7. 1 Robert J. Morgan, Nelson’s Complete Book of Stories, Illustrations, and Quotes, electronic ed., (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 2000), 679.
2. Psa 85 is a prayer about Reviving God’s People to love, zeal, and obedience.
3. There are four elements to asking God to create a revival.
1st Longing for God’s Grace. Psa 85:1- 3
2nd Confession and pleas for Restoration Psa 85:4-7
3rd Listening for God to speak. Psa 85:8-9
4th Envisioning what Restoration looks like. Psa 85:10-13
1. Psa 85:1-3 Longing for God’s Grace.
Perhaps the best moment in your life was when you repented and were baptized.
At that time God was all, your everything, your love for eternity that how your recieved him.
Col 2:6-7 we are commanded as we received Jesus to walk in the same way.
There our minds must learn to focus on God’s grace. Col 3:1-4
The things above from Psa 85:1-3
Psa 85:1 Longing for God’s favor in every day matters of life.
Psa 85:1 Longing for God Restoration of His People’s fortunes by the return to Zion. Heb 12:22-24
Psa 85:2 Longing the sweetness of his forgiveness through the covering of Jesus blood. Heb 9:12
Psa 85:3 Longing for his anger to be withdrawn. Rom 5:9-11
2. Psa 85:4-7 Confession and Pleas for Restoration. Acts 3:17-21
. re·stored, re·stor·ing, re·stores
1. To bring back into existence or use; reestablish: restore law and order.
2. To bring back to an original or normal condition: restore a building; restored the patient to health.
3. To Place and Put ...
a. To place in a former position or location: restored the book to the shelf.
b. To put (someone) back in a former position or role: restore the emperor to the throne.
4. To make restitution of; give back: restore the stolen funds.
Requesting Restoration Looks Like these 5 response to God.
1st we ask God not to be angry with us Psa 85:4
2nd we ask God not to prolong his anger Psa 85:5
3rd we ask God to revive us so that we can rejoice in him Psa 85:6
4th we ask God to show us His steadfast love Psa 85:7
5th we ask God to grant us salvation once more. Psa 85:7
3. Psa 85:8-9 Listening for God to speak peace to our souls.
Psa 85:8 To speak peace Eph 2:17-18
Rom 5:1-2 (this should be a cause for repentance)
Psa 85:9 From his words of peace come salvation and glory (God’s Presence). Acts 2:24-28 quoting Psa 16:8-11
4. Psa 85:10-11 What Revival Looks Like.
Psa 85:10-11 God’s love and our Faithfulness meet in a revived heart.
Psa 85:10-11 Righteousness
1. Life can be very difficult. See Jer 15:10
2. God’s marvelous promise to restore when you turn to Him. Jer 15:19-21
Jer 15:19 If you turn to God, He restores you so you can stand.
Jer 15:19 If you turn to God and utter what is precious you can be God’s mouth.
Jer 15:19 If you turn to God others will turn to you. Jer 15:19
Jer 15:20 If you turn to God he will make you like a fortified wall of bronze (Practically indestructible to the technology of Jeremiahs day).
Jer 15:20 If you turn to God you will encounter spiritual war but Satan and his disciples will not prevail over You.
Jer 15:20-21 If you turn to God He will be with you in the battle to save you from the hand of the wicked and deliver you from the grasp of the ruthless.