1 John 1:8-10
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God Makes Forgiveness Possible
God Makes Forgiveness Possible
Good morning everyone— it is good to be with you all this fine cold early morning.
We are going to be in 1 John 1:8-10 this morning.
If you have your Bible you can flip there as we continue our study in 1 John.
I want to start by ask you all a question—
Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you agree to disagree?
As in that is how the argument ends.
I have friend who everything he says, I say the opposite too.
It is too 100% just drive him crazy and it will be the most ludicrous things.
He would say Halloween is his favorite holiday—
I would say to him— Halloween is a pagan manmade holiday used to help boost stores bottom line— its that worst.
He would say Star Wars The Last Jedi is the worst star wars movie ever— he would give his ranking of these movies.
I would give him my ranking in the reverse order of his— with Star Wars the last Jedi being number 1.
He would say that Coke is the best beverage.
I would tell him that coke is one of the most beverages you could drink— they use it to clean blood of the side of the road— your insides will be clean of your blood soon and you will die.
He would say killing baby seals is wrong.
I would say I agree with you.
Here is the thing— while that is all in good humor with my friend— we all have had those relationships that have these moments where we agree to disagree.
We can agree about biblical things, we argue about movies, and favorite restaurants, and cars, and Bible translations, best football player, red 40, homes chol dieting.
The best part about people is that everyone has an opinion on everything.
It is also one of the worst things about people.
You ever wonder why we have those moments where we agree to disagree?
It is because we become so sure that our view is right.
We believe that what I am saying is correct and everyone should see it this way.
Because let’s be honest— we really do believe that most of the time we are right and the other person is wrong.
So when someone opposes we see it as they are opposing are belief.
So we say that is your truth— you can believe what you want.
We can agree to disagree.
And the crazy part is we could be 100% wrong.
we could believe something to be true and be totally wrong.
We can believe one thing and not be right about it.
We end up only deceiving ourselves.
So maybe the better questions this morning is What would it take for us to come to an understanding that we may not have something correct?
What if we were wrong about something so horrifically that cost us something
Maybe it cost us our reputation?
Like a lot os money, would you change your mind?
What if it was about your families safety?
You very life?
What if it cost you something even more then that?
What if it cost you forgiveness?
What if it cost you salvation?
Would you want to know the truth?
Better yet would you change your belief?
This is the tension that John is talking about in 1 John 1:8-10.
John is telling believers in this letter that if they believe to be without sin then they are wrong.
They have sin but not only do they have it but they need to confess it to the Lord.
And when it comes to sin we tend to have this mind set of let’s agree to disagree.
We treat sin as it is no big deal.
Sin is a big deal to God and it is not an agree to disagree topic.
Sin is part of everyone and everyone needs forgiveness of sin.
Yet everyone sees sin differently.
What we believe about sin is played out in how we live.
Maybe this morning you came in believe that sin is not a big deal, you see yourself as pretty good, you don’t commit the “big sins” and stacked up to a baby seal murder you don’t look too bad.
So why do we need to talk about, let alone need to confess it?
How we treat sin matters, what we say about sin is a reflection about what we say about God and there is good news, God makes forgiveness possible.
— Allow me to show you how God makes forgiveness possible.
before we go to his word this morning let us go to the Lord in prayer.