John 5
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Recap of John 4
Recap of John 4
Jesus talks to the samaritan woman
Her testimony was used for samaritans to believe in christ
He heals the officer’s son
Jesus is in bethseda for a feast of the jews
Jesus asks the man would you like to get well
Of course he would, he was sick for 38 years
Jesus asked him To fasten attention upon Himself; (2) By making him detail his case to deepen in him the feeling of entire helplessness; (3) By so singular a question to beget in his desponding heart the hope of a cure. (Compare Mk 10:51).
Legacy Standard Bible CHAPTER 10
And Jesus answered him and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” And the blind man said to Him, “aRabboni, I want to regain my sight!”
52 And Jesus said to him, “Go; your faith has saved you.” Immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road.
Jesus wants us to have that desire for him
to long for him
say it with his own lips
The man said he has no one to depend on to put him into the pool
He had a desire, but didn’t have trust in the right man for it
We cannot put faith in humans but in God
God wants us to depend on him for our goals
He was sick for 38 years, Jesus took one discussion
Jesus healed him and told him to carry on not sinning
We are told to get up and walk in him and for him
Hell is worse than his sickness
God gives us trials sometimes so we avoid punishment
The Jews were righteouss with their actions, but not their hearts