Where are you going?
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Week 1: "Where Are You Going?"
Thanks to Jeff and Keith for their messages starting off this new year. Self care…and we know that the best self care is finding health in Jesus. He has the best life for us here and the hereafter. It just makes sense to focus more on Him Amen...
And change/habits…living for God through God…what a neat concept. I think that’s what He wants. He waits for that moment when the light goes off and we say…I’m ready… I’m giving up myself for the life I never imagined could become true...and for certain that means daily choices/habits...but all with the help of the Holy Spirit Jesus promised us.
This week and next week we’re going continue in this theme.
So these next two will be conceptual, big picture…February and beyond we will then focus in a bit more on life’s details.
All within God’s big purpose…and all down to your personal and daily decisions in life.
So today, Where are you going? I guess you could say…Where am I going? We could easily say, Where are we going? This is a big question. It’s one of those big questions of life that I believe only God can answer.
I mean you can say…in a bit, you’ll be in your car and an you can say I’m on my way home. Or I’m on my way to McDonald's.
I heard the story of the woman driving through a snowstorm just outside of Denver. She was completely lost and struggling under the hazardous weather conditions. She was relieved when she happened upon a snowplow. Since she was lost she decided to follow the truck and kept as close to the machine as she could while it removed snow from the road. At times the blowing snow almost cut off her view, but she kept following it.
After some time, the snowplow stopped and the driver got out and came back to her car. "Lady, where are you going?" he asked.
"I’m on my way to Denver." she replied.
The truck driver replied, "Well, you’ll never get there following me! I’m plowing a parking lot!"
Where are you going? Are you on your own kind of guessing...making your own way to where you want to go? Picking and choosing who to follow....Or is your life being guided inside of a big plan that’s already been mapped out by the creator of this world?
We’re going to look at a few passages that I think will give us some helpful wisdom, examples when thinking about this question…where are you going? And to be certain, we’re talking about life. Where are you going?
1. **Scripture References**:
Understanding God’s Plan
- **Jeremiah 29:11** - "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
- **Proverbs 3:5-6** - "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."
- **Psalm 37:23-24** - "The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand."
2. **Sermon Points**:
A. Understanding God's Plan
Understanding God's Plan
There is great importance in looking for and understanding God's plan for our lives.
God's plans are designed for our good.
And the cool thing is He wants us to discern…come to know the overall plan…Jesus asked us to pray that His Kingdom would come now...on Earth as it is in Heaven...
God’s plan to restore everything and defeat evil.
Jeremiah 29:11 Macro Picture
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
…I know…I have plans…remember…not harmful in any way....they are hopeful. You have a future with me.
This is a popular passage. And I think all of us would say we know why. It’s very hopeful isn’t it? And to have God say, “I’ve got things planned out for you…not to harm but to give you a great future.
That just sounds great coming from the mouth of God doesn’t it?
Now, to be sure, this passage was spoken to the Israelites who were in exile via King Nebuchadnezzar … Babylon … and they were down and depressed and felt lost…maybe with no direction. If you were to ask them where they were going…they probably would struggle to find an answer.
But deep down in their scriptural truths, they maybe could have remembered that God gave the Israelites a promise. Through Abraham. This family, this nation, was blessed to be a blessing…the whole world, at one point in the future, would be blessed through this nation. That’s big picture stuff right?
And so when they’re down and out…or at least feeling shamed and depressed, God reminds them who they are and who He is…and where they are going. Big picture…through them (Jesus came through them)…evil would be destroyed, sin wiped away, new life for those who would choose to walk with God.
Where are you going? Well, in this big picture, those who follow Jesus have a future with Him…plain and simple. No reason to stay down in the dumps.
Now, that’s God’s plan…that’s where He’s going. Forgiveness and new life if you’re following Him.
The father of their nation…Abraham, years and years and years ago…had to follow God too. God said to Abraham…I need you to leave your home and go to Canaan. Abraham believed that God would direct him. Abraham where are you going? I’m not really sure…a foreign land…God promised that the whole world would be blessed through my family…You got no family just you and your wife…I know…but that’s what He said. One day…everyone blessed through me…so I’m going.
Israel in Babylon…yeah, that’s us. He said we’re going back. He’s going to put us back on track…because that future hope has not left…it is still there…we’re going to get back on the road and start living His way…going His direction…why? Because He promised.
Is that how you can answer that question? Is this your big picture…our big picture too? Absolutely.
B. Understanding God's Plan, Trusting in God’s Direction
Understanding God’s Plan
Trusting in God’s Direction
Can we trust in God's direction, even when the path is uncertain. Now, we know the overall plan. Evil eradicated. Forgiveness and new life for us. Question…if we’re inside this big plan, is it logical that God has plans for each of us?
Yes, He has a plan for each of us … we are all living inside of this big plan. And so if we can trust Him with the big plan, can we trust Him with the plan for our indivual lives…individual days? (Jesus the example of living here on Earth as we see the Kingdom coming on earth as it is in Heaven)
Solomon in His wisdom from God wrote this....
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
…notice…this is “your paths” Solomon is talking to people on an individual basis. You…follow Him, be humble before Him, search for His ways…and guess what, He’ll make the path forward plain to you. He’ll give you direction. Just trust in Him…don’t think that you have enough understanding on your own to do this. He knows the plan He has for you…and He knows the path.
Step by step…in that Macro Picture
Ananias and Paul – Acts 9 Ananias was a man who lived in Damascus. Jesus had died on the cross, had risen from the dead, the disciples had received the Holy Spirit, the church was growing in and now outside of Jerusalem…different cities around there had growing communities of believers....and here in Damascus, there’s a guy named Ananias. He’s a believer, in fact in the book of Acts 9 Luke writes that he is a disciple. He knows God’s big plan to redeem the world…He knows this he joined up with this new community of believers…he knows about Jesus and what Jesus did…and on this one night he has a vision…from God. “Go to straight street…over there to this specific house Judah’s house, and ask for a man named Saul…Saul of Tarsus…he’ll be praying…ask to see him because he has had a vision that you are coming to him to heal him…I blinded him the other day. “....what????” do you know who this guy is? He came here planning to put us believers in prison. Yes....I know. I know the plans I have....Please just trust me…in this specific adventure I’m giving you. This small adventure in my big plan. Trust…I’ll make the path straight…don’t rely on your own understanding of Saul…I have plan. Just submit to my plan....trust me.
Ananias goes...The man named Saul...who will become known in the Gentile culture..and within our Bible as Paul.
Keep learning about and know God’s Big Plan…With Jesus we all have an incredible future!
Trust Him in the details between now and then…they are also a part of His plan.
Where are you going? Well, Ananias would say…an incredible future…but today I guess I’m going to straight street to Judah’s house. I’m just trusting God. And we know where this went. Paul was baptised and began preaching and planting churches and writing more than half of our New Testament.
…in this we find purpose…Ananias found something more than just a way to be obedient…he found purpose...
He’s going to be doing a very brave thing…he’s not sure where this leads…but he’s willing…maybe even a bit reluctantly…but He’s willing.
All because Ananias trusted God’s direction.… and in this trust, He found purpose in Jesus...in God’s plan.
C. Understanding God's Plan, Trusting in God’s Direction, Finding Purpose
Understanding God’s Plan
Trusting in God’s Direction
Finding Purpose
Finding our purpose is tied to under standing where God is leading us. God wants us to aligning our goals with His will. God is with us the whole way…step by step.
The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him;
though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.
Ananias....Andrew....Peter....James....John.....willing to take a step…in God’s direction…and then they find purpose.
For those latter four guys...Jesus said...I know the way....Follow me.
And the more they go in the direction God leads them…the more they…I think as this passage says…the more they delight....they find more joy in life as they follow, step by step…as they follow God.
He’s holding up their hand....like a toddler… The steps aren’t always perfect, but they are walking within God’s will...being held by His hand.
3. Illustrations
Robert Frost's poem "The Road Not Taken" Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled
The world…those who don’t know or understand God’s plan or have chosen not to follow Him ...they take the well traveled road.
Jesus said it this way:
Matthew 7:14 (NIV)
...small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.
So where are you going? What path are you on? Know God’s Plan keep learning it, understanding it.
Trust that he can get you there. Allow Him to help you, step by step, to get you there…even if you don’t see the end result yet. You might never....but each day you’ll know that you’re participating in the Kingdom…
That’s our purpose…to live in and participate in His Kingdom here and then forever.
So where are you going?
4. **Reflection Questions**:
- Where do you believe God is leading you in this season of your life?
Remember, God has a big plan for all of us…to recreate each and everyone of us…Abraham was told the big plan…the whole world will be blessed. Each of us has a part to play…daily, within that big plan.
- What steps can you take to better align yourself with God's plan?
Keith and Jeff both talked about being spiritually healthy and changing habits to better align yourself with God’s ways of life.
Where are you going? We’re on a path to be recreated….for I know the plans I have for you…prosper…future… A future with Him.
Today, well…maybe even the next two hours are a bit of a mystery. But guess what, those next two hours…the next week…are all within that big plan.
Know and see yourself in that big plan.
Trust that He is with you…personally…and He wants to not only be with you but work through you wherever you are what ever family, job, school you’re in. He has purpose for you.
Submit to Him…meaning die to yourself. If you walk the path by yourself, that might be difficult…He holds your hand.