Jesus is Worthy
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Many stories that we are familiar with have a hero figure foretold by a prophecy. Harry Potter, Aragorn from LOTRs, Paul Atreidice from Dune. They all bore the weight of the prophecy and the expectations that people had upon them as well as all the doubts. It’s a popular trope in storytelling, and it is effective in grabbing our attention. Even though we know more or less how they will gradually grow into their prophetic figure and resume the responsibility of deliverance, there is something satisfying seeing a prophecy being fulfilled after challenges and sometimes sacrifices.
I believe this idea of prophecy and saviour is given from God. It is planted in our heart that this world is broken, it’s not right, and it needs a saviour. And different religion or philosophy have their own ideas of who this saviour figure is. Maybe it is a god or gods, maybe it’s a man, or it could even be you, or maybe it’s an idea and philosophy that will save us. Or you could be a complete nihilist and or a consistent evolutionist that this life has no eternal meaning, we are all just molecules put together by random mutations, and nothing matters in the end. If that’s too depressing for you then you could be a hedonist that since nothing matters in the end, then let’s just enjoy ourselves to the maximum while we live.
So, what is it going to be? Are we all just going to live for ourselves, everyone for their own, or is there a hope for the world? Who’s going to be the savior, who can possibly make all things right?
Our Sermon today is a continuation from last week, and we will address this question today. Last week, we read that the apostle John received another heavenly vision of standing in the throne room where God dwells and we learned that our greatest need to know such God, delight in Him and make much of God. Today our focus will be on His Son. He is the hero figure of our lives. He alone, is worthy. He alone is worthy to fulfill God’s Redemptive Plan, and He alone is worthy of Our Worship.
1. Worthy for What?
1. Worthy for What?
So, the natural question that most people would ask is, worthy for what? That’s our first point. Let’s explore this idea of worthiness a bit in our text from verse 1-4.
In verse 1, John the apostle is standing in the throne room of heaven, basking in the glory of God before His presence, along with angels, living creatures, and the elders of Israel, and he saw on the right hand of God, there is a scroll. The right hand symbolizes God’s reign and authority. And there is a scroll that was written inside and on the back. It is also sealed with seven seals. Now, what is this all about?
This idea of the scroll, that’s written inside and back, with seven seals is a merging of illusions from OT apocalyptic passages. There are many large chunks of passages in the OT on the depiction of the end time, which is what we would call apocalyptic texts. The idea of a scroll, with seals appears in several of them. So let’s take a quick look at it. In Ezekiel 2:9–10 it says “And when I looked, behold, a hand was stretched out to me, and behold, a scroll of a book was in it. And he spread it before me. And it had writing on the front and on the back, and there were written on it words of lamentation and mourning and woe.” In Daniel 12:4 “But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”” Isaiah 29:11 “And the vision of all this has become to you like the words of a book that is sealed. When men give it to one who can read, saying, “Read this,” he says, “I cannot, for it is sealed.””
All three passages refers to a scroll, with content written on both sides, but it is sealed and no one can open. In verse 1 John’s vision there are 7 seals, which is the perfect number that indicates the completeness of the seal. So what is the significance of the scroll and why is it sealed?
In all three OT passages that we referred to earlier, the scroll conceals divine revelation and it is associated with judgement and salvation in the end time. The opening of the scroll symbolizes the unfolding of God’s redemptive plan. Whoever opens the seal and unroll the scroll is able to reveal the divine redemptive plan of God and set it in motion.
So who can open this scroll?
A mighty angel proclaimed with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the scroll and break its seals?
This question is asked to the entire Universe. Not just those in the throne room. Because in verse 3, we read that no one in heaven, or on earth, or under the earth was able to open the scroll or to look into it.
This is a scroll that contains God’s plan of judgement and redemption, but who can fulfill that? Who is worthy to open the seal, unfold the divine revelation and set it in motion?
No one, no one in heaven, no one on earth, and no one under the earth, is able to do that, because they are not worthy. None of the created beings, in the entire Universe is worthy to open it, not only that, they are not even worthy to look into it! No one can even know what about this divine revelation, unless, they are worthy.
And John began to weep loudly because no one was found worthy to open the scroll or to look into it.”
John weeps loudly because no one in universe is worthy to unveil all the knowledge of God’s redemptive plan with all its meanings, and no one is worthy to fulfill God’s redemptive plan. No one can can bring judgement to the evil doers, and humanity have no hope of salvation, and everything is staying broken as it is. Adam failed, Noah got drunk and naked. Abraham had many sons, and despite of God’s faithfulness and deliverance in granting them a land and lineage, Israel was unfaithful and they keep going after other gods and do what is right in their own eyes. The judges were more corrupt from one to another. David whom God has granted abundant wealth and power, sinned by lusting after another man’s wife and committed murder. Solomon who possessed the greatest wisdom at the time had his heart affection divided over his many wives with other gods.
Everyone in the Bible failed to fully execute God’s plan and brings complete deliverance.
John weeps loudly because he is overwhelmed by grief and despair.
Friends, isn’t this how we feel sometimes about the world too sometimes?
A few weeks ago, I watched an interview of a Canadian politician and now my Youtube feed keeps recommending me videos on why Canada is in deep trouble. But it’s kind of true isn’t it? Inflation is soaring and everything is more expensive, and that makes your saving worth less. Every entry level job request 2-3 years of experience and new grad is competing with thousands of applicants for one position. Owning a place is a now a dream for many. And if you do own a house, your property tax is increasing again, so is your insurance and just about every other bills. Yet, the service doesn’t appear to improve. You could blame Trudeau for everything wrong with Canada, but is Polieverre really going to be the saviour and solve all the issues?
I have a group of friends and we meet up regularly, and often the conversations turn to how long they can stay put in Canada while their colleagues in the State can earn a higher income while paying less for life necessities.
And is US really the paradise and the promised land? Trump is returning as the president for the second term this weekend, but is he going to be the savior of America the second time and make it great again? Ok I was nervous if I would a resounding yes. Thank you for not answering.
What is great anyways?
Poverty, racial division, gender confusion, violence, abuse, corruption, who is going to make right of all these evil and injustice we see in the world?
I am not a conspiracist, I know people who say that usually will then spout some crazy theory, but every time when I read news on accusations of abuse going on among the elites of society, celebrities, business men, or politicians, I wonder if this is only the tip of the iceberg. And the reality is in fact more horrifying than what we truly know.
Then there are always wars, endless wars, some are more known than others. People responding to violence with more violence, generations of hatred of killing and raping, often at the cost of the weakness in our world, women and children.
You may tell me, James, it’s just the news. You don’t know what’s real and what’s fake these days with all the misinformation.
Ok, then what about the many sex parlous just in vicinity of this neighborhood? How many women, in this city, are trafficked and coerced into the sex industry? This is something I only learned last year, but now, I am seeing these sex parlours in the name of spas everywhere, in plazas where you would normally go to for a hair cut, or seeing your family doctor, or grab a take out.
Friends, sometimes we read about the flood in the story of Noah we wonder if God is too cruel, but sometimes, it just takes a tiny glimpse of human depravity, the question turns to why God hasn’t judged the world yet.
The question is, who is worthy? Who is worthy to bring an end to all the evil and injustice in the world? Who is worthy to save us, who has committed evil and injustices? Who is worthy, to make all things right again.
Jesus. He is worthy.
2. Jesus is Worthy to Fulfill God’s Redemptive Plan
2. Jesus is Worthy to Fulfill God’s Redemptive Plan
Jesus is worthy to execute judgement on this world, Jesus is worthy to save us, Jesus is worthy to make all things right. Jesus, is worthy, to fulfill God’s redemptive plan.
This is our second point today.:Jesus is Worthy to Fulfill God’s Redemptive Plan
In verse 5, one of the elders said to John, Weep no more; behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, has conquered, so that he can open the scroll and its seven seals.
The lion of the tribe of Judah is referring to the promise from Genesis 49:9“Judah is a lion’s cub; from the prey, my son, you have gone up. He stooped down; he crouched as a lion and as a lioness; who dares rouse him?”, and the root of David is referring to the many prophecies regarding David’s lineage, such as Jeremiah 33:15 “In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David, and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.”
The one who is worthy is not any nation or any King, but He would rise like a lion from the tribe of Judah, and He would be born from the descendent of David.
Jesus is the fulfillment of these two vital prophecies from the OT.
And Jesus has conquered. What has Jesus conquered?
He has conquered sin, he has conquered death which is the consequence of sin. He has conquered Satan, who plotted against God and brought sin to earth. As one who claimed victory over His enemy, Jesus now reigns over them and He is able and He is worthy to carry out the divine plan of judgement and redemption.
When Avenger Endgame came out there was a scene of Thor’s Hammer lying on the ground, which can only be picked up by someone whom it deems worthy. No one has so far been able to other than Thor, but then, enters Captain America, who lifted up the Hammer and wielded it effortlessly. The whole cinema exploded in cheers.
Jesus is worthy to open the scroll, break the seal, and fulfill God’s redemptive plan.
In verse 6 we have a detailed description of this scene. The Messiah Jesus was standing between the throne and the living creatures and among the elders, an imagery of someone in the center of everything and everyone. He is a lamb standing, as though it had been slain. This may be confusing to picture in our mind but this is an example of why you cannot interpret Revelation in a strict literal sense, how do you literally have a lamb who was slain but also standing?
No, the intention behind this very confused imagery is a portrayal of Jesus’s accomplishment, both as the sacrificial lamb for our sin, and His overcoming of death. Jesus is both the victorious lion and the sacrificial lamb. In fact, He is the lion who claimed the victory because he is also the sacrificial lamb who was sinless but was slaughtered and offered as a payment for the sins of many. Jesus is the perfect substitute to atone for our sin. The lion is the lamb and the power of God is demonstrated fully on the cross. Jesus is worthy.
Just as we long to justice to reign on earth, God, who is infinitely more just and righteous than us also intensely desires righteousness and justice. The problem is, before God’s sight, we have all sinned. It’s easy for us to point out the sins in the world, and everything that is broken with it, it is hard to acknowledge that we are part of the problem.
We have also sinned against one another and against God. It is by God’s mercy that we have not sinned in the same degree as those who have committed murder and rape. But, as Jesus taught in sermon on the mount, anyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgement, and anyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Christians, we do not judge the evil of the world as if we are better than the world, the only difference between us and the world is that we know we have sinned gravely and our faith of salvation is in now in Jesus alone. We are not more righteous than anyone else on our own, but our righteousness comes from Jesus. We have nothing to brag other than Jesus.
And this Jesus, slain and standing, he redeems and He has conquered. He possess seven horns that symbolizes mighty power and and He has seven eyes, which represents the all seeing nature of God, the perfect knowledge. They are the spirit of God sent out into all the earth. Again number again emphasizes the completeness, the fullness. Jesus posses all the power and all the Spirit of God.
In verse 7, Jesus went and took the scroll from the right hand of God. Receiving the authority to carry out the judgement and redemption. The victorious and resurrected lamb now possess the seats on God’s right hand, and He is able and He is worthy to break the seal and open the scroll.
And this begins the turning point in the vision.
The four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb and began to worship.
And that’s our third point today:
3. Jesus is Worthy of Our Worship
3. Jesus is Worthy of Our Worship
In verse 8, Revelation 5:8 “And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb.
Worship is the rightful response to the worthiness of Jesus. In fact, the word worship actually derives from the word worth-ship, meaning a condition of being worthy, dignity, glory, distinction, honor, renown.
In the last sermon, Pastor Darryl mentioned that these four living creatures represents the pinnacle of living creations, I don’t know what they are although if it were up to me, it would include dogs, probably poodles to be particular. Joke aside, these four creatures represents the crown jewel of God’s created beings other than human. And the twenty-four elders some scholars suggest are the leaders of God’s people in the Old and New Testament, representing the people of God. And at the sight of Jesus opening the scroll, all fell down before Him.
It is worth noting that each were holding a hard, an instrument of worship, and a golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. Pastor Darryl will address the topic of the bowls and prayers of the saints in the next chapter, but for our purpose today, it is important to point out three things:
The prayers of God’s peoples will go before God, like incense often used in worship, the prayers of the saints will be presented before God.
The Prayers will be treasured. Golden bowl is no cheap instrument. In weddings, the couple often has a nicely decorated box for guests to leave notes in, but beneath the beautiful cover, it’s probably just a shoe box. Or maybe that is just my wedding? Anyways, the prayers of the saints however, is stored in a golden bowl, a valuable instrument of high importance.
The title of the believers, saints, literally means the holy ones. When you put your trust in Jesus, as His blood cleansed your sin and His righteousness become yours, you take up a new identity. You are a saint and a Holy person. Whose heart and affect are completely set apart from the world, and wholly devoted in worshipping God.
And as the living creatures and elders bow and worshipped, they sang a NEW song. A new song because the Jesus the victorious lion and sacrificial lamb has ushered a new age and new creation.
In verse 9-10, the new song focuses on why Jesus is worthy to take the scroll and open the seal.
Jesus was slain.
Jesus redeemed us.. Just those from North America or South America, not just from Europe or Africa, nor just Asia or Australia. Jesus did not just come to save the working class or the highly educated elite, not just the poor or the rich, not just to the relatively good people or the vile, but from every tribe and language and people and nation. Our culture loves dividing people into groups and intersectionality, but Jesus came to save all of you, if you realized you need a savior and called on His name to save you. Jesus died for you. There is a Universal nature of Jesus’s redemption and His people.
Jesus is worthy to worship because God made them a kingdom, and He made them priests to God, and they shall reign on the earth! Oh there is so much to unpack. The people of God will inherit their own Kingdom from God and by God. Israel have failed for centuries, and all their Kings who did not walk in the way of God’s word. Now through Jesus, God will establish a new Kingdom for God’s people. In this Kingdom, we are all priests. The sacrifice is paid so we can all go before God to offer our worship and thanksgiving. We will all know God and behold the fullness of His Glory without veil and receive all His blessings. And we will reign with Him. There will be no longer oppression and injustice, there will be no longer curses of sin corrupting our mind and body, there will be no longer tears and sorrow. There will be just worship and eternal delight before God’s presence. This Kingdom is here but not fully yet. We can experience in part right now but that will only increase our longing for more and for the perfect Kingdom. That’s why in the Lord’s prayer, the first thing we pray after acknowledging the God who we are praying to is that His Kingdom come.
Oh how we long for that day.
In verse 11-12, the worship expands further out, many angels gather around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, numbering myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands,
Myriads and myriads, thousands of thousands, it’s more than just a large number that can be counted, but it is a magnitude of infinite number. They echo what the living creatures and elders sang about the lamb, and worshipped and declared with one loud voice
“Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!””
They ascribe to Jesus his power, wealth wisdom and might, honor and glory and blessing.
All these things encapsulate pretty much what we chase after in this life isn’t it? We want power, we want wealth, we want wisdom and we want might and strength. We want to be honored, we don’t want to live in glory and not in shame, and we want blessings, a lot of it, more than the song. Nothing wrong with these pursuit, but when we pursue them over God, the one who is truly worthy, it is idolatry. The pursuit of these qualities is also futile because we can only truly possess them when we are in Christ, and Christ is our chief pursuit.
In a sense that’s the paradox of Christian life isn’t it? Our greatest joy can only be achieved by delighting ourselves in Christ. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 3:4 writes. To receive the great power that can overcome even sin and death is by first face our weakness and helplessness and only trust in Jesus for salvation. Our greatest wealth is having Jesus and no longer cling onto material things that will perish and fade. The greatest wisdom is not knowing the will of God in everything but despite not knowing the purpose and reason of God’s sovereign hand and still trust God in every life circumstances, as Job and his friends learned in Job’s suffering. Our greatest might is not just being able to all thing through him who strengthens me, Phil 4:13 aka our favorite out of context verse, but the might to be content in every circumstances, according to Phil 4:11-12 how to brought low and how to abound, facing plenty and hunger, abundance and always in worship.
The honor of Christ was received through being despised, His glory came after His shame, and the blessing of the Son was first cursed on the cross.
Oh friends, do you see how everything Christ achieved was first by giving up oneself into the hand of God and through suffering. Shouldn’t we, who follow Jesus Christ also expect the same in our worship?
Worship is not just singing songs that cheer up our mood, worship is a whole-hearted dedication of your very own life and soul to praise and follow the will of the one who is worthy. Worship is living a life with faith and hope, that God has not only died for you and saved you, He has adopted you into His Kingdom and granted you a new heart and new life to walk in obedience according to what He has revealed to you in the Bible. Worship is saying Jesus is enough, and He is worth giving our life for.
Is Jesus worth your worship?
Whether your answer is yes or no right now, whether you are a follower of Jesus or not, one day we will all bow before Jesus and declare who He is.
In v13-14 every living creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, and ALL that is in them, joined the chant and declared,
to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb, be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!”
See it is not only believers and God’s willing subject who joined the declaration, but ALL that is in the Universe. And shockingly, it will even include the opponent of God, those who resisted Him and denied Jesus as their Messiah and insisted on living life in their own way.
Isn’t it what it says in Philippians 2:10–11 “so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”
God will be glorified, and the Son will be worshiped, whether you deem him worthy or not at this moment. He will be worshipped by all of us one day. The difference is some will worship in great delight and celebration, some will be in utter fear and wailing. Where will you fall?
Friends, let us fix our eyes on Jesus. We are not blind to the evil and suffering of the world, and we shouldn’t be blind to our own sin and weakness, but none of us have sinned too deeply for Jesus to save, and none of the evil and injustices overlooked by man can evade the judgement of Jesus. Every time you are overwhelmed by grief and sorrow, by anger and bitterness, by shame and despondence, bring yourself before the throne of God in prayer, preach to yourself the gospel and what God’s word said about you and the world, and worship the one who is worthy.
Consider Jesus is worthy to redeem you and restore you, consider that he is worthy to be praised.