A Call to Fast

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IF YOU’VE ever watched the high jumpers in the Olympics, you will realize that there are two kinds. The regular high jumpers jump about seven feet. They run and throw their backs over the bar. But there is another kind of high jumper. They are called pole-vaulters. They jump about eighteen feet. They back up. They look down the runway. But they have that pole in their hand. They start running down the track, stick the pole in a hole in the ground, put all of their weight on that pole, and use the pole to lift them to a level that they could not lift themselves on their own.

Some of us have mountains. There is a crossbar and we have tried to high-jump it in the flesh. We have seen that mountain and we have backed up. We have said, “Mountain, you are not going to keep me down any longer.” We grit our teeth with the power of positive thinking, New Year’s resolutions, and resolves not to repeat our mistakes. We take off and we jump two feet when there is an eighteen-foot bar.

Some of us have been jumping that same two feet for fifty years and the bar is still up there. In fact, it keeps going higher every year. Maybe what you need is a pole vault. You need something that you can lean on when you get to your problem so that you can go higher than you could ever lift yourself. Maybe you need a pole that will help you jump over the mountain. The pole vault for the bars in your life are fasting and prayer.293

“I proclaimed”

Ezra proclaimed a time of fasting for the Israelites entrusted under his leadership
God had entrusted Ezra with these people and gifted him with he insight to know the challenges that were to lay ahead for them and what they would need to do in preparation
This morning I stand before you as your shepherd to tell you just as in the time of Ezra a fast was needed a fast is needed now
I’m calling you to fast for the next 7 days as we seek after God to have his will with us and his church, to see a revival among his people that turns into an awakening of this county
If you say “I will fast when God lays it on my heart,” you never will. You are too cold and indifferent to take the yoke upon you." -D.L. Moody
Ezra’s time they had dangers ahead in their journey and wanted to seek God’s supernatural projection
What is the reason we need a fast now?
The Spirit of God is moving in a special way here and eyes and minds need to be finely tuned so we can stop missing what he is doing and get on board with it. So that we may focus the passion God has gifted us with towards his plan
Fasting will help remove the bad, Tony Evan’s example of a colonoscopy. We all need to do a deep dive into the depths of our hearts to make sure we have done all possible to remove the friction from our lives
And know with this movement of God spiritual warfare is coming
The demonic sees something special going on here and Hurricane they are coming for you, they want to wreck havoc upon you
We will not have it, we will prepare, we will orient our hearts towards the things of God, the demonic will not prevail over us if we stand in the holiness of God.
Scripture on warring against the spiritual insert
This is why we must arm ourselves with the spiritual, not what we think we ought to arm ourselves with

“Humble Ourselves”

John 3:30 ESV
He must increase, but I must decrease.”
When we come to God fasting what can we bring?
Our brokenness
We come to the King of Kings realizing we are broken and in no place to be requesting anything from him, that he deserves us nothing
Our desperation
We come as a baby that is hungry and is not capable of meeting those needs on their own
What does a baby do when they are hungry? They cry until the need is met
When we come to God fasting what do we not bring?
Our desires
Leave your preconceptions behind
Don’t tell God what you need, ask for him to reveal and give to you what you need
Isaiah 58 no nos:
Don’t fast mistreating others
Don’t fast to curse others
Don’t fast with a self-righteous voice

Implored Our God

So with all this talk of fasting what is it that we need to implore God for?
Seven day guide:
A time to remember who God is
Spend time in prayer just simply thanking God for being God
A time to pray for God to break our hearts
A time to pray for God to direct us in how we should approach his throne
A time to ask God to reveal to us in the days to come what needs to be revealed
Pray for God to break your heart over the shortcomings in your life
Pray repenting for each sin the Spirit brings to mind one by one
We did not slip away just all of a sudden, but one step at a time and we must return one step at a time
You have sought forgiveness now return the favor and give forgiveness
For revival to come we must not harbor resentment in our hearts
Spend time praying for God to rekindle the fire in you
Spend time praying God rekindles the fire in His church
Pray for God to bring many souls to Himself
Pray for the Gospel to go out with boldness in our communities
Pray for God to show you your next step in your faith walk
Write it out and make a plan


Type of fasting:
Daniel Fast:
Only drink water
Eat only fruits and veggies (No sauces or no frying)
Fast from something you eat or do daily
Fast from certain meals
as you fast spend extra time in prayer and being in the Word
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