Mark 12:18-27

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Beyond the Grave: The Resurrection and Our True Identity

Bible Passage: Mk 12:18–27

Summary: In this passage, the Sadducees confront Jesus about the resurrection, asking him a convoluted question regarding marriage in the afterlife to undermine the belief in resurrection. Jesus responds with authority, affirming the reality of the resurrection and redefining the nature of relationships after death.
Application: This sermon can help Christians understand their identity in Christ and the hope of resurrection amidst fears about what lies beyond death. It encourages believers to live confidently in their faith, knowing that their relationships and existence extend beyond this earthly life and are rooted in a heavenly reality.
Teaching: The teaching centers on the assurance of resurrection and the transformative understanding of relationships in the afterlife, emphasizing that our current life should be lived in full light of the eternal implications of our faith.
How this passage could point to Christ: This passage points to Christ as the central figure of the resurrection, affirming his power over death and providing the believers with hope. He embodies the reality of life beyond this world, fulfilling the promise of eternal life to all who believe in Him.
Big Idea: Our true identity and fulfillment is found not in earthly relationships but in the eternal promise of resurrection through Christ, which transforms how we live today.
Recommended Study: As you prepare this sermon, consider exploring the cultural context of the Sadducees’ beliefs about resurrection and marriage, as well as exegetical insights into the nuances of Jesus' response. Use your Logos library to read background commentaries that can illuminate the text-critical issues surrounding the resurrection themes in the Gospels, paying particular attention to how this passage fits within the wider narrative of Christ's authority.

1. Questioning the Power

Mark 12:18-22
You could begin by exploring the Sadducees' attempt to trap Jesus with a question about marriage at the resurrection. Highlight how their question reveals a misunderstanding of God's power and the reality of the resurrection. You might suggest that this passage challenges us to not be limited by earthly perspectives when it comes to understanding our identity and future in Christ. By examining the context, underscore how Jesus' teaching invites us to reconsider the nature of eternal life.

2. Redefining Relationships

Mark 12:23-25
Perhaps delve into Jesus’ response to the Sadducees, where he clarifies that earthly relationships, like marriage, will not define existence in the resurrection. Point out that this teaches us to reevaluate our priorities and affirms that our identity is ultimately found in our relationship with God. This section could encourage the congregation to view their relationships through the lens of eternity, understanding the transformative power of Christ’s promise of eternal life.

3. Living Assurance

Mark 12:26-27
Maybe emphasize Jesus’ appeal to Scripture to affirm the reality of the resurrection, grounding it in God’s nature as the God of the living. Discuss how this passage reassures believers of the hope and certainty of life beyond death anchored in Christ. Encourage the audience to live with confidence and hope, rooted in the promise that they are eternally alive in Christ. This serves as a call to trust in the life-giving power of the resurrection.

Life After Death: Understanding Our Hope in Christ

Bible Passage: Mk 12:18–27

Summary: This passage addresses a theological dispute where the Sadducees challenge Jesus regarding the resurrection by presenting a hypothetical scenario about a widow marrying seven brothers. Their goal is to mock the belief in resurrection. Jesus counters their argument, explaining the nature of life after death and the eternal existence of souls, underscoring that true life is found in God, not bound by earthly constructs.
Application: This message can bolster the faith of Christians questioning the reality of the resurrection and encourage them to embrace the hope that comes with it. It invites believers to reflect on their eternal destiny and understand how this hope can influence their lives, decisions, and relationships here on earth, providing comfort in loss and motivation for evangelism.
Teaching: The sermon teaches that the resurrection is not merely a future event but a present reality that informs our lives as believers. It challenges congregants to hold firmly to their hope in Christ, understanding that death is not the end but a transition into eternal communion with God.
How this passage could point to Christ: In this context, Jesus represents the fulfillment of God's promise of eternal life. He is the living testimony of resurrection power, demonstrating that death does not have the final say. His resurrection assures believers that they too are promised everlasting life through faith in Him.
Big Idea: The resurrection transforms our understanding of life and death, compelling us to live in the light of eternity, knowing that our hope in Christ assures us of true life beyond this world.
Recommended Study: As you prepare this sermon, consider delving deeper into the Sadducees' beliefs to grasp the cultural and theological implications of their question. Look into commentaries that focus on the nature of resurrection in the Old and New Testaments, particularly how Jesus fulfills these concepts. Using your Logos library, explore additional resources that discuss theological interpretations of life after death and its implications for contemporary faith.

1. Questioning by the Sadducees

Mk 12:18-20
You could begin by discussing how the Sadducees approach Jesus with a hypothetical and exaggerated question to expose their disbelief in the resurrection. Highlight their focus on legalistic traditions instead of spiritual truths. This passage emphasizes the necessity for believers to prioritize spiritual intimacy with God over religious formalism, pointing out how Jesus leads us to a deeper understanding of life that transcends earthly practices.

2. Limited View of Eternity

Mk 12:21-23
Perhaps explore how the Sadducees' question on marriage after death illustrates a limited understanding of God's power. During this part, you'll discuss how earthly relationships are transformed by our resurrection hope, urging believers to view life's trials and commitments through the lens of eternity, knowing that our relationships in God's kingdom are not bound by earthly limitations.

3. Ignorance of Scripture and Power

Mk 12:24-25
You could address Jesus' corrective response that reveals the Sadducees' ignorance of both Scripture and God's power. As Christians, we must recognize that our hope in Christ invites us into a life rich in God's promises and presence, preparing us for the reality of heavenly relationships and worship that transcend our current understanding.

4. God of the Living

Mk 12:26-27
Maybe conclude by highlighting Jesus' affirmation of the resurrection through the reference to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. This underscores that true life is found in eternal communion with God. Encourage believers to find comfort in the assurance that life continues beyond death, instilling hope and courage to live confidently knowing that our final destiny is with God, who is "not the God of the dead, but of the living."
How can we apply the hope of resurrection to our daily lives and decisions?
What implications does Jesus’ assertion that God is the God of the living have for our understanding of eternal life?
The God of the Living
Mark 12:18-27 NKJV
[18] Then some Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Him; and they asked Him, saying: [19] “Teacher, Moses wrote to us that if a man’s brother dies, and leaves his wife behind, and leaves no children, his brother should take his wife and raise up offspring for his brother. [20] Now there were seven brothers. The first took a wife; and dying, he left no offspring. [21] And the second took her, and he died; nor did he leave any offspring. And the third likewise. [22] So the seven had her and left no offspring. Last of all the woman died also. [23] Therefore, in the resurrection, when they rise, whose wife will she be? For all seven had her as wife.” [24] Jesus answered and said to them, “Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God? [25] For when they rise from the dead, they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven. [26] But concerning the dead, that they rise, have you not read in the book of Moses, in the burning bush passage, how God spoke to him, saying, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? [27] He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. You are therefore greatly mistaken.”
There is one great threat that all of humanity faces.
All of us will take one last and final breath. All of our hearts will stop to beat. The synapses in our brains will stop conducting and there will be no more brainwaves.
Sometimes we a start to think about death more and more as we start to age. Especially when things don’t work like they used to. When our eyes are more blurry and our hearing starts to fade. When it gets harder to get out of bed or there's a diagnosis.thought.
What happens when we die?
Death is all around us.
The mortality rate in the world is 100%.
Death comes to all. Even Jesus Himself had to experience death.
one of the greatest benefits for those that put their trust and hope in Christ have something to look forward to. There is a promise of a resurrection. Faith in Christ will have the Privilege to be freed from death!
Hebrews 2:14-15 NKJV
[14] Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, [15] and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage. 
All of flesh and blood at some point have had a fear of the power of death.
What happens when we die. What is there after this.
But as a follower of Jesus Christ we do not have to worry about this.
Last week we talked about traps.
There are many traps out there that are set, will be set in front of us to trip in our Faith in Christ.
We saw last week how the Sanhedrin came to Christ to test Him. Not to just test the Lord but to trap Him. Their methods had changed this time.
What did they do? They did not just come and accuse Jesus of Blasphemy like before. They used smooth words and flattery to try and trap Him up. Attempting to boost The Lord’s pride and ego to get Him to say what they wanted to hear.
These are all the same tactics that Satan has used from the beginning. But the things about traps is that not all of them work the same.
So if the prey that is being hunted does not fall for the trap what does the hunter do?
They will set up and set out a more sophisticated trap. A trap that is easier to fall into but even harder to get out.
The Scribes and Pharisees came to Christ with gossip and accusations.
The Hellenistic Jews came to Jesus with smooth words and flattery.
Now there is another group of people that use a different way to try and trap Jesus.
The Sadducee approach Jesus with a different way to try and catch Him in a lie.
Who were the Sadducees?
We know the Pharisees and the Scribes as the Jewish religious leaders. Very religious very conservative. Wanting position and power.
The Hellenistic Jews were the Jews that came from a Greek Speaking world.
The Herodians were Jews that weren't religious and had more alliance to King Herod than to the God and the Temple.
The Sadducees were a group of people that were Jews. But they had different beliefs than the scribes and Pharisees. While the Pharisees were very conservative in their Jewish beliefs the Sadducees were not.
The Sadducees were the top of society. They were wealthy. The had political power. They were the ones that were very well educated. They never associate themselves with poor or the middle class. The were paid by the Temple tax.
The Sadducees were the Theological Scholars but They only followed the Pentateuch, The first five Books of the Torah. So they didn't read or believe in any of the the Old Testament Books. The Prophets, The Wisdom Books, The Historic Books The Psalms, Proverbs.
They did not believe in the Resurrection. There is a doctrine, a belief system, that is called Anniahlism. It is the belief that when life ends when you close your eyes and breath your last breath and just stop to exist.
The Sadducees were Annalists. They believed that once your last breath was taken that you just ceased to exist.
They believe in God, but they are not spiritual. They are religious, but they don’t have a relationship with God. They were earthly.
No Resurrection. No afterlife. No angels no demons. No Spirit. They believed the resurrection violated the rules of logic. They thought it contradicted the Mosaic laws.
They believed in God, but were very tied to this world.
Acts 23:8 NKJV
[8] For Sadducees say that there is no resurrection—and no angel or spirit; but the Pharisees confess both. 
They did not believe in life after death, or anything supernatural.
To them, there was no spiritual world that involved angels or spirits.
They believed in God, but were very physical, scientific, and earthly in their approach to life. To them there were angels, demons, or the devil. They believed none of that existed.
Religion was a job and a source of income. They used God to get wealthy. They used God to gain popularity, and influence.
This would be similar to those who go to church and are active in church who are involved so they can get more business or get more votes.
They live for the now, because there is no after life.
The did no believe in the Resurrection.
Jesus tells them they are wrong.
The Sadducees are planning new type of trap. They are going to try and exposes Jesus publically with a question. They are coming after His teaching.
The Pharisees and Scribes were always astonished at the teachings of Jesus. Always asking by what authority He teaches. “ How does he know these things”.
The didn't question the teachings of the Lord they questions how He knew.
The Sadducees now question His teachings.
They ask Him a Theological question in hopes that His Theology is incorrect.
Not knowing our understanding that standing in front of them was the One that wrote the Scriptures.
Why would they want to do this?
Why a theological question?
If Jesus can not answer their question then what He teaches would be false.
They would then be able to question if He really is the Messiah. They want to destroy His reputation. The want to discredit Him. They want to try and show that He is a false Messiah and false Christ.
The set up a another type of type, a theological trap.
Their are many people in the world that do not believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. There are many that believe a little but not fully. They question His Deity, His authority, His teachings.
They doubt His promises. They are unsure of Salvation, Redemption and Restoration. Many doubt the His Resurrection because they say there is no proof.
They will say that He never existed. He was a good teacher but not God. They will say there is no heaven and no hell. They will ask about God’s character.
Anything that is associated with Christ and to Christ the world will challenge.
But not just that they will challenge you because you believe.
Are you ready to be challenged?
Are you ready to give a sound answer for what you believe and why you believe it?
II Timothy 4:2-5 NKJV
[2] Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. [3] For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; [4] and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. [5] But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry. 
Can you give an answer that goes deeper than the Bible says or I know in my Heart and feel it in my spirit?
These people will question and challenge your very beliefs if you don’t know why you believe.
They will create confusion in your hearts about what you believe. We are called to have a sound heart and a sound mind. To be rational and logical about what your faith in Jesus Christ can help persuade the broken heart and the sick soul to be made well. If not it can actually harden a heart and bring more hopelessness to the delicate soul!
Not only do we worship and honor God with our hearts, we should do the same with our minds.
This is a strategy that has been used since the Garden of Eden.
‘Did God really say”.
Genesis 3:1 NKJV
[1] Now the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God indeed said, ‘You shall not eat of every tree of the garden’?”
As Satan took the form of a serpent he crafted a way that would lure Eve into doubting God’s Holy and Sovereign Word.
Has God indeed said.
Satan is cunning, crafty, cleaver and creative in how he comes to destroy the Seed of God Words in our hearts.
Satan uses crafty people. He uses crafty methods.
It could be through Science. It could be through music. It could be through presidents and politicians. It could be in the very things that we are involved in and not realize that in some form or way it is challenging our faith in God!
The lies are packaged in a way that is very convincing. It gets delivered to us in a way that is appealing.
Not only will Satan use the craftiest thing to question our faith one of the most convincing things he uses is a crafty and clever question.
Did God really say.
Did God really say that Jesus is His only Son. Did God really send His Son to bring life to the dead. Bring sight to the blind. Did God really say that all your sins can be forgive, all the shame.
That through Jesus Eternal life awaits for those that repent, believe, follow, and proclaim this Christ. Did He say that every tear will be wiped away, every sickness, disease will be cured. Glorious everlasting bodies given to be able to withstand His Glory. The old will pass away but His Word is Eternal and last forever. A new Heaven and a new Earth will be established and His Kingdom will have no end! Did God say all this?
This is the question that brought all of humanity to the point it is in now. A sinful, hopeless and broken world in desperate need for a Savior.
This type of trap is used to get us to question and doubt God.
They Sadducees didn’t believe in the Resurrection, but they still ask Jesus about it.
They could careless about Jesus being the Messiah. The had no concerns about the Remission of sin. They had no fear of hell and no hope of Heaven. So why would they ask Jesus such a question?
They want to maintain there place of control and power.
The Sadducees come to Jesus and they ask Him a question.
The Sadducees come to Jesus with a hypothetical question about the Resurrection. One wife Seven brothers. She marries one. He dies. She marries the next brother and he dies. She goes one to continue to marry the brothers and and they ll end up passing away. So Which will she be reunited with her in Heaven!
This was taken directly from the instruction of Moses in
Deuteronomy 25:5-6.
What is interesting is they did not believe in the Resurrection.
But they knew the Word of God.
One of the way people will try to trap you is by actually using the Word of God. We have to all be Theologians. What is Theology?
The study of God.
I have been accused of being a Theologian, praise God.
There are some people that use the Word of God to try and show that it is a contradiction.
They will try to bring up things in the Word of God that will make you rethink the validation and the truth that the Bible gives. They will challenge the accuracy, the timelines the people.
They make arguments that will make us maybe start to doubt the very existence of God. What about Jesus? What about the Creation of the world versus evolution. Did we really come from apes. What about the dinosaurs.
It goes on and on.
How well would you stand to some of these questions?
But wasn’t the Bible written by man?
This is where you start.
This sin sick world has denied the Gospel. It has rejected the Gospel. It has tried to replace the Gospel. It has perverted the Gospel for personal gain.
We have to believe that every word is true and inspired by the very Spirit of God.
Because they were ignorant of the Scriptures they were ignorant of the Scripture. If we are ignorant of the Scripture then we do not know what God can do!
You will miss out on the power of God!
Some critics of the Bible are critics of the Bible because they do not know the Bible.
When you have a Follower of Christ that doesn’t know the Bible trying to answer questions to someone
I Peter 3:15-16 NKJV
[15] But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear; [16] having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed. 
Every good question should have a good answer.
Peter is reminding us that we should be able to give an answer, a response to anyone at anytime that we may be asked.
Why do you Hope? Why do you believe the Bible?
The answer is not because you were raised that way.
Culture is important but it should never supersede the validation of God Word.
The answer is not because you tried it and it worked for you. This is an answer that is based off of feelings and emotions rather than facts.
Don’t we live in a society that is based off of facts now. There are professional fact-checkers.
What you are telling them is that the Gospel is not for everyone. You are saying that there might be something else out there that could bring them Salvation other than Christ.
Deuteronomy 29:29 NKJV
[29] “The secret things  belong to the Lord our God, but those things  which  are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law.
The Bible will not answer every question that the human mind will ask. There are questions that will not be answered.
But it will answer the questions of sins and redemption. It will show us the need for a Savior. It will tell you who that Savior is. It will show us how to follow Him to ends of the earth. It will give us promise and hope. Through that promise and hope it will build faith and trust in what is written.
There are just some things that we may not fully see or understand. But what He gives us and shows us is sufficient. What He does reveal to us is perfect sufficient to obey Him and to respond to Him.
We have to be convinced that the Bible is valid. I believe that the Bible has all the answers of life, Salvation, afterlife. It gives wisdom on how to live this life. It gives hope when we are hopeless. It teaches us history and it teaches us of the things to come. It has the power of God behind every letter.
Even through the Sadducees were trying to trap Jesus with a question that was not about marriage but the Resurrection, Jesus answers.
[24] Jesus answered and said to them, “Are you not therefore mistaken, because you do not know the Scriptures nor the power of God?
There is a power of God that we do not understand. How He can create with His Breath. How through His Sin sins can be forgiven
I like to focus in the Cross of Jesus Christ. Without the Cross there would not be Atonement for our sins. We would still have to endure the Cup of Gods wrath. There would be no grace of God. There would be no burdens laid down. No peace and no rest. We would still be dead in our trespasses.
But if there was no Resurrection then what? The Cross is essential but it is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ that is the very core of our faith.
After Jesus came and bore the same human nature as us lived a sinless life. He submits to an agonizing and shameful public death,the eternal Son of God was truly raised from the dead in his Glorified physical body, no longer subject to decay and 
death. His resurrection validates his identity as the Divine and Holy Son of God!
through His Cross we have victory over sin!
Through His Resurrection we have victory over death!
And because of this victory that only Jesus could perform the grave can no longer hold us down!
The Resurrection of Jesus Christ secures both our present Salvation and the future Resurrection of all believers!
We have to hold firmly to this Hope in Christ!
Death is not the end but a transition into Eternal Communion with God.
Jesus gives one last answer to the Sadducees;
‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’? [27] He is not the God of the dead, but the God of the living. You are therefore greatly mistaken.”
God does not say ‘I was , ‘I will be’ He says I AM!
 The souls of Abraham, Issac and Jacob are still living in the presence of God!
Theses are the Fathers of the faith. The Sadducees would know and follow their every word.
If they would have known the scripture the would know that these are among the living are still alive; and if these patriarchs are still alive, there will be a Resurrection.
If men are to live for ever, they will, sooner or later, live again in the completeness of their being, body and soul and spirit.
Jesus ends this conversation with “You are therefore greatly mistaken!”
This was not a small error. This was a big mistake. Their error isn that God’s word never contradicts itself.
Mark reminds us through Christ’s words we have too have the hope of the Resurrection.
He is the God of the Living!
In a few short days Jesus would go to that very Cross to bear the sins of the world. He would atone for the sins of all that would repent, believe and follow. He would take the Cup of Gods indignation and calm His anger. Because Christ is the perfect sacrifice for all.
He will die in agony.
He would be laid in a borrowed tomb. Wrapped in death clothes.
But on the third day He would rise victoriously putting and end to the fear of death.
Just as He told the thief on the Cross “Today you will be with me in Paradise”!
Come soon, Lord Jesus.
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