Revelation 12

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Introduction…BRAVING THE COLD…
Personal quiet time:
•Wednesday, January 29
•Room 25 (by the elevators)
•During Lecture from 10:30-11:00
•Lecture will be recorded and uploaded onto
Mini study
On February 5 We are going to be offering a chance for you to invite friends to BSF for our Mini-Study.
A Mini study is simply a no-commitment opportunity for women to come and try out BSF for a week without registering first.
All you have to do is invite your friends to come!
You can scan this QR code, send it to them, and it will give them access to the lesson and notes for our class on February 5 without having to create an account on
Your group leaders will also be sending this link out to you directly so you can get it from them as well.
Your friends can come with you- go to your group- and then come to lecture...if they would like to register after visiting, admin. will be around to help after class.
Please know that you are always welcome to invite your friends to come to BSF with you.
By inviting them to the mini study specifically it easily give them access to the notes and lesson- but we want BSF to be accessible for all who desire to study God’s word.
So- you have a little bit of time to think about who you want to invite to our mini study when we return in January.
If they have children they can come with them as a 1x visitor in our preschool and student program.
If they choose to register we will let them know if we are able to place their children at that time.
So be thinking now about who you might want to invite to our study on February 5!
We have a special treat for you today.
As you know- our preschool students are studying the book of Revelation right alongside us.
However- at times the book of Revelation is not always age appropriate due to the content being potentially scary or even too confusing.
So…what BSF does is take the same truth…and picks a different story in the Bible that communicates that same truth in an age appropriate way.
I dunno about you- but the first time I read Revelation 12- I was overwhelmed and confused and so very grateful for the children’s lesson- so we thought to start us off today…we would invite one of our PSCL’s to come and teach all of us to help us understand this confusing and difficult passage.
Let’s Pray
What are some of the most popular stories of today…stories that seem to stand the test of time
Lord of the Rings
Star Wars
Harry Potter
Oliver Twist
Chronicles of Narnia
The Avengers
what do they all have in common?
Good Triumphs over evil..
Why do these movies- all with almost the same plot line…continue to be popular…
let’s all be honest- there is something innately satisfying to see good kick evils butt..
it makes you want to high five your neighbor…
but it also speaks to a deeper desire and longing we have to know that evil will not have the last say.
This week we basically have the most epic story of all time of good triumphing over evil.
Except this isnt some fantasy story…this is real..
but this is no 9 hour Lord of the Rings trilogy.
there is not equal forces of good and evil at odds here.
This is an all powerful God…stomping on a limited and weak enemy..satan.…and then..just like that…it’s over.
the victory bell rings..and God’s people stand.
Our text this week, Revelation 12, is smack dab in the middle of the book of Revelation.
Some scholars see this passage as the defining moment or the climax of the whole book.
and what is it that we find at the climax…two words..
but God not only reminds his people of his victory, but he also gives protection and provision as they face a limited and defeated foe.
and that’s our aim for today… In Christ, believers find refuge and victory over Satan.
as God protects..prevails..and provides…
- God Protects Rev. 12:1-6
-God Prevails- Rev. 12: 7-13
- God Provides- Rev. 12: 14-17
Open Bible/Apps
GOD PROTECTS- Revelation 12:1-6
Last week we ended with the 7th trumpet blast, now we are starting a new cycle of visions.
So in vs’s 1-6 we are introduced to 3 players-a woman…a dragon..and a child
and these verses set up some foundational groundwork for the rest of chp. 12
in these verses we will see God’s protection for his people as we simultaneously learn more about the
The woman….the dragon…and the child…
Chapter 12 starts by referring to a great sign…this is the 1st of 7 signs in the book of Revelation.
Now- these are not numbered nicely like seals and the trumpets.
While the first two this week are easy to spot the remaining signs in the next couple of chapters start with the phrase “And I saw.”
Signs in scripture are meant to point you to something bigger than what you see happening in front of you.
If you studied the book of John with us last year, it was full of signs…7 to be exact…
…the miracles Jesus performed in the book of John were less about the miracle and more about what the miracle pointed to.
Each sign pointed to Jesus as the Messiah…
In these beginning verses- we should be asking ourselves what is the sign pointing to?
we very quickly see the 1st two signs..a pregnant woman and a dragon…
but notice that when we get to talking about the child- we don’t move to the 3rd sign…
and that’s because the child…who by the JESUS…is what the first 2 signs are pointing you to..
Jesus is not a sign..because He is the fulfillment of the signs.
so let’s see how these first two signs point us to Jesus.
vs 1…introduces us to a pregnant woman clothed with the sun, the moon, and 12 stars on her head.
At first glance it may appear that the woman is Mary, Jesus’ mother…
and while yes..Mary was a real pregnant woman..who really cried out in pain as she was about to give birth… most scholars would tell you that in this case- the pregnant woman is most likely NOT Mary.
As with most things in Revelation, there are different thoughts on exactly who the pregnant woman represents and your notes unpack this a little further, but one widely held viewpoint is that the pregnant woman represents God’s people-…or more fully- the progression of God’s chosen people..
first, faithful Israel… then, Jews who believed in Jesus; and finally, all God’s people who believe in Jesus- the church
If you are confused..stay with me…let’s unpack this together
To understand this we have to go back to the beginning of God’s people
To Genesis 37- to a dream had by a man named Joseph.
In His dream..just like in vs 1…there was a sun and a moon and stars…
the stars in Josephs dream represented his 11 brothers …who later, along with Joseph became the 12 tribes of Israel, or the nation of Israel collectively.
So the picture is that the nation of Israel- possibly represented by the 12 stars— gives birth to the Messiah. Because Jesus came from the nation of Israel.
So in the 1st sign- the pregnant woman reminds us that the Messiah came from the nation of Israel..
..Just…like…God…said he would…from the very beginning…
Ok so that was the 1st sign…now we move to the 2nd sign where the focus is now on the dragon…
and remember..this is a sign- so ask does the dragon point us to Christ?
vs 3 Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads. 4 Its tail swept a third of the stars out of the sky and flung them to the earth.
Now-We don’t have to spend any time speculating who the dragon is because VS 9 tells us explicitly that the dragon is Satan.
Take a moment to enjoy this brief moment of complete clarity in the book of Revelation.
So..who is Satan: Satan was one of God’s angels. He rebelled against God and took a host of fallen angels with him.
They now oppose God, His mission, His message, and His people.
and the picture of satan here is one of a dragon…with 7 heads, 10 horns, and 7 crowns on its head.
Your notes unpack this description in detail but basically he is posing as a king here trying to impersonate God… He is acting as if he has power and control.. that he doesn’t actually possess
We have to remember- Satan and God are not equals.
God, who is stronger than Satan, limits Satan’s power and influence.
.lets keep going to see how the dragon points us to Jesus by looking at what he DOES in the 2nd half of vs 4.
4 The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that it might devour her child the moment he was born.
So…as we said earlier…the child is Jesus. but notice…Satan knows the child is coming.
In Genesis 3 God said one would come and would crush the head of the serpent-
He has read his Bible..he knows the prophecies…he saw the signs…
and so when it’s time for Jesus’ arrival…he is ready….waiting to devour Him…
Satan knew that Jesus’ arrival on earth meant his time was coming to a close.
but instead of throwing up his hands in defeat…he chooses to enter into a battle where his defeat is imminent.
causing as much chaos and destruction as he can on his way out the door.
and so as the woman gets ready to give birth…Satan steps in front of her…this is a declaration of WAR…
Satan has taken his position- ready to fight…ready to devour-
So..on Christmas Eve…while we are all holding candles singing silent night…Satan’s gearing up for war.
I wonder how many of you woke up on Christmas morning and read Revelation 12?
How many of you think about the birth of Jesus with Satan’s fury in mind?
Satan hates Christmas— because its a reminder of his defeat…
The sign of the dragon- points us to Jesus…Because his outrage- his declaration of war-- points us to the one he was waiting on…the one who he was threatened by…the one who would once and for all crush his head…
and that brings us to verses 5 and 6..the child..…the fulfillment of the 1st two signs…
5 She gave birth to a son, a male child, who “will rule all the nations with an iron scepter.” And her child was snatched up to God and to his throne.
These 2 verses encompass all of the 1st coming of Jesus- the one described in the gospels.
So think Christmas…Easter…and Ascension all together.
Jesus- the male child- is born…Christmas…
then Easter…he is snatched up to God as he rises from the dead and claims victory over death. It’s a description of His resurrection…
then…his ascension- when he goes back to heaven..sits on the throne with his iron scepter where he will establish justice and strike the nations that oppress and persecute the church.
This single verse is a proclamation of TRIUMPH!
These 1st 6 verses outline God’s plan for redemption from Genesis to Revelation…
vs 6 takes us back to the woman…
vs 6 The woman fled into the wilderness to a place prepared for her by God, where she might be taken care of for 1,260 days. Fleeing is a response to danger.
so here the woman- recognizes danger…a dragon…and she flees into the wilderness…and there she finds a place of refuge- specifically prepared for her by God.
In scripture- the wilderness is always a place of trial but also protection.
In Exodus- God led the people of Israel out of Egypt and into the was a place of safety from the bondage they had been living in…and it was in the wilderness that they found God’s presence and his life giving care…
Living in the wilderness was not a time free from trial- in fact- it was difficult- but it was continually a place of refuge…because it is in the wilderness that Israel found the presence of God.
When Christ defeated satan he freed his people from the bondage of sin- offering a place of refuge- of freedom and protection from the schemes of the enemy through relationship with him.
In vs’ 13-17 we will see the dragon rage…but before we see his fury- God’s people are reminded that they can find refuge in Christ.
Satan’s time is limited..he only has 1260 days…. the wilderness will not last forever…
PRINCIPLE: In Christ, God’s people find refuge from Satan’s schemes.
What direction are you running right now?
Are you running to the world or are you running to the wilderness…to Christ?
Don’t be afraid of the wilderness…it’s where God is…
yes. there will be trials-but the promise here for believers is that God will protect and care for you as you walk through a world that is not your home.
Let him be your refuge today..stop running to the world….the world cannot protect you from Satan and his schemes?
Run to your Christ…accept his offer of salvation- freedom from the bondage of sin and death.
Sometimes running to the wilderness means allowing ourselves to sit in solitude…it means giving space to really consume God’s spend time in prayer…
and giving space away from the noise and distractions allow the Holy Spirit to speak into our deepest needs..
GOD PREVAILS: Revelation 12:7-12
TRANSITION: as we move into our second division in vs’s 7-12- we are going to find an epic battle occuring in heaven.
while the timeline of what is happening here is debated- what all commentators agree on in these verses is the outcome…God wins…and Satan is defeated.
so let’s look at how the enemy is defeated in 7-9 and then at the certain victory in 10-12.
vs 7- opens in heaven with Michael and his angels fighting against Satan and his angels.
Michael is one of 2 named angels in the Bible- He is always a warrior who guards or protects God’s people.
Satan’s angels are also referred to in scripture as demons.
There is an enemy…a spiritual battle going on…a war for our hearts…one that we cannot see with human eyes…
But just as soon as the battle has begun..just like’s over…
lets read about Satan’s epic defeat.
vs 8 But he (meaning Satan) WAS NOT strong enough, and they (referring to satan and his demons) lost their place in heaven. 9 The great dragon was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
Often we talk about good and evil as if they are equal forces at odds.
The good angel on the left shoulder…and evil one on the right..
both whispering things in your ear…
but Satan isn’t God’s opposite or God’s equal.
what vs. 8 reminds us is that God is STRONGER than the devil and his schemes.
and not
When Jesus died on the cross Satan was defeated…once and for all..
Many people would like to believe that Satan doesn’t exist.
Others spend way too much time obsessing over his movements.
It is dangerous and unwise to give satan too much credit but it is equally as dangerous and unwise to deny his presence and his influence in the world around us.
Yes…You need to Know the enemy, but more importantly you need to know your God..
1 Peter 5:8 tells us to: “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.”
So while yes- there is a very real and present enemy.
we must never that if you are a believer the One who is in YOU is greater than the one who is in the world.
and victory is certain….the battle has already been one.
vs 10 Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say:
“Now have come the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Messiah. For the accuser of our brothers and sisters, who accuses them before our God day and night, has been hurled down.
Salvation has come…God’s power and his kingdom will overcome the schemes of the devil..
this is the gospel…
one pastor said that the gospel here is like the atomic bomb that exploded on all satan’s plans..the dragon does not end the child’s life..the child ends the reign of the dragon.
but Satan is still fighting..and his primary weapon is his mouth…notice here he is called the accuser…other places in scripture call him out as a liar…and a deceiver..
he knows he cannot take away your salvation..but he tries to take away your peace…
Do you hear him whispering..
Your not good enough.
God would never choose someone like you.
You did what?
sometimes his accusations are true.. we sin..we aren’t enough…on our own we do not have what it takes to do what God has called us to…
But the reminder in vs 10 is that the ultimate tattletale in heaven is gone…
The voice in heaven is loud- shouting above his accusations…
and what is it that God’s people shout…
b/c his accusations do not hold up…because in their place is the salvation and power and the kingdom of God…the authority of Jesus as the messiah.
The Superbowl is coming up and I don’t if you have seen the sidelines…but football teams have lots of players…many who sit on the sideline and never play a second in the game.
But yet- when the super bowl rings come out…everybody gets one…and I can guarantee you that if you meet them- they will testify that they were a part of the winning team.
If you are a believer- then the victory is yours to claim…listen to vs. 11-
11 They triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony; they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death.
vs 11 is the the basis of our salvation.
which means that NO ACCUSATION thrown at you by Satan can stand…because you are covered in the blood of the lamb
When he deceives you or lies to you…you fight back with the truth from the word of God which says that in Christ:
Not because of who YOU are but because of WHO HE is and what HE has done for YOU…”
And as Satan is hurled down..and God’s people rise..
their testimony stands… it is a believers shout of victory.
and so in response to the victory that is yours in Christ.…vs 12 calls God’s people to rejoice and worship..
but yet we are reminded that the victory is not for everyone…so God gives another woe..another warning..another invitation to those who are not covered by his blood…
because time is running out. .
and that brings us to our 2nd truth for today:
PRINCIPLE: Christ shares with His people His victory over Satan.
God doesn’t call his people to be dragon slayers…the dragon has already been slain.
instead-God calls his people to claim his victory.
But that doesnt mean we just stand around and high five each other….and do a victory dance.
it means STANDING in the face of whatever Satan throws our way..boldly proclaim the offer of salvation that we have received.
If you have been saved- then you have a story of victory to share..
GOD PROVIDES- Revelation 12:13-17
in vs’s 13-17- After Satan is hurled to earth- He is ANGRY…
but once again..God does not leave his people on their own…he provides shelter and deliverance to his people.
vs 13 When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child.
Satan refuses to accept defeat and he is out to kill and destroy.
So…he goes after the woman. and the closer to the end..the angrier he becomes.
But God does not leave his people…as satan pursues God provides.
14 The woman was given the two wings of a great eagle, so that she might fly to the place prepared for her in the wilderness, where she would be taken care of for a time, times and half a time, out of the serpent’s reach.
wings in scripture are a sign of God’s protection…
an eagles wing span is massive…it covers…shelters…
in Exodus 19:4 God describes the provision of his people as he carried them out of Egypt..he says:
4 ‘You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagles’ wings and brought you to myself.
As Satan is pursuing the woman… at the exact same time..God is providing shelter- for his people
and for every second that Satan is allowed to roam on the earth..for the time, times and half..God will continue to provide for his own.
And as the time for satan’s final demise..when Christ comes back once and for all to end satans rule on earth- his anger grows stronger and stronger…
vs 15 Then from his mouth the serpent spewed water like a river, to overtake the woman and sweep her away with the torrent. 16 But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth and swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of his mouth.
This is another call back to the book of Exodus.
Satan is spewing water out of his mouth like a flood…his goal is destruction…
When God brought his people out of Egypt into the wilderness they were stuck…the red sea was in front of them and Pharaohs army was pursing…
but yet…God provided a way….the red sea parts and God’s people are delivered on dry land…..
Because of Christ believers have been delivered from eternal death…and no one…no pursuit or scheme of satan can take that away from you…but God provides for his people..he goes before them…clearing the path ahead…providing what they need in the moment that they need it.
Satan doesn't give up…he is relentless..vs 17 tells us that he wages war against the rest of her offspring…those who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about Jesus.
PRINCIPLE: God protects His people against Satan's attacks.
If you are a believer than there is a target on your back.
What is satan spewing at you today?
lies? accusations?
The truth of God’s word is our power against satan…God protects his people with his words…with his truth…providing protection against whatever the enemy spews at you…
If you are a believer you are protected..sealed and secure forever in Christ….trust that God will equip you for whatever you need to face satan’s schemes…He goes before you…satan does not have the last word…because God has already won.
As we close we are reminded that there is a battle…a real and present enemy…but we serve and follow a God who has already won the battle..
so let’s close from the words to a song which remind us that in Christ….we can overcome…
the song is called…You’ve already won…
it says…
There's peace that outlasts darkness Hope that's in the blood There's future grace that's mine today That Jesus Christ has won So I can face tomorrow For tomorrow's in Your hands All I need You will provide Just like You always have
I'm fighting a battle You've already won No matter what comes my way I will overcome I don't know what You're doing But I know what You've done I'm fighting a battle You've already won
Let’s Pray
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