Courageous Beginnings
Courageous • Sermon • Submitted • Presented
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As we conclude our Courageous sermon series, we’ve explored how God calls us to set bold goals, embrace His vision, and step out in faith. Today, we end with a challenge—a call to wholehearted commitment, inspired by the response of the Israelites to Joshua’s leadership in Joshua 1:16–17:
Then they answered Joshua, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go. Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses.
Hook… Cary Nieuwhof gives a report that presents data for the church that predicts trends to watch for in 2025.
1. Gen Z is in Revival and Retreat at the same time
1. Gen Z is in Revival and Retreat at the same time
born between 1997 and 2012… so about 13 to 27 ish.
Known as being more spiritually open, but this doesent mean it leads to christianity
Number of Gen Z who never go to church grew from 28% to 37%
Revival is happening across college campuses
2. Evangelism is on life support in most churches
2. Evangelism is on life support in most churches
99% of pastors (according to Barna) say their church is ineffective at reaching new people
Evangelism has been separated from discipleship
Studies show that only 3-5% of american churches are growing primarily through conversion growth.
26 professions of faith at FMC in 2024 compared to 180 new members
3. Church closures appear to be outpacing new church plants 3-to-1
3. Church closures appear to be outpacing new church plants 3-to-1
there would need to be 8000-12,000 new churches planted to keep up with the closures
Data has been clear for years that while church revitalization is important, new churches reach more people than existing churches do.
4. The rise of the non-derivative church
4. The rise of the non-derivative church
5. The church leader amental health crisis is about to get worse
5. The church leader amental health crisis is about to get worse
in 2022 the number of pastors that were near quitting was 42% and while that trend is slowing down, it is still high
The number of pastors under the age of 45 that say they are thriving is 7%
A shortage of next gen leaders combined with unhealthy leaders is a problem.
The call for FMC to be courageous is not just a marketing vision strategy.
Courageous in 2025:
This declaration of obedience and faith represents a decisive moment for the Israelites. They weren’t just agreeing with the vision; they were aligning their lives with God’s purposes. Their words show us what it means to courageously commit to God’s mission.
1. A Courageous Response to God’s Call (v. 16)
1. A Courageous Response to God’s Call (v. 16)
The Israelites said, “Whatever you have commanded us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.”
Obedience Without Conditions: They didn’t say, “We’ll follow if it’s convenient.” They trusted God’s leading through Joshua. Courageous commitment requires us to say, “Yes, Lord,” even when the path is uncertain.
Action Over Intention: The Israelites understood that faith isn’t passive. It’s not enough to believe in the vision; we must act on it. James 2:17 reminds us that “faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
Later in the passage, two tribes of Israel… the Reubenites, the Gadites, and tribe of Manasseh are called to help the rest of the group. They are already settled at the destination and they are called to help the rest to reach where they are headed.
But to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-tribe of Manasseh, Joshua said, “Remember the command that Moses the servant of the Lord gave you after he said, ‘The Lord your God will give you rest by giving you this land.’ Your wives, your children and your livestock may stay in the land that Moses gave you east of the Jordan, but all your fighting men, ready for battle, must cross over ahead of your fellow Israelites. You are to help them until the Lord gives them rest, as he has done for you, and until they too have taken possession of the land the Lord your God is giving them. After that, you may go back and occupy your own land, which Moses the servant of the Lord gave you east of the Jordan toward the sunrise.”
This is a call for the people to work together for the overall good. These three groups already have established themselves. But they are to sacrifice for others to reach their own destination.
A call for Conroe to be courageous so that others in TWH know Christ.
2. Trusting God’s Presence (v. 17)
2. Trusting God’s Presence (v. 17)
The people added, “Only may the Lord your God be with you as he was with Moses.”
Confidence in God’s Faithfulness: They recognized that success wasn’t about Joshua’s ability alone but about God’s presence among them. They trusted in the same God who parted the Red Sea and provided manna in the wilderness.
The Promise of God’s Presence: In Joshua 1:9, God promised, “Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Courage comes from knowing God walks with us.
What would change if we truly believed that God is with us? Fear diminishes, and courage rises when we trust in His faithfulness. As you pursue the goals and vision for this year, remember, you’re not going alone.
3. A Unified Commitment to God’s Mission
3. A Unified Commitment to God’s Mission
The people’s response demonstrates unity: “Just as we fully obeyed Moses, so we will obey you.”
Unity Strengthens Courage: The Israelites recognized the importance of standing together. Their shared commitment reinforced their resolve to move forward.
I want to talk about Unity for a second:
unity is not uniformity
unity contains characteristics of empathy, sacrifice, mercy
The enemy of unity is not disagreement, it is sabotage.
A Community of Courage: As a church, when we align ourselves with God’s vision and support one another, we become unstoppable.
Already FMC is stepping out in courage:
Churchwide total = 68 Pledges totaling $603,700
Budget for 2025: $2,496,000
How can we support one another in the journey ahead? Pray for your leaders, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable to live courageously for God’s purposes.
Conclusion: Courageous Commitment
The Israelites’ response to Joshua reflects the heart of true faith: obedience, trust, and unity. Today, God is calling us to the same courageous commitment.
Will you say, “Whatever you command, we will do”? Will you step forward with the confidence that God is with you? Will you stand together as a church to pursue the vision God has placed before us?
Pledge Card:
In a moment you will be invited to step forward in courage. We are all going to come. Cards in the pew backs.
9:30: During communion, you will come and receive communion and pray over your commitment and place those in baskets.
11: you will be invited forward by the ushers.
I want us all to move in faith today and have a time and reflection, inventory, and prayer for the church. So if you have already turned in a card or submitted one online, or your visiting today, would you all come and pray. Kneelers, pads, first row, etc.
Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves in worship before you.
All glory, honor, and praise belong to you.
God of abundance, you provide every good thing!
In gratitude we thank you.
Loving Christ, you bear our forgiveness to us with wounded hands and a generous heart.
In gratitude we praise you.
Father, I ask you to order my steps and to give me wisdom and understanding. I acknowledge you in all my ways and I trust you to direct me and to make my paths straight.
The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it. We are called to be wise stewards, protecting and nurturing creation.
We will act with care, ensuring that future generations inherit a world that flourishes.
We acknowledge our responsibility, knowing that all we have comes from God. We are caretakers, not owners.
Our time, talents, and treasures are gifts to be used in service to others and to glorify the Creator.
Stewardship requires sacrifice, commitment, and a heart that seeks to serve. Let us give not out of obligation, but out of gratitude.
We joyfully commit to a life of stewardship, offering our gifts with willing hearts and open hands. I commit my time, my talents, and my resources to you. Everything that I have has been given to me by you, so I offer these gifts back to you for your holy use. I pray that every good seed that I plant will yield a rich harvest of souls, righteousness, and blessing.
The Scriptures remind us that where our treasure is, there our hearts will be also.
Dear Jesus, I am so thankful for your loving sacrifice; for salvation, healing, deliverance, and peace. I commit myself to your Lordship with joy and thanksgiving.