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So today I want to give you the first sermon you have ever heard on bubbles, actually its not about bubbles, its about God but I want to start with bubbles.
Bubbles are a phenomenon that happens due to the magnetism of water. Hydrogen is positively charged and oxygen is negatively charged and since like charges attract this means that there is a strong magnetic attraction between the molecules in water. To make a long story short that is why bubbles are round and why they form the way they do. It’s why you can actually fill a glass past the rim a little bit before the liquid spills out. Its how water deals with trapped air. And they are very useful.
Did you know that divers practice in pools designed to release large amounts of air in order to cushion their dives. Air is softer than water and so water with a lot of bubble is softer than regular water. One of the reasons water seems so hard when you hit it is because of the magnetic attraction of the water molecules to each other, it makes them not want to separate and so not let you penetrate the water making it seem hard. Bubbles break this up making the water seem softer
Did you know that God has designed emperor penguins so that they can trap air in their feathers when they dive. Have you ever seen an penguin shoot up out of the water like a rocket and land on its feet on the ice. It does this because it releases the air trapped in its feathers while under water which makes the water easier to travel through. This allows the penguin to travel about 50 per cent faster than normal and shoot up out of the water to escape predators and to avoid having to flop and climb out of the water onto the ice.
Mitsubishi has designed a cargo ship that uses a bubble maker to make the water easier to travel through hoping to cut fuel costs by 15%. More and more shipbuilders are designing this into their ships.
Did you know that humpback whales blow a column of bubbles laces with sound int o the water to confuse fish and make them easier to catch and eat?
Ever heard of scrubbing bubbles. Scientist can now clean stubborn stains like lipstick using only cold water bubbles vibrating with ultrasonic sound. No detergent needed. The bubbles vibrate with the sound and as a bonus the vibration makes the bubbles cling to surfaces and seek out cracks and clevises to clean even better.
Hospitals have found that blood is hard to see on an ultrasound, but by introducing miro-bubbles that vibrate when the ultrasound hits them they can see much more clearly.
Bubble are even being used to deliver medicine to specific places in the body. The medicine is in the bubble and since bubbles can carry small amounts of matter that is stuck to them microscopic iron bits are stuck to the bubbles and a magnet is used like the old metal filings and magnet toy we played with as kids to direct the bubbles to where they need to go. Since they are easy to see with an ultrasound when they are at the right place you just turn up the frequency and the bubbles vibrate until they pop delivering the medicine precisely where it is needed.
Ocean bubbles carry tiny bits of sand and dust to surface of the ocean and when they pop they fling them into the air. These tiny bits become the focal point of clouds since the moisture in clouds clings to these tiny bits to hold itself together. God uses stuff from the ocean floor carried by air and water to reach into the air and make clouds so that we can have rain on the just and the unjust.
You might think all of that is interesting and then again you might not but what does it have to do with God and church and the bible.
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them.
For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.
What this simply says is that God is right to be angry with man for not believing in him even if that particular person has not heard the details of who God is and what God expects. Everyone should know that there is a God just by looking around at the world God has made. We should be able to clearly see and understand that God exists because of the wonders we see in his creation.
Lately this has been called the intelligent design argument but it was around long before that title was invented. If you go to seminary you will hear about the teleological argument of the great watchmaker.
A man pulls out a pocket watch, pries the back off of it and shows you all of the gears and parts in the back of the watch then asks “do you suppose that over millions of years these metals and glass formed by the pressure of wind and rain and natural processes in just such a way as to produce all of these gears and parts perfectly and fit them together in just the right way so that they will do what they do and keep time for us. What a wonder of nature.
Of course no one would assume such a thing, we would see a watch and understand that something this complicated had to be designed and crafted by someone with knowledge and skill.
Then he would look around and say look how complicated this world is, how complicated your body is, look how everything fits together just right and how everything does what it is supposed to do, do you suppose it happened by accident or do you suppose that there is a great designer and builder behind it all.
Of course you were probably taught what I was taught in school, that evolution could do it over time. The example I remember was that a million monkeys typing on a million typewriters for a million years would eventually write one of Shakespeare’s sonnets. I guess today they would type on computers. Of course this argument if flawed. In order to those monkeys to type some intelligent being has to invent and manufacturer a typewriter or even harder invent and make a computer. And of course unless there was already a language for them to type in that made sense to everyone then we wouldn’t know what they typed anyway.
The argument is actually much more difficult than that. Did you know that Darwin was haunted by the human eye. He could not figure out how all of those parts came together at once in just the right way to make an eye work since none of them were useful by themselves.
Remember the bubbles in the ultrasound and the ones delivering the medicine to just the right place in the bloodstream. How wonderful what God has made. I don’t mean the ultrasound or the doctor even thought God made those as well, but how about the bloodstream.
Of course the blood keeps your body warm and delivers oxygen and food to your cells to give you energy and keep you alive. Blood also clots to keep you from bleeding to death . when a blood vessel is damaged it somehow triggers the release of platelets and clotting factors in the blood that dissolve to form fibrin which form a little net to catch the platelets so that a clot forms, other proteins keep the clot from growing and going where it shouldn’t go otherwise a clot goes to the heart and can kill you. Then when the clot is no longer needed the fibrin dissolve so that the clot goes away, I don’t know how it knows when to dissolve. Imagine if any part of this didn’t work. Imagine millions of years of evolution trying and failing before getting clotting right. That means every paper cut and small scratch would have been fatal.
It gets worse. The blood doesn’t do all of this on its own. The blood moves through veins and arteries and capillaries that have to get to every single cell with oxygen and nutrients or the cells starve to death. The blood has to be pumped by a muscle that never sleeps and never fails, you only get once chance to get that right. That muscle is controlled by the human brain and nervous system which is more complicated than any known computer or computer system ever invented. Of course without the brain the heart would not pump and no blood, no life.
Did I mention that the blood carried oxygen, how does it get oxygen. From the circulatory system. lungs and diaphragm than never quit working, thank the brain for that again. Oh by the way did you know that humans need between 19.5% and 23.5% oxygen in the air. By 16% you have trouble thinking and get exhausted just sitting, too much oxygen can damage your lungs, heart, kidneys and brain. About 21% of the air we breath is oxygen, So far as we know this is the only planet in the universe that has the right amount of oxygen for us to live. The only planet with oxygen in this 4% window that could keep us alive, almost as if someone planned it that way. But I digress
Did I mention that your cells also need energy in the form of usable proteins. Don’t worry, you have a digestive system that breaks down proteins and sugars into a form that can be carried by your blood to you cells which have further processes inside the cells which break that down to usable forms and give of water and carbon dioxide that the blood carries back to the lungs to get expelled into the atmosphere so that plants can use it to make more oxygen so we don’t run out. But back to the digestive system, a stomach and intestines and other gross things that take in animal and vegetable matter and make it usable for powering the cells of your body. By the way you may have heard that all animals and plants have the same type of proteins, this is great news because if animals and plants used different proteins than humans then our digestive system could not break them down into the proteins we need to survive. Its almost like someone designed it that way.
Of course all of this has been orchestrated in order to feed your cells. You remember the cell, the thing that someone once said developed out of a pond of goo when lighting struck it. A single cell is made up of over a dozen different organelles which each have their own function, shape and place and each is important to the cells life. These organelles provide energy for the cell, move things around, control what can enter and leave the cell, control cell duplication and other tasks. All of that you get from some random proteins struck by lighting, or maybe not. Maybe the watch didn’t just evolve but it was designed and created. Maybe the human body, the solar system, the ecosystem and everything else we see in creation didn’t just happen. It makes a lot more sense that it was planned and created by a very powerful, extremely intelligent being.
There is enough evidence in creation to prove God exists. We could name more and more evidence. The more we learn about creation the more wonderful it is and the more complex it is. The more we understand about our world the more obvious it is the God created it.
I told you all of that to tell you this, never be embarrassed or intimidated by someone who tells you that science has proved God doesn’t exist. Everything science learns about how complicated and wonderful the world is proves that God does exist. There is enough evidence just in creation to prove it to anyone who wants to look and listen. He who has ears to hear let him hear what God says through creation.
We may not understand everything that God created but we can sure see his hand in the creation of it.
I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
Wonderful are Your works,
And my soul knows it very well.