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Baptism • Sermon • Submitted • Presented • 24:02
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Walking in Newness of Life
Walking in Newness of Life
Today we celebrate a new member of God’s family.
For the first time since I have been your pastor for almost 2 years we enter to baptismal waters.
So I believe we need to discuss the importance of this ordinance in God’s Kingdom.
Many of us are familiar with initiation processes.
How many companies send new workers to orientation
Many organizations have probationary periods while new members become acclimated to the organization.
This is not any of those things.
Baptism is not a requirement for being a Christian.
Baptism is expected for a new Christian.
Now we have discussed what Baptism isn’t, so let us look at what Baptism is.
I need to put this passage into context.
Paul is writing this passage to illustrate that the Christian is not to continue in sin.
Our Surrender means something has changed and he uses the act of baptism to illustrate that change.
Walking in Newness of Life
Walking in Newness of Life
Bible Passage: Romans 6:3–4
Bible Passage: Romans 6:3–4
3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death?
4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
1. Death: A Necessary Departure
1. Death: A Necessary Departure
3 Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death?
Why did Jesus get baptized by John the Baptist?
John told Jesus, “I am not worthy to baptize you.”
Jesus said, “Do it anyway.”
These are paraphrases of scripture (Matthew 3:13–15 “Then Jesus arrived from Galilee at the Jordan coming to John, to be baptized by him. 14 But John tried to prevent Him, saying, “I have need to be baptized by You, and do You come to me?” 15 But Jesus answering said to him, “Permit it at this time; for in this way it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he permitted Him.” )
Baptism is the outward symbol of what has taken place in us.
Jesus was letting the world know that He was surrendered to the Lord God.
Baptism did not change Jesus
He didn’t need to be changed.
But He did need to obey His heavenly Father.
So John permitted Him to be baptized.
The world knows that this baptism marked the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry.
Baptism does not change anyone today.
Baptism is a marker.
A symbol of what has taken place within us.
Romans 6:3 “Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death?”
Death is necessary
This old self
Literally we are bound by sin.
Without Christ and the HS all we do is sin.
Even good works, helping others, giving to good causes, these are still sin for they are done for the wrong reason.
The old self does everything for itself.
Pride is rampant and the basis for all activity unless we have been crucified in Christ.
To overcome this sin we must die.
The old self has to be put to death as Jesus was.
He took our sin to the cross and there it died and was taken to the grave.
So Baptism is an outward acknowledgement of my death to the former way of life.
Where pride rules
Where self is ultimate.
In just a few minutes Kevin and I will work together to baptise Joelle.
She will be buried in the watery grave.
In so doing she is becoming a witness of what has already taken place in her life.
She realized that she is a sinner.
She then chose to let her own will and way die.
Today we will symbolically bury that old Joelle
But she will not stay buried.
2. Resurrection: A New Reality
2. Resurrection: A New Reality
4 Therefore we have been buried with Him through baptism into death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life.
Life ceases at death.
If we owe money, nothing can be done to collect it unless provision was made prior to death.
Once death has come burial follows soon afterward.
We have to take a closer look at this verse
We are buried with Christ through baptism into death.
But Jesus didn’t stay dead.
No, He arose from the grave and lives this very day.
As Joelle comes back out of that water that symbolizes her new life, her resurrected life.
Jesus did not stay dead
Resurrection is the New Reality
Resurrection is the New Reality
The New Self
Jesus took our sin to the cross and defeated it there.
Sin no longer has us bound.
Now we are free to do good works out of a selfless heart.
Pride is no longer our determining factor for living but now we live humbly before God who has forgiven our sin.
Jesus took our sin upon Himself on the cross and now we worship Him and glorify His name with our lives.
The reason we are raised with Christ...
So we can walk in newness of life.
The old has passed away, the new has come.
Joelle is not the only one in this room who has made that commitment.
Many of us have been baptized and have publically confessed our death to sin through Jesus and our new life through the resurrection.
So we too have been set free from sin.
We too have given our our pride and selfishness to Jesus.
Our sin was nailed to the cross.
It was buried in the borrowed tomb.
Because death could not hold Jesus
and It cannot hold us
Walking in Newness of Life
Walking in Newness of Life