September 11, 2016 - AM
Skyrim overcast and there's a little bit of humidity in the air. that Mary living it was that and I I found myself. Back at the school having learning experience. Now it was different than all the other times I found myself. Having a burning experience because this time it wasn't in a classroom and it wasn't in an auditorium or at the school library. But it was actually in the bleachers on a football field. I didn't know that there could be a lot to learn on the football field. But there was a lot for me to learn on the football field in you know. Has brought so many changes to so many lives in my right about that has life brought changes to your life.
because of now I am a football mom.
I'm going to football field for helmets.
That can actually happen on the 12th. Perspective was changed 3 weeks ago. What things did you learn?
Well for starters I know has a lot more meaning to it than walking the pathway of a mountain or a trailer park. I learned that the word hike is yell that person throws the ball behind them hopefully to another team member and then it becomes the job to take that ball and get it to the other end of the field to the goal. That would have called ten toes down.
K names for that, right?
Milan go online and try to get it there to get them.
And you know, I always thought the football team was just the football team, right and the players discuss which in and out. Cuz they got tired or they got too many salads.
There is a special team and they all that. special part that they play in helping
I just thought they were all out there and that doesn't mean
It is time for the play at high quality and they are utilizing the training and instructions that they have been given and they're like the highest tea that right? I started to think about that. and then I thought you know God. To be on his way. He wants us to get in the game. Right, he wants us together. He wants us to play as high quality, utilizing the training and the instructions that he has given us through his work through those who have preach the gospel to us to those who have the disciples Sunday school or through a small group setting or Junior Bible quiz or through teen Bible quiz. God wants us to take his instructions take his truck that he has given us the ability.
God desires for us to be fully engaged in his purpose last week my husband talk with you about the importance of preparation and if you will turn 2 and 16 preparation for God's purpose
To be engaged in his purpose. Now. I know on the front of your bulletin you pass over think but I believe it today God's word for us is in an active or that he wants us to focus on and in phrase and allow that
and take that take that with us. Ephesians 5 verse 15 and 16 says be careful then how you live not as unwise but as wise. See we are going to be prepared and then verse 16 says making the most of every opportunity because the days are evil. So, why do we do this? Why do we bother to prepare?
Do we need to be engaged will a fusion? If you looked at the verses 1 and 2 it says be imitators of God. Dearly loved children and live a life of love just as Christ loved us and for us as a sacrifice. Baby mama for children. I have watched them grow up and and moving to different phases wife and one things that personality every one of them when they were very small. We tried to imitate mom and dad. Are boys every time they would walk in and see Dad shaving guess what they were doing. It would be right in front of mirror and they would be shaving to pretend razor. But they would be imitated. I can't even remember Empire. She was probably about three or four now. She's the first form. She likes to be the organizer. she might have coordination and I remember walking in one time and she had all and she had made some sort of a
children like to be imitators of God
and what do we see in the Life of Christ? He was always fully engaged. There was never a moment when he was pulled out of the game. But he was always fully engaged.
And we're called make the most of every opportunity. I told you before that God wants us to be on his 18, but it's going to take
to engage Cooling in the opportune
the first work that I want to look at is available. Wait on you about a man in scripture this man. Was someone who has demonstrated a wife of availability is a man by the name is Philip Bible like called in for many songs. Like David said he was with someone if resounding popularity. He's probably not the first person that someone would think of when you say who's your favorite character in The Bible? Probably not that first person that would come through to mine. He wasn't someone who was part of the Inner Circle. He was just an ordinary.
Like you and me, but he demonstrated a lot of availability. And because of that decision to be available, he found himself in the center of a profound. life changing event that changed his story in the book of Acts chapter 8 He's listed as one of the deacons of the early church He's listed right along with stupid who is known as the first martyr for having trust in and so Philip and Stephen were fellow believers they were so In the full-time Ministry of the Church and Kingdom work they work alongside each other and it was after the loss of Steven things began to change to take place within the early church. Sweet when the day of Pentecost came and live for Transformers change because of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. people came to put their faith and trust in Jesus Christ
And they had a friend.
Steven was martyred. It was at that time that there was a change that took place that took place in the culture the church began. Barely persecuted and if you look back through history books you read about Amber such as Nero, and some of those are fine seems to those that are believers in Jesus Christ.
They were scattered. They were forced to leave their homes and and their towns neighborhood locations. And Mike changed for them drastically. Get it now. I imagine it would have been very. Phillip to Simply go into hiding and if you were threatened if your life was
would it be a temptation to you to go into?
It would be a Temptation for me just saying hey if I knew my life was on the line. It would be an option to go into hiding or to Simply withdraw from people that nobody would have to know right.
Take that route.
Look at verse 5. And what he did? It says it went down to a city and Samaria and proclaim the Christ the message of Jesus Christ in celeriac cause of his willingness to be available following the guidance of the Holy Spirit and sharing the gospel Philip help to bring confirmation. In that area. It says Amber 6 with a crowd. miraculously They all pay close attention to what he said. What does shrieks evil spirit came out of Minnie and Minnie.
Or he'll say and also during that time there was a man named sign. He was not a follower of Jesus Christ, but he practiced which. Magic because a lot of people to look at
spirit and because he was under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He was able to bring confirmation to the they're watching and hearing what he had to say because it was through the Holy Spirit. That people claim that God is exactly who he claimed to be.
in Donna because of his willingness to be available Philip Roth Jubilation to this country in Mercedes said, so there was great joy in that City and my husband was talking about the constellation called this morning. I was involved.
and had the privilege of preaching a message to the children that came in the minister that comes to those who are minister to the joy that comes to those who don't
and then they're providing the groceries or they don't know how they're going to get their kids shoes for the school year and they're going to buy you a pair of shoes for their children. They not been able to take time. Moving and haircut Naomi. I know it's hard getting all that you need. Bring joy to those. something as simple as a haircut and I was thinking of the joy, that's about to come not just not just to a church congregation but to an entire Community the entire community.
receive Sheila White because people like yourself are allowing themselves to be available to be engaged in the ministry of God. in God's purpose Philip got to be part of bringing joy to an entire city because he allowed himself to be available and allow the Holy Spirit and what all that produce was a full-on Revival. I'm not going to read about that to you today, but I would encourage you when you go home today for sorcerer and how the people were changing and Give me your heart to the Lord and got so busy that the Elders of the church. John to go to Samaria at helpful about because it got so big there was such a Revival taking place and so they win today begins.
as well
available We get ourselves busy with extra curricular activities.
My kids want to go here or do that I could call you. get the kids what they want and then we get ourselves so busy and then I look back and I
and so I say these things to myself first and foremost because God is challenging. Take a look at the calendar and safe. Are we feeling the calendar with those things that are 1 going to draw us closer to God? As an individual is it going to draw us closer to God as a family unit?
In an impactful manner that would lead and draw them. Price that we can get so busy with obligations and activities.
Or bad experiences that maybe we would throw ourselves from active Ministry work and when we can do that. diskin games rather than ending and dumb So, why would I want us to?
Keep ourselves asking God to give us guidance in and that area and in one of the signs that maybe we just become a spectator in the things of God. They did we attend church on a Sunday morning and a few and then we leave. Don't have our family lunch and then maybe next week maybe every other week.
Ministry work weather that is charger outside of the church, but we're not in games.
Waiting for us. At the early church congregation who had a pretty good. draw or go into hiding or cease to make themselves available. Fortunately, they didn't do that, but they didn't think that it was okay and that's fortunate for us. Because they chose to be fully engaged and chose to be available. The word tells us that the gospel continues to be freezing and Proclaim for the adults.
Anthony's Hospital
they continued and stay little long. To their destination and Phillip also continue to free.
I second the work that I see Phillip practicing his life was that he was unbelievable and what I mean by the word amiable.
verses 26 and 27 the first part of August 27th says now an angel of the Lord said to Philip go south to the road that goes
so he started out.
He was obedient not just in availability, but he was obedient and God changed his Direction. He was already involved with a nice it would have been to stay there and continue in the work of that. Ran Bible when things were nice. We started and things were going nicely, but God changed his directions.
And there was no hesitation on his part. So he started out.
He was told to go that sell on an addendum and I begin to think about that doesn't that in itself?
Cause one to pause and think about that goes Desert Rose. It is hot. You get out of the car, and it's not even my blanket. Right over you there were times when you get out of the car to get gas then and it was like a hundred and twelve degrees temperature. There's snakes out there.
But still look really went down that. and sometime when God changes the direction in our life and he tells us this is the way walk. Ye in it. This is the road. I want you to go. If not, it's not always repeating. It's not always the most
talking about
philophobia God and
War of connection for him. He came in contact with just happened to be an individual. Ravens score and Queen Candace in Ethiopia in the palace Philip was giving it a chance. Tonight chest impact City this time but he was given an opportunity to impact an entire country. Phillips willingness to be amiable into 83rd B work
be aware and alert versus 27 at the end of verses 27 to 30 says this and on his way. He met an Ethiopian eunuch. official in charge of all the treasury of Candice
this man has gone to jail. And I'm on his way home was sitting in his chair.
Spiritual Philip go to that. And stay here.
Do you understand what you are reading so fast? See Philip was actually aware of another individual. Sometimes we become so busy. And life does get busy. I know. Sometimes we get so busy and wrapped up in those things that we become on our way. An individuals that are around us that God.
so that we can
we forget about God's call on our life and to see people and their needs.
Also aware of something else on that desert road. He was also aware of the presence of the Holy Spirit and God allowed him to the nearest physician for the next task that God had her fill of Ghana open the door.
Ethiopian eunuch and a very practical way there. It was attached when they offered to help him and sometimes. Sign up for some time when we have an opportunity to witness. Sometimes we could do it in a way.
And in going for the attack.
information invitations and and all sorts of things that are kind of
and we're not leaving the need. Is at hand and he was aware of the spirit.
Listen to the Holy Spirit.
Ethiopian eunuch was trying to read scripture. See there was something that he had heard that in the first place to worship. cute picture about Jesus And he had seen you on.
To worship and something was still stirring inside of him.
the Jewish scripture and he doesn't understand that. Because Philip was aware of the war. and because he
the scripture says that he bombard him. He didn't Russia waited for the opportune time for the door to be opened any help.
What you're reading?
Philip pillow on able to share the gospel message about Jesus Christ because of the passage in Isaiah that he was
syllable ran to fulfill his call. have to wonder if it's because he couldn't wait to see what was in the store after his dad experienced and Samaria and he was part of a great place. I'm not sure what was going through the heart and mind of a Philip. But I want to get his example in my life and I'm certain that I am aware of individuals.
and then I take the time to we're at the presence of can I hear the instructions that you speaking to me? And I will run to that place of obedience that you send me to.
Is the willingness to be aware and the word allows Philip to lead a man to face his face in Jesus Christ.
a new life in Christ began that day
it was able to take him back to the Palace. and it was because
being aware and alert. From the research that I did it looks as though. When this man went back to his country they need again that happened. He it looks as though he began to share his faith and one site that I went to and was reading about Queen Kansas even suggest that there is a strong possibility that she too was converted and put her faith and trust in Jesus Christ and I was researching and saw that and who are Christian Put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ and a half a dozen of all go back to that day and waited for an opportunity to get into that area and share the gospel. with this band
will be work that I want to look at today.
Verses 39 and 47th when they came up out of the water.
When they came up out of the water the spirit of the Lord suddenly took still away and the unit did not see him again. Went on his way rejoicing. I want to play.
there was a definite change that have
he wasn't sad that this person who let him. Awards and who was his mentor during this time was all the sudden taken out of the equation and he felt like old with me and that was his crutches know his age was Jesus Christ. His life have been changed. He put his faith and trust in Jesus Christ. And he went away rejoicing because of the new life that he had found that day.
Appeared in travel about preaching the gospel in all the towns until he reached.
A person engaging in God's call will always be amazed.
So what's up with supernatural being teleported? It doesn't get much more amazing than the Hat. When I was watching that football.
What's the weather?
I don't know. We'll have to wait until we're on the other side of Eternity. For certain would be a good question to ask. Or ask Donald to get there.
the gospel message as he continued to be engaged and act.
Employee engaged in active Ministry always leads back to a place of praise and worship. And I will always causes to be totally amazed at what God.
Is doing screw up by the power.
Alyssa would you come? And as Alyssa is coming. I want to share something about her. She has no idea that I am going to say this.
a few weeks ago she texted me about something that happened here in the church parking lot that she was a part of and I was very very impressed invited to share this with you today. But after one of four Thursday night or practices it was playing and she went out to her. and there were people out there not church people but but other people and some
for small children
So she took her time and she began to talk with these people who were in our church parking lot. Pokemon
Alyssa didn't criticize them.
That was not even first and foremost in her mind what she saw on the soles of his people.
Brought here to our church property doesn't matter what it was that threw them here, whether it was Pokemon or some other, you know activity that we may have had. Matter was that they would have gone to our church.
Make yourself available.
She put aside the time. That she needed to get home to her family. She herself available to God.
tired at night sacrifice for time
she was aware.
What the people?
See God wants to work.
What's more important is the nearest?
of those people
the word on their hearts
She asked me what you pray.
What I watched my son's football game. 3 weeks ago just watching him.
I was watching the entire team. I was even watching.
What is the things that I know?
when the team
They replaced please make themselves available to get in their position that they would respond. So that they can be ready to go forward in their play and the coach had resigned. The coaches were very place. I can tell when they were unbelievable to their instructions and training.
What is Katie players were aware and alert as to what was going on? What each person what each player is doing and they were unaware of emotions.
And so I ask you this. engaged are you fully engaged? In the purpose that God has a virus for you.
Let Stand Together.
We need to give him an opportunity right now for the Holy Spirit to speak to my heart. I really do.
sometimes game
Thanks. God wants us to grab our attention.
It says you know what you're here for the word for.
Respond to it.
I want to ask a question.
Are you fully engaged?
Are you fully able to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ?
To be the Lord and superintendent your wife. Are you fully engage in trusting God every step of your life? work and wear to calling And his purpose for your for you?
sporting events a pastor
sure. I've been going through the motions, but I've not been fully engaged.
I've been more spectator.
But today I'm really sets the Holy Spirit knocking on the door of my heart saying. Today is the day to be all in. Deceased being a spectator. indicating the game Pastor remember me in your prayers that s*** you would raise your hand.
It was everywhere.
Put your hands down. I want to find out protein stores right now.