1 Sam 16 David-Gods Choice
I. Reject what God rejects – Vs. 1-5
v God instructed Samuel to pay a visit to Jesse,
v To announce one of his sons Israel’s next king.
v God rejected the most likely choice
v God was more interested in the new king’s heart than in his outward appearance (16:7)
v If God called you into his service would your heart be ready?
v God did not want another Saul (9:2)
A. See what God Sees
v Samuel did not learn this lesson.
v God passed by seven of Jesse’s sons
v God choose David, the youngest, to be his king
v Another example of the older serving the younger (Gen. 25:19–26).
v David would have been about 17 at the time.
v Sometimes we try to run ahead of God.
v The heart determines the Life. (Proverbs 4:23)
v Only God can see the heart.
B. Let God do the Rest
v Samuel anointed David with oil to be King (16:13).
v Messiah, the Hebrew name for Christ means “anointed one.”
v Here we have a shepherd boy anointed from working in fields to the throne.
v God took care of David; and will take care of you.
v God used David’s musical skill.
v Right music prepares the heart.
v Good music is empowered by the Sprit.
v David had nothing to fear.
C. God sees the heart
v God sees our hearts.
v god searches them as well – 1 chr 28:9
v god knows our thoughts and motives – heb 4:12-13
v we think we know our own hearts
v but we do not
v consider Jeremiah’s words in ch. 17:vs9
v we need to accept what god says about our hearts
v Christian is your heart clean before god
v do you need to confess some hidden sin to god?
how does this apply to us?
Christians should be careful not to judge others since we cannot know their hearts. sometimes things may not look right but we do not understand the circumstances.
神よ。私を探(さぐ)り、私の心を知(し)ってください。私を調(しら)べ、私の思(おも)い煩(わずら)いを知(し)ってください。 私(わたし)のうちに傷(きず)のついた道(みち)があるか、ないかを見(み)て、私(わたし)をとこしえの道(みち)に導(みちび)いてください。神様、私たちの れいてきせいちょうの さまたげになるものがあるなら それを とりさる ことができるように たすけてください。私たちの めを いつも
あなたから はなすことが ないようにしてください。あなたの みての なかで やすむ ことが できますように。けさ、 つみを しめされたなら それを あなたに
こくはくし あたなたとの まじわりを もつことができるようにしてください。
主イエスのみなにより おいのりいたします。アーメン