1 Cor 2 1-5 (4th)
きょう の メッセージ は みっつ の ポイント に ついて はなします。
I. パウロ の アプローチ -2:1-2
& Paul’s met people where they were
& Holy Spirit worked through Paul
& Are you living a Spirit filled life this morning?
& If not, put your trust in GOD.
& Share your testimony about what God has done in your life
II. にばんめ パウロ の 態度(たいど)-2:3-4
& Christ was glorified in His humility and death.
& Paul was a humble servant
& God uses humble people not proud people.
& The H. S. changes lives
III. さんばんめ パウロ の 目的(もくてき) -2:5
& Those who are well have no need of a physician
& ルーか5:31-32 イエスさま, I have not come to call the righteous, but the sinners, to repentance” (Luke 5:31, 32).
& Jesus passes those who think they have it all together.
& Jesus reaches out to those who need a physician.
& No one is righteous enough to stand before a Holy God.
& Jesus came into this world, to restore people to God.
& Christ gives us the power to overcome sin.
はかりがたい 神 の ちえ (すばらし です ね!)