01-GENESIS 12:07
Date: 1/6/1990
Keywords: reality, worship
"And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land: and there builded he an altar unto the LORD, who appeared unto him."
Worship is always predicated by some kind of revelation, that is, true worship. The people of Athens "worshipped" the unknown god, but it was not worship "in spirit and in truth."
Abraham received from God:
a word - "Get thee out..."
a promise - "I will make of thee a great nation..."
a future - "I will make thy name great..."
a hope - "In thee all families of the earth be blessed..."
great wealth - "... and all their substance..."
courage - "and the Canaanite was then in the land..."
an inheritance - "unto thy see will I give this land..."
and most important, a vision of Himself.
Any worship based on other than this foundation cannot be worship. It may well be fantasy. Real worship not only acknowledges the Word but obeys it, relying ong the promises and acting in faith believing God will keep them. Real faith sees all one has is from God. Faith also can walk into enemy territory and be secure, knowing this God who led me here will not only keep me safe, He will give to me that which the enemy holds -- not because I need it but that God will use me to secure it for Himself.
No wonder Abraham worshipped. This God is worthy of worship. He is mighty to perform His Word.
TODAY: Kari is calling the relatives for addresses and in her conversations with Bob and Carolyn she is opening up, being vulnerable. Bob wants me to call her. God says submit (later Bob realized how careful we need to be with that family in offering what may not be appreciated). I also realize "the land is full of Canaanites -- but that I can give that land to the Lord, go in without fear if that is His desire - and worship there, that He can do mighty things in that land.
Oswald Chambers says worship, waiting, working are not three separate activities but all fused together. He is right. when my sense of worship is over all, whether study, activity, or anything, I find my study deepens worship and forms foundations for my work, and when my work is considered as I worship God and wait on Him, then I am operating as a triune being -- the very thing God intended when He created me.
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