A lesson in persistence
A lesson in persistence Luke 18:1-8
· How often should we pray? How long do we ask God for a particular thing? Pharisees taught three times per day is sufficient (more is annoying God)
o Paul asks 3 times for his ‘thorn in the flesh’ to be taken away
The parable
· a widow demanded justice
· a fearless judge who relents
The interpretation
· to show them they should always pray and not give up
· how much more will God ...
· what sort of prayer?
o not just everyday supplication
o ... bring about justice for His chosen ones
The problem
· suffering & injustice
o after the kingdom has been proclaimed
o why doesn't God answer His chosen, who cry out day & night?
· quickly
o Immediately or soon?
o suddenly?
o surely?
· but will He find faith on the earth?
o Not just God’s response being judged, also humanity’s
o The coming of God’s justice is only good news to the faithful
· Teaching not just about prayer, but our attitude as we await His coming