Offering God Less than Your Best - Mal 1 6-10 - 01-07-07 handout
"Offering God Less than Your Best"
Inland Manor Baptist Church
Hobart, IN; 1-7-07 am
Malachi 1:6-10
- “Trying to Do the Job Alone” Illustration
- Two verses from Deuteronomy: 6:2; & 6:5.
I. The Charge of ___________________ - Malachi 1:6-9
A. Disrespect for _________________
1. God felt He should receive honor as their God just like they normally would for
others they respected.
2. God was like a Father to Israel: Ex. 4:22; Isaiah 63:16; 64:8; Hosea 11:1
3. Where is God’s honor?
4. God then accuses the _________________ who were responsible for the
religious atmosphere in Israel.
B. The Motivation behind the Disrespect for _______________
1. They offered defiled __________________ - vs. 7
2. They offered defiled _________________ - vs. 8
3. There was a lack of _________________ - vs. 9
II. The Confusion of their Attempted _______________ - Malachi 6:10
A. Their worship was ____________________ by God
B. It Would be Just as Wrong for a ___________________ to Offer God Anything
Less than His Best.
CONCLUSION: Are you guilty of offering God less than your best?